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Nintendo Press Conference Chat Log

Page 5

by Mike Gamin - July 17, 2008, 8:25 am EDT

Relive the roller coaster of emotions experienced by several staff and forum members during the Nintendo press conference.

(1:13:41 PM) Jon Lindemann: Denethor from Lord of the Rings

(1:13:42 PM) Greg Leahy: as in I want to light myself on fire and run off a steep drop feeling

(1:13:48 PM) Nick DiMola: man that was just crap

(1:13:48 PM) RABicle: look how dissapointed the crowd is

(1:13:48 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i do!

(1:13:50 PM) Athrun Zala: XD

(1:13:52 PM) Mike Gamin: I'm sick to my damn stomach

(1:13:52 PM) Jon Lindemann: commits suicide by jumping off of a cliff

(1:13:54 PM) vudu: lol.

(1:13:57 PM) vudu: nice.

(1:13:58 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i was wondering what that feeling was...

(1:13:58 PM) stevey: Don't leave, New Zelda with Girl link coming!!

(1:14:08 PM) Athrun Zala: completely disappointed

(1:14:15 PM) bustin98: well, thank you nintendo for wasting an hour and a half of my time

(1:14:16 PM) Neal Ronaghan: well, at least rock band 2 looks really good...for xbox 360...

(1:14:18 PM) Mike Gamin: i don't understand how they could advertise that there would be something big for the core gamers

(1:14:35 PM) Jon Lindemann: seriously

(1:14:37 PM) RABicle: the whole Cammy smiles a lot must be an office in joke

(1:14:47 PM) Neal Ronaghan: well, they thought super sluggers was a core game, pale

(1:14:47 PM) vudu: it's too early to give up hope completely, but it doesn't look good.

(1:14:55 PM) stevey: Where's Pikmin, F zero, Luigi Masion???

(1:15:01 PM) Nick DiMola: DEAD

(1:15:04 PM) Jon Lindemann: the only remotely hardcore games announced were Call of Duty World at War (already known) and GTA for DS

(1:15:10 PM) Greg Leahy: only chance now is a Smash Bros Brawl circa 2006-style thing where they show something at a little side event

(1:15:17 PM) RABicle: yeah

(1:15:18 PM) Nick DiMola: yeah i agree Greg

(1:15:24 PM) Jon Lindemann: not gonna happen

(1:15:34 PM) Greg Leahy: wouldn't want USA Today finding out there's core games on the Wii


(1:15:40 PM) Jon Lindemann: hahaha

(1:15:44 PM) RABicle: lol ign hae cut the feed in disgust

(1:15:48 PM) Nick DiMola: lol

(1:15:49 PM) RABicle: soemone shoulda done that

(1:15:52 PM) vudu: can't say i blame them.

(1:15:54 PM) RABicle: if I was 1up I would cut it

(1:16:00 PM) vudu: when's sony's conf?

(1:16:02 PM) RABicle: "I'm not stayign for this bull**** and neither are you"

(1:16:05 PM) Jon Lindemann: 2:30est

(1:16:06 PM) RABicle: in 2 hours

(1:16:06 PM) Greg Leahy: if Grandma finds out about Metroid Prime 3, she'll never buy Wii Sports Resort

(1:16:15 PM) vudu: so less than an hour and a half?

(1:16:22 PM) Neal Ronaghan: yep

(1:16:24 PM) Jon Lindemann: for real, what the **** is Retro doing these days?

(1:16:26 PM) Nick DiMola: we should keep this open for sony

(1:16:31 PM) vudu: anyone staying for that?

(1:16:36 PM) Neal Ronaghan: well, i hate to say it but microsoft's press conference was better than this

(1:16:42 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i'll stay for it

(1:16:51 PM) Jon Lindemann: MP3 surely went gold early November of last year

(1:16:53 PM) Nick DiMola: that doesnt say much for either

(1:16:54 PM) Neal Ronaghan: might be late cuz i'm gonna go on lunch around 2, but i'll be here for it

(1:17:16 PM) Les Thomas left the room.

(1:17:17 PM) vudu: i'm going to go wander off and do some work (and check the forums) but i'll be back for sony.

(1:17:21 PM) Greg Leahy: way before that Jon, came out in August in US

(1:17:28 PM) Nick DiMola: what vudu said

(1:17:30 PM) Nick DiMola: im doing that

(1:17:49 PM) RABicle: well I hope you can find some good clips of our dissapointment Pale

(1:18:20 PM) Jon Lindemann: oh yeah, August

(1:18:28 PM) Jon Lindemann: I was thinking something else

(1:18:35 PM) Jon Lindemann: that's right, it was Aug 22

(1:18:57 PM) Jon Lindemann: Meaning that they've been doing unknown stuff for almost a year

(1:19:13 PM) bustin98 left the room.

