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Nintendo Press Conference Chat Log

Page 4

by Mike Gamin - July 17, 2008, 8:24 am EDT

Relive the roller coaster of emotions experienced by several staff and forum members during the Nintendo press conference.

(12:51:08 PM) vudu: kairon passed out a half hour ago.

(12:51:08 PM) Mike Gamin: =P

(12:51:08 PM) bustin98: resort

(12:51:10 PM) RABicle: WAHT

(12:51:10 PM) Athrun Zala: YES

(12:51:12 PM) RABicle: Resort>?

(12:51:13 PM) RABicle: waht the ****?

(12:51:15 PM) Neal Ronaghan: wii sports resort

(12:51:18 PM) Mike Gamin: what the

(12:51:19 PM) RABicle: beach? CRICKET DO IT CRICKET


(12:51:43 PM) bustin98: they need backwards compatibility on the wii motion

(12:51:45 PM) Mike Gamin: lame

(12:51:46 PM) Mike Gamin: ONLY ONE?

(12:51:48 PM) Neal Ronaghan: yea

(12:51:48 PM) Mike Gamin: LAME

(12:51:50 PM) Neal Ronaghan: this is lame

(12:51:59 PM) Jon Lindemann: OK, fine Reggie, I'll buy your ****ing Wii Sports Resort

(12:51:59 PM) Mike Gamin: Cammy needs to get fired

(12:51:59 PM) RABicle: disc dog?

(12:52:00 PM) Mazda3Spaz: very bad

(12:52:06 PM) RABicle: what?

(12:52:07 PM) RABicle: **** this

(12:52:10 PM) Nick DiMola: seriously she sucks


(12:52:16 PM) bustin98: how many soccer moms are in the audience?? NONE!

(12:52:31 PM) Jon Lindemann: As a hardcore gamer, I am so being catered to right now

(12:52:38 PM) Nick DiMola: clearly

(12:52:40 PM) Neal Ronaghan: oh, for real

(12:52:45 PM) Mazda3Spaz: wow he knows how to sharpen his pencil...

(12:52:56 PM) RABicle: oh god she ****ed it up

(12:52:56 PM) Mike Gamin: i hope she throws the remote into the crowd

(12:52:59 PM) Nick DiMola: lol

(12:53:00 PM) Jon Lindemann: Wow, it's a Nintendogs competition

(12:53:02 PM) vudu: this woman sucks.

(12:53:05 PM) vudu: let bill do it.

(12:53:05 PM) Mike Gamin: great

(12:53:09 PM) bustin98: I'll help her practice her wrist action

(12:53:10 PM) RABicle: haha Reggie

(12:53:10 PM) Mike Gamin: they ported nintendogs

(12:53:13 PM) RABicle: keep making fun of the *****

(12:53:27 PM) Nick DiMola: Reggie will punt her dog

(12:53:28 PM) Jon Lindemann: Reggie just punch her

(12:53:34 PM) RABicle: yeah Reggie doens't give a ****!

(12:53:39 PM) vudu: a boxing game that doesn't suck?

(12:53:46 PM) Athrun Zala: waverace?

(12:53:48 PM) Jon Lindemann: Reggie ***** Slapping w/Wii MotionPlus support

(12:53:49 PM) RABicle: **** yeah Reggie got 5 points!

(12:53:50 PM) stevey: jetskii!

(12:53:53 PM) RABicle: look ow good he is!

(12:53:55 PM) Mike Gamin: jetski

(12:53:58 PM) RABicle: WHERE ARE THE WAVES?

(12:54:00 PM) RABicle: 6 ppints!

(12:54:01 PM) Neal Ronaghan: wave race?

(12:54:03 PM) Mike Gamin: "You really like that throttle, don't you Reggie?"

(12:54:10 PM) Mazda3Spaz: uhhh

(12:54:13 PM) Jon Lindemann: Wii Sports Resort? More like Wii Sports ReHASH

(12:54:26 PM) Greg Leahy: oh ba-zing

(12:54:29 PM) RABicle: dog disc would be cool if it had nintendogs support

(12:54:31 PM) stevey: fight

(12:54:32 PM) Neal Ronaghan: wii sports with no button presses

(12:54:36 PM) bustin98: 1 to 1 swords

(12:54:39 PM) Mike Gamin: i think the crowd is asleep

(12:54:47 PM) RABicle: KILL HER REGIE!

(12:55:11 PM) vudu: i hope they use this to make red steel 2 not suck.

(12:55:21 PM) Neal Ronaghan: yup

(12:55:23 PM) Nick DiMola: theyll need more than this controller for that

(12:55:25 PM) RABicle: STAB THE *****!

