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Nintendo Press Conference Chat Log

Page 2

by Mike Gamin - July 17, 2008, 8:20 am EDT

Relive the roller coaster of emotions experienced by several staff and forum members during the Nintendo press conference.

(12:13:25 PM) stevey entered the room.

(12:13:27 PM) RABicle: where is Akari Hayami?

(12:13:27 PM) Athrun Zala: 1080 :yey:

(12:13:28 PM) Mike Gamin: hah

(12:13:35 PM) Jeff Shirley (Staff Writer): LOL No

(12:13:35 PM) bustin98: carrot top isnt looking as buff as he used to

(12:13:38 PM) Mike Gamin: :insert carrot top joke::

(12:13:42 PM) Athrun Zala: another name, but still XD

(12:13:45 PM) Mazda3Spaz: lol

(12:13:49 PM) vudu: is his laugh iritating anyone else?

(12:13:52 PM) vudu: heh heh heh

(12:13:55 PM) vudu: heh heh heh

(12:13:58 PM) vudu: heh heh

(12:14:01 PM) Nick DiMola: man he sucks

(12:14:06 PM) ShyGuy: exclusive for wii, lololol

(12:14:08 PM) bustin98: oh no, shawn white looks like carrot top

(12:14:14 PM) Mike Gamin: i like his bare feet

(12:14:16 PM) Nick DiMola: time to get a haircut dude

(12:14:20 PM) Mike Gamin: they should have made him wear booties

(12:14:21 PM) Les Thomas: they must be related

(12:14:21 PM) RABicle: he looks lieka ******

(12:14:30 PM) Flames_of_chaos: what the hell g4s had iwata

(12:14:32 PM) RABicle: especially with smile lady Cammy looking manlyer than him

(12:14:38 PM) Nick DiMola: hahaha

(12:14:43 PM) Les Thomas: brb, smk break

(12:14:48 PM) ShyGuy: Cammie is a street fighter though, she has to be tough

(12:14:48 PM) Athrun Zala: lol

(12:15:00 PM) Neal Ronaghan: shaun white actually doesn't look awful...hopefully it'll be like 1080

(12:15:02 PM) Flames_of_chaos: on g4 iwata is on!

(12:15:07 PM) Neal Ronaghan: not the person, the game

(12:15:13 PM) RABicle: needs Akari Hayami

(12:15:20 PM) Nick DiMola: its too bad she can crash into a tree in real life while virtually snowboarding

(12:15:21 PM) Flames_of_chaos: ign and g4 have different casts

(12:15:23 PM) RABicle: and Riky Winterborn

(12:15:33 PM) Neal Ronaghan: yea, g4's ahead

(12:15:34 PM) bustin98: ubi is doing it, right? I don't have high hopes for th egame

(12:15:45 PM) Mike Gamin: so basically you don't have to do anything to play this game?

(12:15:49 PM) vudu: think she's really doing this or was it pre-recorded?

(12:16:02 PM) Flames_of_chaos: iwata is talking about changing paradigm

(12:16:05 PM) Nick DiMola: she practiced for a week


(12:16:18 PM) Athrun Zala: lol at the faces she's making xD

(12:16:18 PM) bustin98: quiet scion :P

(12:16:20 PM) Mike Gamin: stop witht he spoilers non IGN people =P

(12:16:27 PM) Nick DiMola: bye carrot top

(12:16:32 PM) Mike Gamin: good riddance

(12:16:36 PM) RABicle: Bye Shaun!

(12:16:43 PM) RABicle: year end!

(12:16:44 PM) ShyGuy: ff13 exclusive to the wii /spoilers

(12:16:49 PM) vudu: IWATA TIME

(12:16:51 PM) RABicle: IWATA TIME!

(12:16:52 PM) Nick DiMola: Iwata!

(12:17:05 PM) bustin98: he hasn't aged a day

(12:17:06 PM) Mike Gamin: seriously, if we don't get some reggie action, i'll be pissed

(12:17:09 PM) Flames_of_chaos: shawn white timed exclusive?

(12:17:09 PM) RABicle: You're welcom iwata!

(12:17:10 PM) Athrun Zala: iwata!!

(12:17:24 PM) RABicle: paradigm? Iwata don't you knwo that's my cue to stop listneing!

(12:17:35 PM) ShyGuy: dang it I have to go to work in a minute

(12:17:44 PM) Flames_of_chaos: basically nintendo's "non games" are selling for the long term

(12:17:53 PM) Flames_of_chaos: hence the I play for myself campaign

(12:18:23 PM) RABicle: Iwata's english has improved a lot

(12:18:26 PM) Nick DiMola: i play with myself campaign?

