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Nintendo Press Conference Chat Log

Page 3

by Mike Gamin - July 17, 2008, 8:22 am EDT

Relive the roller coaster of emotions experienced by several staff and forum members during the Nintendo press conference.

(12:33:16 PM) Flames_of_chaos: damn at DS

(12:33:26 PM) Neal Ronaghan: ds is absurd

(12:33:29 PM) Jon Lindemann: Nintendo: "We have the biggest bar"

(12:33:30 PM) Mike Gamin: think the new ds kotaku reported on is coming?

(12:33:38 PM) vudu: i hope so.

(12:33:41 PM) Neal Ronaghan: something new for ds is coming

(12:33:42 PM) Nick DiMola: i hope not

(12:33:43 PM) Flames_of_chaos: i doubt it

(12:33:44 PM) vudu: i'm still using my phat.

(12:33:47 PM) Nick DiMola: YES

(12:33:49 PM) Nick DiMola: phat ftw

(12:33:51 PM) vudu: i could use an upgrade.

(12:33:51 PM) Myxtika1 Azn: so we'll have to play closer to the tv when using the microphone?

(12:33:52 PM) Neal Ronaghan: yay for phat

(12:33:55 PM) Jon Lindemann: DS is owning me

(12:33:58 PM) RABicle: 12% ahead!

(12:34:09 PM) vudu: TWEWY is owning me.

(12:34:09 PM) Jon Lindemann: JAMES

(12:34:15 PM) Jon Lindemann: if only he was here

(12:34:18 PM) Mike Gamin: new metroid? Give us a new 2d metroid please :)

(12:34:27 PM) Neal Ronaghan: hey lindy, i'm here

(12:34:29 PM) Mike Gamin: aw, or talk about Crimm's favorite game

(12:34:30 PM) RABicle: 180 million Pokemon

(12:34:31 PM) Neal Ronaghan: and i know what you're talking about

(12:34:35 PM) Nick DiMola: Neal knows the pain

(12:34:39 PM) Flames_of_chaos: mystery dungeon games are awesome

(12:34:40 PM) Neal Ronaghan: ugh...

(12:34:42 PM) Nick DiMola: as I will soon

(12:34:43 PM) Jon Lindemann: hahah yes indeed

(12:34:51 PM) Flames_of_chaos: eww mario and sonic

(12:34:52 PM) Jon Lindemann: Neal + James = part of phenomenon

(12:35:11 PM) Nick DiMola: blue ocean and evergreen

(12:35:27 PM) Mike Gamin: it's e3! girls don't watch!

(12:35:28 PM) Mike Gamin: =P

(12:35:40 PM) vudu: it's a rainbow of marketing jibber jabber.

(12:35:46 PM) Nick DiMola: lol

(12:35:52 PM) Flames_of_chaos: nintendo marketing old games

(12:36:01 PM) Neal Ronaghan: alright, 30 minutes in and only an animal crossing and wii speak

(12:36:05 PM) vudu: is that third bar for ps2?

(12:36:08 PM) Jon Lindemann: yes

(12:36:10 PM) Flames_of_chaos: by now we should see player's choice come on nintendo

(12:36:17 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i guess they have a huge ego to stroke right now...

(12:36:18 PM) RABicle: these bars are pretty ****ing fancy

(12:36:20 PM) Mike Gamin: i think everyone who buys a wii now still counts as an early adopter

(12:36:22 PM) Jon Lindemann: Wii is selling on a higher pace than PS2

(12:36:24 PM) RABicle: this isn't some Excel ****

(12:36:28 PM) vudu: that's impressive.

(12:36:31 PM) Athrun Zala: love how they omitted the GC in those charts XD

(12:36:35 PM) Mike Gamin: as they are still impossible to find

(12:36:36 PM) Jon Lindemann: hahaha

(12:36:37 PM) Jon Lindemann: true

(12:36:45 PM) RABicle: ahah yeah

(12:36:46 PM) Nick DiMola: the bars are too small

(12:36:52 PM) vudu: gcn was down at the very bottom. you couldn't see it because it was empty.

(12:36:57 PM) Nick DiMola: you couldnt see them on the chart from the seats

(12:36:58 PM) Neal Ronaghan: haha

(12:36:59 PM) Flames_of_chaos: Wii bar got errected the most XD

(12:37:19 PM) Jon Lindemann: Reggie: "Let's just forget the GameCube ever existed, OK?"

(12:37:23 PM) Flames_of_chaos: and everybody complains that wii games suck

(12:37:26 PM) Mike Gamin: I want an amazing third party game please

(12:37:27 PM) Neal Ronaghan: hes such a ****ing tease!