(1:19:14 PM) Neal Ronaghan: they said that the mario and zelda teams were doing something

(1:19:14 PM) RABicle: Well in a way it's good I ahv e nothing to obsess over and can get thiss assignment done before I fly out to Americaland

(1:19:26 PM) RABicle: hey did say hat

(1:20:43 PM) RABicle: look. one of you staffers jsut post it as news now "All sources agree, worst E3 ever"

(1:21:08 PM) Nick DiMola: seriously though, E3 is ****ing dead

(1:21:18 PM) RABicle: "Kodak ban all future Nintendo events in their theatre"

(1:21:27 PM) RABicle: just make it up

(1:21:32 PM) RABicle: make up some fun news

(1:21:44 PM) RABicle: because there was NOTHING to say from that

(1:22:30 PM) Neal Ronaghan: no suprises...

(1:22:39 PM) Neal Ronaghan: not even punch-out!!

(1:22:40 PM) Greg Leahy: mario and zelda teams doing something - how wonderful they haven't been taken out into the backyard and shot

(1:22:55 PM) Neal Ronaghan: itll be like old yeller

(1:23:12 PM) Mike Gamin: I really can't get over it. There were only two real surprises that I can think of

(1:23:20 PM) Mike Gamin: Voice Chat thingy, and GTA for DS

(1:23:23 PM) RABicle: and wtf nintendo. why didn't you tell devs about motion plus? they wont be sitting around dreaming up ways to make new games, they'll be ****ign FILTHY at you for getting a head start on them to the market

(1:23:23 PM) Neal Ronaghan: iwata will be look "yeller's gotta die" and miyamoto will be like "no pa, yeller's my dog"

(1:25:08 PM) Nick DiMola: I like how they really had nothing to show for the Wii MotionPlus thing

(1:25:14 PM) Neal Ronaghan: yea

(1:25:28 PM) Neal Ronaghan: when they showed star wars clone wars i was hoping for some kind of mention

(1:25:29 PM) Jon Lindemann: I gotta think they'll have a press event in the fall

(1:25:34 PM) RABicle: man not even new ****ing fireware

(1:25:45 PM) Jon Lindemann: because they really didn't announce any big Christmas games

(1:25:46 PM) Mike Gamin: oh god

(1:25:50 PM) RABicle: ****it. they shouldn't bother with press events anymore

(1:25:52 PM) Neal Ronaghan: alright, what do they have coming out now?

(1:25:55 PM) Mike Gamin: i just realized they didn't even talk about storage issues

(1:25:58 PM) Jon Lindemann: (note: I refuse to call Wii Music a big christmas game)

(1:26:02 PM) Neal Ronaghan: animal crossing, wii music and wii sports resort?

(1:26:05 PM) Mike Gamin: so how the hell is Guitar Hero IV gonna have DLC?

(1:26:08 PM) Neal Ronaghan: or is wii sports resort not until 2009?

(1:26:10 PM) Greg Leahy: sports is spring next year

(1:26:17 PM) Neal Ronaghan: alright, i guess i missed that

(1:26:32 PM) RABicle: but Silks. Wii Music will be the bes sellign game this Christmas

(1:26:37 PM) RABicle: you heard it here first

(1:26:48 PM) Nick DiMola: people are going to eat that **** up no doubt

(1:26:53 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i have to admit, wii music is a smart business move

(1:26:56 PM) Mike Gamin: We have to get Windy and Jonny on the phone and find out if they got invited to any "parties"

(1:26:58 PM) Neal Ronaghan: but i still don't care that much

(1:27:02 PM) Mike Gamin: as that's what happened for Smash on 06

(1:27:05 PM) RABicle: ****it, I'll probably get Wii Music

(1:27:10 PM) Neal Ronaghan: same here

(1:27:23 PM) Nick DiMola: ill get Band Bros. DX instead

(1:27:27 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i like how we're bitching about it but we're gonna buy it anyway

(1:27:43 PM) Mike Gamin: i don't think i will, unless there is some form of scoring

(1:27:53 PM) Nick DiMola: ill get the next Wii Sports

(1:27:54 PM) Mike Gamin: flailing your arms to play a bad song isn't my idea of fun

(1:28:26 PM) Neal Ronaghan: exactly

(1:28:39 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i was kinda down on the next wii sports until the sword fighting was shown

(1:28:41 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i like that

(1:28:46 PM) Jon Lindemann: I didn't buy Wii Fit, and I'm not going to buy Wii Music

(1:28:47 PM) Neal Ronaghan: yea, i'd rather play rock band than wii music

(1:29:10 PM) Mike Gamin: See Wii fit had an angle though

(1:29:15 PM) Mike Gamin: tracking yoru weight is pretty cool

(1:29:18 PM) Jon Lindemann: the only thing that intrigues me about Wii Music is if it can teach you to play drums

(1:29:20 PM) Neal Ronaghan: the balance board is cool as well

(1:29:21 PM) Mike Gamin: and the mini games are an interesting diversion

(1:29:23 PM) Neal Ronaghan: agreed

(1:29:32 PM) Mike Gamin: but i don't understand what in Wii Music would keep someone coming back

(1:29:33 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i'd rather save up for the ridiculous ion drum kit for rock band 2 though