(12:18:29 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i feel like they're almost saying "well screw it, we have these games out that are selling really well...so no new games!"

(12:18:41 PM) Mike Gamin: I'm falling asleep!

(12:18:45 PM) Flames_of_chaos: the one with the big stars playing DS games

(12:18:51 PM) RABicle: WE WANT REGGIE!

(12:18:53 PM) Neal Ronaghan: my co-worked next to me is actually asleep

(12:18:55 PM) Nick DiMola: don't worry Reggie is about to smash through the wall

(12:18:56 PM) Neal Ronaghan: *co-worker


(12:19:01 PM) Mike Gamin: scion apparently enjoys spoiling the future =P

(12:19:41 PM) Flames_of_chaos: because PS3 is a futureproof device ;)

(12:19:44 PM) vudu: what was that "western term"?

(12:19:44 PM) Flames_of_chaos: jk jk

(12:19:51 PM) vudu: i have a hard time understanding him sometimes.

(12:19:53 PM) RABicle: evergreen

(12:19:59 PM) RABicle: because in japan trees turn pink

(12:20:04 PM) vudu: i've never heard that term in my life.

(12:20:09 PM) RABicle: I have

(12:20:19 PM) Flames_of_chaos: i reverted to watching the IGN one so pale doesnt ban me :)

(12:20:19 PM) RABicle: Evergreen trees arn't seasonal

(12:20:22 PM) vudu: it's a tree; it's not a term.

(12:20:27 PM) RABicle: jsut like how mario kart sells forever

(12:20:38 PM) stevey: G4 died!!!

(12:20:42 PM) RABicle: subliminal confirmation of new zelda and mario?

(12:20:52 PM) Neal Ronaghan: perhaps

(12:21:04 PM) vudu: but the current ones will sell forever. no need to make new games.

(12:21:08 PM) ShyGuy: pimping GHIII sales /nobigspoiler

(12:21:20 PM) ShyGuy: time work :(

(12:21:26 PM) ShyGuy left the room.

(12:21:29 PM) RABicle: **** I should jsut look for porn instead

(12:21:33 PM) RABicle: my ***** isn't erect yet

(12:21:43 PM) Neal Ronaghan: 15 minutes in and nothing but shaun white exclusive

(12:21:50 PM) Mike Gamin: RABicle, making things unpostable on the site since 2008.

(12:21:51 PM) vudu: that chic with the red hair on the snow board was cute.

(12:21:56 PM) Nick DiMola: lol

(12:21:57 PM) Mike Gamin: =P

(12:22:12 PM) RABicle: nah pale post it all all but jsut censor absolutely everything i type, it'll be lol

(12:22:22 PM) Athrun Zala: xD

(12:22:27 PM) RABicle: like


****** and then ****"

(12:22:48 PM) RABicle: nah jsut take highlights

(12:22:49 PM) bustin98: shut up and bring on the games

(12:22:52 PM) Mike Gamin: snoozefest.....

(12:22:53 PM) vudu: IWATA, i love you, but you're boring.

(12:22:59 PM) RABicle: liek when Wii Sports 2 is announced, jsut tke the bit of us all going wild

(12:23:08 PM) Nick DiMola: this isn't a stockholder meeting Iwaa

(12:23:21 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i feel like this is going somewhere good

(12:23:25 PM) Neal Ronaghan: but i just want to get

(12:23:30 PM) Neal Ronaghan: and scion, don't ruin it

(12:23:41 PM) Flames_of_chaos: im not on g4 you jerks :P

(12:23:46 PM) RABicle: yeah like how foreplay isa waste of time until you get to teh ***

(12:23:50 PM) Myxtika1 Azn entered the room.

(12:23:51 PM) bustin98: scion switched

(12:23:52 PM) RABicle: which itself is mostly a waste of time until the ******

(12:23:57 PM) RABicle: nintendo need to skip to the ******

(12:23:59 PM) Flames_of_chaos: g4 was spazzing out during the MS conference

(12:24:08 PM) Neal Ronaghan: ok

(12:24:24 PM) vudu: aren't you like 14? have you even seen a ****?

(12:24:32 PM) bustin98: lol

(12:24:38 PM) RABicle: I'm 21!

(12:24:45 PM) Nick DiMola: thats 14 + 7

(12:24:46 PM) Flames_of_chaos: im 21

(12:24:48 PM) vudu: well you look like a kid.

(12:24:56 PM) bustin98: he *********** to the internet. he knows what an ****** is

(12:25:02 PM) Athrun Zala: lol xD

(12:25:10 PM) RABicle: Perth sources its water form the fountin of youth

(12:25:14 PM) Nick DiMola: this chat transcript needs to go on the front page

(12:25:19 PM) Mike Gamin: he's concluding!