(12:37:30 PM) Jon Lindemann: next game: Wii Fat

(12:37:31 PM) Mike Gamin: I vote for Kingdom Hearts 3

(12:37:34 PM) Mazda3Spaz: oh god....

(12:37:36 PM) Nick DiMola: Wii Chubby

(12:37:39 PM) Jon Lindemann: hahaha

(12:37:41 PM) Mazda3Spaz: no spoilers though

(12:37:45 PM) Mike Gamin: Samus = Wii Sports

(12:37:48 PM) RABicle: third parties? who cares?

(12:37:49 PM) Mike Gamin: Mario = Wii Fit

(12:37:49 PM) bustin98: majesco needs to be off that list

(12:37:56 PM) Athrun Zala: lol

(12:37:57 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i'm making sure to shut my trap because i think i'm a minute or two ahead

(12:37:58 PM) vudu: ...and all are mini game collections.

(12:38:13 PM) Jon Lindemann: right now I'm at the 3rd party stuff

(12:38:15 PM) Mike Gamin: no squeenix

(12:38:24 PM) RABicle: Well they're irrelevent

(12:38:31 PM) Mike Gamin: :(

(12:38:34 PM) Jon Lindemann: ff13 for wii

(12:38:39 PM) Flames_of_chaos: square only made 2 wii games pale

(12:38:41 PM) vudu: legendary I.P.?

(12:38:45 PM) RABicle: FF13 is all FMV

(12:38:51 PM) RABicle: so Wii could handle it

(12:38:52 PM) Flames_of_chaos: i still didnt get chocobo dungeon in the mail :(

(12:38:56 PM) Mike Gamin: i know, i want them to talk about upcoming third party games

(12:39:14 PM) Flames_of_chaos: wut

(12:39:23 PM) Athrun Zala: !

(12:39:24 PM) RABicle: lol Im guessing that number of games included minigames lolololollol

(12:39:28 PM) Mike Gamin: please please please

(12:39:29 PM) RABicle: Rayman, no one cares

(12:39:38 PM) RABicle: 1;1 please!

(12:40:02 PM) Nick DiMola: first wii motion plus game?

(12:40:03 PM) bustin98: extra little attachment?

(12:40:07 PM) Mike Gamin: i don't see little attachments

(12:40:11 PM) vudu: i don't see wiimotion on those remotes.

(12:40:15 PM) RABicle: wow those graphics are awful

(12:40:22 PM) Nick DiMola: yeah agreed

(12:40:23 PM) Jon Lindemann: **** off rayman

(12:40:26 PM) Flames_of_chaos: PS3 beating 360 no way

(12:40:26 PM) Flames_of_chaos: haha

(12:40:26 PM) Flames_of_chaos: in a nintendo bar

(12:40:26 PM) Flames_of_chaos: games

(12:40:26 PM) Flames_of_chaos left the room.

(12:40:27 PM) RABicle: of ****off Rayman

(12:40:30 PM) Mazda3Spaz: thumbs down on those 2 games

(12:40:31 PM) Nick DiMola: hey another terrible Rayman game

(12:40:34 PM) Nick DiMola: awesome

(12:40:43 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i ****ing hate rayman now

(12:40:43 PM) Mike Gamin: are these only going to be games we know about

(12:40:45 PM) Mike Gamin: that's lame

(12:41:03 PM) RABicle: i want to murder those kids. what happend tot eh awesome drumming curly haired kid?

(12:41:12 PM) bustin98: call of duty

(12:41:12 PM) RABicle: **** yeah!

(12:41:14 PM) RABicle: Call of Cuty!

(12:41:18 PM) Neal Ronaghan: call of duty looks good

(12:41:18 PM) Jon Lindemann: as a hardcore gamer, I'm so being catered to right now

(12:41:20 PM) RABicle: **** yeah check out those graphics

(12:41:22 PM) Neal Ronaghan: or at least promising

(12:41:25 PM) Athrun Zala: looking nice

(12:41:25 PM) RABicle: I've like to get my hands on that game

(12:41:26 PM) Mazda3Spaz: so wii have animal crossing, star wars, rayman?

(12:41:34 PM) Mazda3Spaz: i only like animal crossing

(12:41:36 PM) bustin98: coop?

(12:41:38 PM) Mike Gamin: heh yeah

(12:41:44 PM) Jon Lindemann: ok, that's pretty bad-ass

(12:41:45 PM) Mike Gamin: i can't wait for freaking animal crossing, let's go back to that

(12:41:47 PM) Neal Ronaghan: theres gotta be more

(12:41:47 PM) stevey: flame thrower FTW!