(1:29:38 PM) Neal Ronaghan: exactly

(1:30:48 PM) Nick DiMola: yeah I have no reason to be interested in Wii Music

(1:31:02 PM) Mike Gamin: still no sign of a press kit on nintendo's site

(1:31:02 PM) Nick DiMola: im sure Nintendo is hitting the Blue Ocean crowd hard with it though

(1:31:09 PM) RABicle: acutally I'll be all over Shaun Palmer

(1:31:15 PM) RABicle: or Shuan White or whatever

(1:31:25 PM) Neal Ronaghan: shaun white, despite the carrot top resembalance, seems to be a decent game

(1:31:26 PM) Nick DiMola: Carrot Top's Snowboadring Challenge

(1:31:37 PM) Mike Gamin: Rab, what was the reaction like in the "NWR is full of negative nillies" MSN chat?

(1:31:38 PM) Neal Ronaghan: its still ubi

(1:31:38 PM) Neal Ronaghan: *ding*

(1:31:56 PM) Jon Lindemann: hahaa

(1:31:58 PM) Jon Lindemann: ok gotta go

(1:32:03 PM) Neal Ronaghan: later lindy

(1:32:10 PM) Mike Gamin: see ya

(1:32:11 PM) Nick DiMola: have a good one lindy

(1:32:24 PM) Jon Lindemann: I'll likely be back on

(1:32:25 PM) RABicle: oh god. Ian post

(1:32:33 PM) RABicle: "oh a nintendo thread!"

*ian derailment*

"what is this ****"

*rat post*

"the ****"



credits goto Inferal

(1:32:34 PM) Jon Lindemann: gotta head back to work so I can watch the Sony conference

(1:32:35 PM) Mike Gamin: what thread?

(1:32:46 PM) Jon Lindemann left the room.


(1:34:53 PM) RABicle: he's just lost the plot

(1:35:01 PM) RABicle: suddenly, after reading that, i'm upbeat on the conference

(1:35:34 PM) Nick DiMola: My wife is still watching G4 at home and she said that they talked with Reggie and stated their disappointment

(1:35:36 PM) Nick DiMola: and he responded that he doesn't understand how they can be disappointed when Iwata clearly announced that they were working on a new Zelda and Mario

(1:35:45 PM) Neal Ronaghan: haha

(1:35:53 PM) Neal Ronaghan: it didn't really sound clear

(1:35:57 PM) Nick DiMola: lol

(1:35:59 PM) Neal Ronaghan: but i'll take that with jaded optimism

(1:36:27 PM) Greg Leahy: that doesn't address the fact he specifically said to Keighley that there would be something this holiday for core gamers, I presume they're not just sitting on Galaxy 2 for this November

(1:36:46 PM) Nick DiMola: im really holding out that there is some secret party later tonight

(1:36:49 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i'm hoping for a side show or something

(1:36:56 PM) Neal Ronaghan: we'll only find out from the gang thats there

(1:36:57 PM) RABicle: what? Television game journalists actually aving balls? you're kiding!

(1:37:20 PM) Mike Gamin: My guess is they think Animal Crossing is for core gamers

(1:37:46 PM) RABicle: yeah

(1:37:49 PM) RABicle: no wait

(1:37:51 PM) RABicle: GTA DS

(1:37:53 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i mean, it kind of is

(1:37:55 PM) Nick DiMola: she just said that they just showed another interview with Microsoft asking them why they are copying everyone

(1:38:05 PM) RABicle: loool

(1:38:13 PM) Neal Ronaghan: haha

(1:38:17 PM) Nick DiMola: i wish i couldve seen that one

(1:38:20 PM) RABicle: microsofts entire ****ing business model is about copying people

(1:38:29 PM) Mike Gamin: if they do think animal crossing is for core gamers, they are still morons

(1:38:29 PM) Neal Ronaghan: truth

(1:38:31 PM) RABicle: even DOS, they didn't write it, they paid someone for it

(1:38:44 PM) Mike Gamin: regardless of arguing semantics, they have to know what the greater gaming press considers a core gamer...

(1:38:58 PM) Nick DiMola: they do, and they don't care

(1:39:00 PM) Mike Gamin: to tell them that a game like that would be present, and then to not show anything like it is just curel

(1:39:00 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i mean, are we not generally excited for animal crossing?

(1:39:08 PM) Mike Gamin: reggie should have kept his mouth shut

(1:39:10 PM) Neal Ronaghan: would we be constituted as core gamers?

(1:39:13 PM) RABicle: it's jsut more obvious now that Microsoft are copying from companies more prominent in the feild of queston

(1:39:16 PM) Mike Gamin: i'm super excited for animal crossing

(1:39:26 PM) Mike Gamin: but like i said in the forum thread

(1:39:27 PM) Neal Ronaghan: as am i

(1:39:44 PM) Mike Gamin: ending with WiiMusic is like if Microsoft ended with that crummy movie game instead of FF 13

(1:39:54 PM) Mike Gamin: think of how much we would have crucified them if they did that?

(1:39:57 PM) Neal Ronaghan: yup

(1:40:16 PM) Nick DiMola: agreed

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