(12:55:39 PM) Nick DiMola: is this an American Galdiators game ala Kairon

(12:55:44 PM) Mike Gamin: Maybe it's just me, but i don't see how it's better than a normal Wii Remote

(12:55:57 PM) RABicle: **** YEAH REGGIE!

(12:55:59 PM) stevey: REGGIE KICK ***!

(12:56:00 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i guess the 1:1 stuff in the sword thing is cool

(12:56:08 PM) Mike Gamin: Whoop the annoying lady again!!!

(12:56:16 PM) vudu: REGGIE let her win.

(12:56:18 PM) RABicle: Reggie let her win

(12:56:21 PM) Mike Gamin: aw

(12:56:22 PM) RABicle: hahaha

(12:56:37 PM) vudu: he was trying to show that anyone can play this game.

(12:56:43 PM) bustin98: aw its almost over. bring on a good game

(12:56:59 PM) Mike Gamin: where are the hardcore games they advertised?

(12:57:06 PM) Mike Gamin: lindy will cry if they don't show something!

(12:57:15 PM) RABicle: It's kinda unfair that Nintendo ahven't told Devs abut wii motion pluss

(12:57:17 PM) bustin98: animal crossing is hard core, didn't you get the memo?

(12:57:18 PM) Jon Lindemann: I think part of the job description for Cammy Dunaway's job is "must be a dorky mom"

(12:57:20 PM) Mazda3Spaz: be prepared to snap at the end

(12:57:22 PM) RABicle: oh wait they did!

(12:57:24 PM) RABicle: oh no

(12:57:28 PM) RABicle: miss heard rggie

(12:57:28 PM) vudu: translation: we won't see any wiimotion games in 2008.

(12:57:39 PM) Jeff Shirley left the room.

(12:57:56 PM) RABicle: **** they could've jsut given devs Chocolate Milk and they woulda kept quiet abotu it

(12:58:00 PM) Jon Lindemann: this had better be good

(12:58:01 PM) Nick DiMola: with your "current" wii remotes

(12:58:01 PM) stevey: Zelda?

(12:58:12 PM) Mike Gamin: ...

(12:58:15 PM) RABicle: ....

(12:58:16 PM) Mike Gamin: it's killing me...

(12:58:17 PM) Nick DiMola: is Reggie leading something on there

(12:58:19 PM) bustin98: smokey

(12:58:21 PM) vudu: resort isn't coming out for 9 months. plenty of time for devs to get their shit together.

(12:58:21 PM) RABicle: Day of Delay?

(12:58:25 PM) bustin98: oh, music

(12:58:28 PM) bustin98: wii music

(12:58:29 PM) RABicle: music!

(12:58:31 PM) stevey: wiimusic

(12:58:32 PM) Jon Lindemann: Wii Music

(12:58:33 PM) Neal Ronaghan: music

(12:58:33 PM) Mike Gamin: wii music

(12:58:37 PM) Mike Gamin: that's not really hardcore either

(12:58:40 PM) Mike Gamin: thouh cool

(12:58:41 PM) Mike Gamin: :)

(12:58:48 PM) RABicle: oh god this guy's hair

(12:58:53 PM) Mike Gamin: i hope it has a track list like band bros.

(12:58:54 PM) Jon Lindemann: that's actually pretty hot, if you can literally learn how to play the drums on it

(12:58:57 PM) Nick DiMola: looks like yours rab

(12:59:01 PM) RABicle: I air drum all the time

(12:59:01 PM) vudu: balance board for foot petal.

(12:59:14 PM) Neal Ronaghan: yea, this could either be cool or awfukl

(12:59:22 PM) vudu: oh god, give me a double bass so i can play some death metal drums.

(12:59:22 PM) Mike Gamin: it doesn't sound very good

(12:59:24 PM) Mike Gamin: =P

(12:59:27 PM) Jon Lindemann: ok well, forget about that

(12:59:34 PM) stevey: Miyamoto!!!

(12:59:38 PM) bustin98: ha, no cowboy outfit

(12:59:42 PM) Nick DiMola: :(

(12:59:46 PM) RABicle: wha the ****?

(12:59:48 PM) Jon Lindemann: man, that's IT?

(12:59:49 PM) Mike Gamin: this is shiggy's baby

(1:00:05 PM) RABicle: wii mote can't simulate saxamophone

(1:00:08 PM) Jon Lindemann: ok, Wii Music is cool and all that, and USA Today will cream all over it, but christ

(1:00:11 PM) bustin98: its a jam session

(1:00:39 PM) Nick DiMola: i so dont care about this game at all

(1:00:52 PM) Mike Gamin: ....