(12:41:53 PM) Mazda3Spaz: i agree

(12:41:56 PM) RABicle: lol get rid of the zapper you noob!

(12:42:00 PM) vudu: this is an even year, so it's going to be a ****ty CoD game, right?

(12:42:02 PM) vudu: bah.

(12:42:04 PM) Myxtika1 Azn: ii don't see the second player on the screen for cod... how is that coop????

(12:42:07 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i was waiting for 1:1 announcement for star was clone wars...

(12:42:11 PM) RABicle: LOL eah

(12:42:15 PM) Nick DiMola: wii creativity is mushrooming

(12:42:17 PM) RABicle: good point vudu

(12:42:29 PM) Nick DiMola: mushroom stamping

(12:42:54 PM) Mike Gamin: back to talking about girls....

(12:42:56 PM) Jon Lindemann: I'd like to see an age breakdown on those numbers

(12:43:16 PM) Jon Lindemann: I'm sure that 48% is all 6-year-old girls

(12:43:18 PM) RABicle: fun fact: my GRANDMOTHER bought a DS lst week

(12:43:20 PM) RABicle: she's 84

(12:43:25 PM) Mike Gamin: wow

(12:43:29 PM) Jon Lindemann: that's awesome

(12:43:36 PM) Nick DiMola: that is awesome

(12:43:43 PM) RABicle: her handles tremble yet it still reconises her numbers in Brain Training

(12:43:44 PM) Mike Gamin: great

(12:43:46 PM) vudu: was that a sudo-game annoucement?

(12:43:46 PM) Mike Gamin: new guitar hero

(12:43:50 PM) Mike Gamin: totally UNEXPECTED

(12:43:52 PM) RABicle: hands* tremble

(12:44:00 PM) Neal Ronaghan: another on tour...yay?

(12:44:11 PM) Nick DiMola: great another on tour

(12:44:20 PM) RABicle: wait.. decades?

(12:44:26 PM) RABicle: like 70s edition, 80s edition

(12:44:32 PM) Neal Ronaghan: maybe?

(12:44:34 PM) RABicle: oh no

(12:44:36 PM) Greg Leahy: oh something interesting just happened and I can't say

(12:44:36 PM) RABicle: this is the worst

(12:44:41 PM) vudu: 1930s.

(12:44:43 PM) Jon Lindemann: Space Invaders Paddle > Guitar Hero Grip

(12:44:44 PM) vudu: big band edition.

(12:44:45 PM) Nick DiMola: yeah my wife just told me too greg

(12:44:57 PM) Mike Gamin: man, this video was shot at the same time as the one on the nintendo channel

(12:44:58 PM) Nick DiMola: i didnt believe her

(12:44:59 PM) RABicle: :o!

(12:45:03 PM) RABicle: Spore!

(12:45:07 PM) Greg Leahy: I know Nick

(12:45:23 PM) vudu: i hate you guys.

(12:45:24 PM) Nick DiMola: cant wait to actually see it

(12:45:30 PM) Neal Ronaghan: i can't wait

(12:45:32 PM) vudu: how far is ign behind?

(12:45:36 PM) RABicle: how would you even kow tht pale? cool kids deleted the nitnendo channel

(12:45:41 PM) Nick DiMola: must be a couple to few minutes

(12:45:42 PM) vudu: wait.

(12:45:47 PM) Neal Ronaghan: oh ****

(12:45:47 PM) vudu: spore for wii confirmed.

(12:45:49 PM) vudu: is that new?

(12:45:50 PM) bustin98: so, everyone getting spore?

(12:45:53 PM) Nick DiMola: nope

(12:45:54 PM) RABicle: not new

(12:45:58 PM) Mike Gamin: I'll be playing Spore on my shiny new awesome imac

(12:45:58 PM) Nick DiMola: yes spore looks awesome

(12:46:00 PM) vudu: well, it's new to me.

(12:46:04 PM) RABicle: oh god pietriots tuined the next game announcement for me

(12:46:06 PM) RABicle: sounds fail

(12:46:28 PM) RABicle: :O!

(12:46:35 PM) Mike Gamin: boring Pokemon

(12:46:41 PM) RABicle: oh wait already new about PokemoN Ranger sequel

(12:46:52 PM) Nick DiMola: what a surprise Nintendo whoring more Pokemon

(12:46:53 PM) RABicle: no no it's scomign

(12:46:54 PM) RABicle: no no

(12:46:55 PM) Mike Gamin: we knew about pokemon and spore already

(12:46:56 PM) Neal Ronaghan: build up!

(12:46:56 PM) Nick DiMola: MEGATON

(12:46:56 PM) bustin98: gta

(12:46:56 PM) RABicle: NOOOO

(12:46:59 PM) vudu: now that one is new.