(12:25:21 PM) Mike Gamin: hurray!

(12:25:26 PM) Nick DiMola: about damn time

(12:25:28 PM) vudu: so he also thinks it's kosher to finish up on the girl's face?

(12:25:28 PM) RABicle: yes shut up iwata!

(12:25:51 PM) RABicle: last time I ahd *** I didn't even reach ******. Felt so lame

(12:25:52 PM) Mike Gamin: user created content?

(12:26:02 PM) bustin98: what? no announcements?

(12:26:15 PM) bustin98: what the **** was that?

(12:26:17 PM) stevey: Animal Crossing on wii 2008!

(12:26:18 PM) Mazda3Spaz: wii animal crossing looks really cool

(12:26:20 PM) Nick DiMola: **** YES

(12:26:21 PM) Mike Gamin: stevey

(12:26:24 PM) Neal Ronaghan: animcal crossing city folk!

(12:26:24 PM) Mike Gamin: no freaking spoilers

(12:26:24 PM) RABicle: I'm seeinga lot of HOLY SITS on piechat

(12:26:26 PM) Myxtika1 Azn: wii microphone?

(12:26:32 PM) Mike Gamin: if you aren't watching IGN, be quiet until we say something :)

(12:26:32 PM) Myxtika1 Azn: wii speak

(12:26:39 PM) Mazda3Spaz: ....:-(

(12:26:45 PM) Flames_of_chaos: i see animal crossing

(12:26:48 PM) Nick DiMola: I HATE EVERYONE

(12:26:49 PM) RABicle: same

(12:26:52 PM) bustin98: city folk

(12:26:58 PM) RABicle: :o City!

(12:27:00 PM) Mike Gamin: sweetness

(12:27:02 PM) Nick DiMola: get out of the future

(12:27:06 PM) Mike Gamin: Animal Crossing City Folk

(12:27:08 PM) Athrun Zala: yay!

(12:27:12 PM) RABicle: Now comon, make the whole presentation iwata walking about

(12:27:15 PM) Flames_of_chaos: city folk

(12:27:18 PM) Mike Gamin: Looks just like every other animal crossing game

(12:27:19 PM) Mike Gamin: LAME

(12:27:26 PM) RABicle: DS port :)

(12:27:26 PM) Mike Gamin: and no Mii usage?

(12:27:28 PM) Mike Gamin: also lame

(12:27:36 PM) bustin98: bunny egg?

(12:27:43 PM) Mazda3Spaz: but you can send messages

(12:27:49 PM) Mazda3Spaz: in game

(12:27:50 PM) Flames_of_chaos: atleast it isnt as boring as avatars or home

(12:27:52 PM) RABicle: oh ****. heard the door opena d shut

(12:27:53 PM) vudu: i've never played animal crossing in my life. i'm afraid of it.

(12:27:58 PM) bustin98: oh, a city like hub

(12:28:00 PM) Myxtika1 Azn: but you can use yor mii's face

(12:28:01 PM) Nick DiMola: yay gyros are back

(12:28:02 PM) RABicle: mum is mad that she had to let the cat in

(12:28:02 PM) Mike Gamin: ooh, animal crossing city

(12:28:08 PM) Mike Gamin: auction?

(12:28:11 PM) Mike Gamin: that's very MMO like

(12:28:16 PM) Mike Gamin: this stuff is very cool

(12:28:24 PM) Flames_of_chaos: store front

(12:28:28 PM) Flames_of_chaos: yeah

(12:28:30 PM) vudu: didn't someone give that suggestion in bill's thread?

(12:28:32 PM) bustin98: mii masks

(12:28:39 PM) RABicle: I hope I can ge my hosuemates into this game, otehrwise, no sale

(12:28:41 PM) Mike Gamin: ok

(12:28:44 PM) Flames_of_chaos: pale stop coming to conclusions :P

(12:28:45 PM) RABicle: wii mesage baord!

(12:28:46 PM) Mike Gamin: i guess there are masks

(12:28:52 PM) RABicle: to Reggie!

(12:28:53 PM) Mike Gamin: seems silly though, they should just let you be your Mii

(12:28:56 PM) RABicle: What's he sending reggie?

(12:28:57 PM) bustin98: yes

(12:29:00 PM) bustin98: wii speak?

(12:29:01 PM) RABicle: LIST OF NAMES???

(12:29:02 PM) Nick DiMola: UES

(12:29:03 PM) Nick DiMola: YES

(12:29:04 PM) RABicle: :O:O

(12:29:04 PM) vudu: wow.

(12:29:09 PM) vudu: unexpected.

(12:29:10 PM) Mike Gamin: oh crap

(12:29:12 PM) Nick DiMola: i cant believe this ****

(12:29:14 PM) Neal Ronaghan: voice chat?