(1:00:54 PM) RABicle: I'd like to point out I said that wii music would be all about jam sessions

(1:00:56 PM) Jon Lindemann: Wii Music is neat, nothing more

(1:01:00 PM) bustin98: what if, online jamming?

(1:01:10 PM) Jon Lindemann: RABicle = psychic

(1:01:21 PM) Myxtika1 Azn: so no skills needed to play wii music

(1:01:27 PM) Myxtika1 Azn: just motion control

(1:01:29 PM) Mazda3Spaz: port me to animal crossing please

(1:01:37 PM) Athrun Zala: Wii Music is pretty cool

(1:02:27 PM) Mike Gamin: In this game, you just flail around!

(1:02:29 PM) Mike Gamin: =P

(1:02:46 PM) RABicle: good. Rhythm games are bull**** anyway

(1:03:04 PM) RABicle: **** yeah this is air guitar the gam

(1:03:09 PM) RABicle: :o no motion plus

(1:03:11 PM) Neal Ronaghan: this is cool but its just kind of a meh cap to an underwhelming press conference

(1:03:12 PM) Jon Lindemann: In other news, Retro Studios no longer exists

(1:03:20 PM) Neal Ronaghan: srsly

(1:03:24 PM) Mike Gamin: Neither does real third party support =P

(1:03:24 PM) vudu: you sure are a negative nancy.

(1:03:31 PM) Neal Ronaghan: air guitar looks good

(1:03:32 PM) Mike Gamin: oh yeah

(1:03:37 PM) RABicle: Retro were just slaves nintendo used to bury the metroid franchise

(1:03:43 PM) RABicle: they all won their freedom

(1:03:44 PM) Greg Leahy: if this is it, I'd say Reggie reneged on the "one title this holiday that core gamers will love" quote to Geoff Keighley

(1:03:50 PM) Mike Gamin: i have to stop being negative.. i told you all i would be let down if i didn't get some Kingdom Hearts... so i pretty much knew i would be let down

(1:03:51 PM) Jon Lindemann: I bitch a lot, but really all I want is for Nintendo to do something that I don't expect

(1:03:58 PM) Nick DiMola: its been such a surprising conference so far, Wii Music and Animal Crossing no one predicted them

(1:04:07 PM) Neal Ronaghan: ha ha

(1:04:09 PM) Jon Lindemann: hahaha nice Nick

(1:04:26 PM) Jon Lindemann: Where's Yoich Wada when you need him?

(1:04:35 PM) bustin98: no announcement of a storage solution sucks

(1:04:36 PM) Nick DiMola: yeah he saved Micsrofot

(1:04:37 PM) Greg Leahy: cutting off Sony's balls?

(1:04:48 PM) Athrun Zala: agreed, the only real surprise thus far is Wii Speak

(1:04:50 PM) Nick DiMola: hahaha

(1:05:09 PM) stevey: drums of war!!!

(1:05:27 PM) RABicle: and even wii speak is more "well it's about time"

(1:05:42 PM) RABicle: oh his name is not robbie drums

(1:05:52 PM) Nick DiMola: he must play the drums

(1:05:53 PM) Mike Gamin: so far i'm not amused..i really thought WiiMusic would be like band bros.

(1:06:13 PM) Myxtika1 Azn: keep watching!

(1:06:23 PM) Jon Lindemann: drum lessons are cool

(1:06:30 PM) Jon Lindemann: oh here's the MEGATON

(1:06:42 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i'm intrigued but not at the same time

(1:06:46 PM) RABicle: I never said you were bad Miyamoto!

(1:06:48 PM) stevey: who? I kill them!!!

(1:06:58 PM) RABicle: I praised your performance!

(1:07:07 PM) vudu: miyamoto just gave a shout-out to the losers watching him online.

(1:07:31 PM) RABicle: lool I can see some *** neogaf *** already "OMG THAT WAS ME! I SAID HE SUCKED!"

(1:07:36 PM) Nick DiMola: they are going to play us a song how precious

(1:07:38 PM) RABicle: :o co op!

(1:07:43 PM) Athrun Zala: XD

(1:08:09 PM) RABicle: 5 player?

(1:08:10 PM) Mike Gamin: Wait

(1:08:11 PM) bustin98: six players

(1:08:13 PM) RABicle: 6 plauyer?

(1:08:13 PM) Mike Gamin: that's too many wii motes

(1:08:15 PM) RABicle: **** yeah!

(1:08:18 PM) vudu: he said four max.

(1:08:21 PM) vudu: don't get your hopes up.