(12:47:00 PM) stevey: no it doesn't

(12:47:05 PM) Mike Gamin: oh crap

(12:47:06 PM) Jon Lindemann: holy ****, GTA Chinatown Wars

(12:47:07 PM) Mike Gamin: GTA ds?

(12:47:07 PM) RABicle: Chinatown? **** Chinatown where's little india?

(12:47:10 PM) Athrun Zala: o_O

(12:47:26 PM) RABicle: it's the GBA version they never finsihed, with touch screen jammed in

(12:47:26 PM) vudu: but wii is still getting the shaft on gta 4.

(12:47:41 PM) bustin98: gta on wii please

(12:47:44 PM) vudu: rub the stylus on the touch screen to run.

(12:47:50 PM) Mike Gamin: oh ****s, new DS

(12:47:56 PM) Mike Gamin: ?

(12:48:02 PM) Jon Lindemann: The DS Plane!

(12:48:06 PM) Mazda3Spaz: wii motion

(12:48:08 PM) Mike Gamin: =P

(12:48:10 PM) Nick DiMola: it already has wings

(12:48:11 PM) Myxtika1 Azn: ign is behind by about 2 minutes

(12:48:13 PM) Mike Gamin: you strap it on your back and fly!

(12:48:14 PM) RABicle: DSes built into planes?

(12:48:16 PM) bustin98: travel planner ds

(12:48:20 PM) vudu: ds gps?

(12:48:28 PM) RABicle: what? tested?

(12:48:46 PM) Jon Lindemann: At Safeco Field, Mariners fans are using the DS to track how much their team SUCKS

(12:48:52 PM) Nick DiMola: lol

(12:49:01 PM) Nick DiMola: my Mets are finally not sucking

(12:49:02 PM) Neal Ronaghan: haha

(12:49:07 PM) Neal Ronaghan: yankees :(

(12:49:10 PM) Mike Gamin: seriously, they really have that stuff!

(12:49:12 PM) Mike Gamin: seriously!

(12:49:13 PM) Nick DiMola: im sorry Neal

(12:49:13 PM) RABicle: This cooking game is awesome!

(12:49:19 PM) RABicle: I'm buying it tomorrow

(12:49:20 PM) Jon Lindemann: my God, Cammy Dunaway is SO SMILEY

(12:49:24 PM) Mike Gamin: so wait

(12:49:25 PM) RABicle: it's sweet it has like 300 recipes in it

(12:49:29 PM) Mike Gamin: what came of that airport talk?

(12:49:33 PM) Nick DiMola: she saw Reggie's ***** before the show

(12:49:39 PM) RABicle: and is totally idiot proof, every step is carefully detailed and read out

(12:49:39 PM) Jon Lindemann: yeah, they kinda glossed over that

(12:49:40 PM) Mike Gamin: hwo are we talking about cooking now?

(12:49:49 PM) vudu: ...and lived to tell about it? i think not.

(12:49:51 PM) bustin98: get off the ds

(12:49:56 PM) bustin98: get on the wii

(12:49:58 PM) Mazda3Spaz: hmm wii motion may prove it's worth

(12:49:59 PM) RABicle: LOL more like Reggie promised her

(12:50:03 PM) vudu: pull out a new ds from your pocket, damnit!

(12:50:05 PM) bustin98: uh oh

(12:50:05 PM) Nick DiMola: lol

(12:50:14 PM) Jon Lindemann: oh here's the Wii Motion money shot

(12:50:25 PM) bustin98: wii motion

(12:50:28 PM) stevey: more sexy!

(12:50:33 PM) Mike Gamin: Wii Motion Plus! We fixed stuff!

(12:50:34 PM) Nick DiMola: now with Magnum XL condom gloves

(12:50:38 PM) bustin98: tell us what games are using it

(12:50:43 PM) Mike Gamin: come on, tell us if that's a nunchuk pass through!

(12:50:46 PM) vudu: crowd is subdued today.

(12:50:55 PM) Mike Gamin: Kairon needs to rile them up

(12:50:56 PM) bustin98: !!!

(12:51:01 PM) Nick DiMola: theres gotta be a nunchuk pass through

(12:51:02 PM) stevey: wii sports 2!!

(12:51:05 PM) RABicle: YES!

(12:51:05 PM) bustin98: wii sports reort

(12:51:06 PM) Mike Gamin: spoilers

(12:51:07 PM) Mike Gamin: christ

(12:51:07 PM) Nick DiMola: OMFG

(12:51:08 PM) RABicle: WII SPORTS 2!

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