(12:29:14 PM) Mike Gamin: VOICE CHAT

(12:29:15 PM) RABicle: **** YEAH *****!

(12:29:18 PM) Nick DiMola: what about the pedophiles?

(12:29:20 PM) Flames_of_chaos: thats awesome

(12:29:25 PM) Mike Gamin: Freaking awesome

(12:29:27 PM) vudu: i think i'd prefer a headset.

(12:29:30 PM) RABicle: fishing contest? lame

(12:29:31 PM) Neal Ronaghan: this is looking pretty cool

(12:29:38 PM) RABicle: Why isn't Reggie winning?

(12:29:38 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i dunno, i kinda like the community microphone thing

(12:29:39 PM) Mike Gamin: time for a new release of Mario Kart and Smash =P

(12:29:42 PM) Athrun Zala: voice chat = awesome

(12:29:54 PM) Flames_of_chaos: its probably a USB device

(12:29:55 PM) Mike Gamin: how are they gonna handle echo's if it sits on your tv?

(12:30:02 PM) Flames_of_chaos: i hope they include it with animal crosing

(12:30:03 PM) Athrun Zala: weird that it isn't a headset though...

(12:30:07 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i'd assume theyd figure it out

(12:30:19 PM) RABicle: mics can cut echos and ambient noise well these days

(12:30:31 PM) RABicle: well this looks like a real worthwhile upgrade but **** those graphics

(12:30:40 PM) Mike Gamin: yeah graphics are lame

(12:30:43 PM) Mike Gamin: but i'm still super excited

(12:30:44 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i'm calling a kind of obvious prediction for animal crossing in mid-november

(12:30:46 PM) Flames_of_chaos: maybe its like the PS eye multi array mic

(12:30:46 PM) Nick DiMola: yeah looks like Wild World

(12:30:49 PM) Mike Gamin: i loved animal crossing on cube

(12:30:52 PM) RABicle: seriously. GCN one was a ****ign N64 port

(12:30:56 PM) RABicle: and why does it still look the same

(12:31:00 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i missed wild world, so i'm excited

(12:31:03 PM) vudu: REGGIE

(12:31:04 PM) stevey: REGGIE!

(12:31:05 PM) RABicle: that wasn't style! that was a technical limitation!

(12:31:06 PM) RABicle: REGGIE!

(12:31:07 PM) Nick DiMola: REGGIE

(12:31:09 PM) bustin98: graphics are crap on AC

(12:31:11 PM) Athrun Zala: reggie!!


(12:31:15 PM) Nick DiMola: REGGIE

(12:31:15 PM) Jon Lindemann (Reviews Editor) entered the room.

(12:31:18 PM) Nick DiMola: LINDY

(12:31:27 PM) Jon Lindemann: YO

(12:31:30 PM) Nick DiMola: YO

(12:31:32 PM) Mike Gamin: I want to see more animal crossing!

(12:31:32 PM) Neal Ronaghan: YO

(12:31:32 PM) Jon Lindemann: WiiSpeak WHAT WHAT

(12:31:33 PM) vudu: REGGIE > LINDY

(12:31:36 PM) RABicle: I hear d arumour that he kills an analyst on stage!

(12:31:41 PM) Nick DiMola: REGGIE > MR FREEZE

(12:31:47 PM) Flames_of_chaos: yay

(12:31:52 PM) Jon Lindemann: REGGIE'S HAIR > LINDY'S HAIR

(12:31:59 PM) Flames_of_chaos: by complete does it mean include?

(12:32:06 PM) RABicle: REGGIE'S WRIST> Cammy's Wrist

(12:32:19 PM) Jon Lindemann: man that Shaun White thing was painful to watch

(12:32:22 PM) Mike Gamin: Reggie "I are rich"

(12:32:30 PM) Neal Ronaghan: it prints money, we get it

(12:32:37 PM) vudu: good thing reggie didn't fall down snowboarding. he would have put a hole in the earth the size of arizona.

(12:32:38 PM) Nick DiMola: veteran gamers hugnry for whats next?

(12:32:39 PM) Greg Leahy: hey jon, did you see Stephen Hawking's ****ing vocoder?

(12:32:39 PM) Flames_of_chaos: peripheral mania

(12:32:46 PM) Jon Lindemann: hahahah

(12:32:53 PM) Greg Leahy: score one for IGN I guess

(12:33:02 PM) Jon Lindemann: biggest bar LOL

(12:33:06 PM) Jon Lindemann: for the retards out there

(12:33:10 PM) RABicle: DS reminds me of me

(12:33:14 PM) vudu: my bar is bigger than your bar.

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