(1:08:35 PM) Nick DiMola: HAHAHA

(1:08:37 PM) bustin98: six on screen

(1:08:40 PM) Jon Lindemann: wow how fake

(1:08:45 PM) Athrun Zala: LOL XD

(1:08:52 PM) Mike Gamin: is there even a score?

(1:08:57 PM) Mike Gamin: or is it just get out and shake around?

(1:08:59 PM) Jon Lindemann: worst Nintendo E3 press conference ever

(1:09:01 PM) Neal Ronaghan: probably not

(1:09:03 PM) Nick DiMola: i need an animated gif on this as an avatar

(1:09:04 PM) Neal Ronaghan: agreed

(1:09:07 PM) vudu: your ears tell you how well you played.

(1:09:07 PM) RABicle: how much you wanna bet that that the game jsut has a built in ninendo song and you jsut jam about like a clown?

(1:09:19 PM) Nick DiMola: i bet thats true rab

(1:09:33 PM) bustin98: I don't, they are starting to suck at the song

(1:09:47 PM) stevey: Drunkness simulater

(1:09:52 PM) Mike Gamin: this is painful

(1:09:52 PM) vudu: who would win in a fight--these guys or microsoft's eyetoy rip-offs from yesterday?

(1:09:58 PM) Mike Gamin: it doesn't even sound good

(1:09:59 PM) Mike Gamin: :-/

(1:10:00 PM) Nick DiMola: lol

(1:10:04 PM) RABicle: not as painful as Microsoft Eye toy was

(1:10:16 PM) Nick DiMola: unifying theme of this year

(1:10:21 PM) Nick DiMola: look like an ***hole on stage


(1:10:23 PM) RABicle: embarrass gamers

(1:10:24 PM) Neal Ronaghan: haha

(1:10:29 PM) Nick DiMola: wonder what sony is going to do

(1:10:37 PM) stevey: fail

(1:10:40 PM) Myxtika1 Azn: i took a day off from work for this crap?

(1:10:45 PM) RABicle: looool

(1:10:47 PM) Jon Lindemann: WiiSpeak is the only cool thing announced

(1:10:52 PM) Nick DiMola: GTA DS

(1:10:56 PM) Neal Ronaghan: yea

(1:11:05 PM) Neal Ronaghan: wii sports resort looks stupid besides the swords

(1:11:08 PM) Jon Lindemann: I would be impressed if I didn't already have it for 360

(1:11:08 PM) Mike Gamin: I think the only thing I'm truly excited about is the voice chat...

(1:11:08 PM) vudu: but they didn't even tell us if it was 2D or 3D.

(1:11:09 PM) RABicle: GTA DS can goto hell

(1:11:20 PM) Jon Lindemann: word, tell'em rab

(1:11:24 PM) RABicle: Call of Duty had nice graphics

(1:11:37 PM) Jon Lindemann: yes

(1:11:40 PM) Nick DiMola: to conclude this E3 sucked

(1:11:42 PM) RABicle: to conclude?

(1:11:46 PM) Neal Ronaghan: it ain't over yet

(1:11:50 PM) Jon Lindemann: let's be honest - this is the worst Nintendo E3 press conference eer

(1:11:50 PM) Mike Gamin: they better have one more thing

(1:11:51 PM) Jon Lindemann: ever

(1:11:51 PM) vudu: here it comes.

(1:11:54 PM) RABicle: ahhaha

(1:11:56 PM) vudu: give us a new design.

(1:11:57 PM) bustin98: how about 'harddrive'

(1:12:03 PM) RABicle: ahah Reggie making fun of fads

(1:12:11 PM) Nick DiMola: haha make fun of microsoft

(1:12:15 PM) Neal Ronaghan: oh my god

(1:12:21 PM) RABicle: remebre last eyar guys, smas bros wsn't in the conference

(1:12:22 PM) vudu: get ready.

(1:12:23 PM) Neal Ronaghan: no final announcement?

(1:12:53 PM) bustin98: ds iphone

(1:12:53 PM) vudu: in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

(1:13:04 PM) bustin98: ugh

(1:13:08 PM) Nick DiMola: FAIL

(1:13:10 PM) vudu: * THUNK *

(1:13:12 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i'm waiting...

(1:13:15 PM) Athrun Zala: wha_

(1:13:16 PM) bustin98: blue balls

(1:13:17 PM) stevey: Nooooooooooooo

(1:13:18 PM) Greg Leahy: anyone getting that Denethor feeling?

(1:13:23 PM) RABicle: Reggie better **** her

(1:13:23 PM) Mike Gamin: christ

(1:13:27 PM) vudu: denethor?

(1:13:33 PM) Jon Lindemann: yes

(1:13:33 PM) Neal Ronaghan: this was awful

(1:13:40 PM) RABicle: well... no *********

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