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Nintendo 3DS

Metroid: Samus Returns

CONNECTIVITY: Episode 285: Metroid II, Samus Returns, and AM2R

Part 2 of the Metroid Game Club...

by Alex de Freitas, Zachary Miller, John Rairdin, Neal Ronaghan, and Melanie Zawodniak - August 13, 2021

CONNECTIVITY: Episode 282: Jelly Boy's Pelvic Thrust

The quest to protect the world from Earthbound continues on NSO....

by Alex de Freitas, Zachary Miller, John Rairdin, and Neal Ronaghan - July 23, 2021

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 631: What's the Problem with Friendship?

It's got all the power!...

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - July 14, 2019

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 553: A Top Five Is Easier When More Than Four Games Come Out

My numbers 1, 2, and 3 game of the year are all Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - January 7, 2018

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 550: Strip That Village to the Bone!

Jon "Business" Lindemann's plans lead where even James Jones cannot follow....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - December 10, 2017

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 547: Touchin' on Tub Time

Jon's Switch is doomed. It's just a matter of time....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - November 12, 2017

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 541: Toad of a Particular Colour

The Queen's English makes this far worse....

by James Jones, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - October 1, 2017

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 540: Reset the Metroid Clock

The game just came out and already the grousing about the next 2D Metroid is underway....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, and Guillaume Veillette - September 24, 2017

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 531: Getting Down to Brass Max

Let me level with you, I need Jon to make sure that I don't make too many "Brass Balls" jokes in the episode titles. Yes, Jon is the guiding hand of maturity in terms of Brass Balls....

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - July 16, 2017

TALK NINTENDO: Episode 40 - New York Story+

Hands on impressions of Mario Odyssey, Metroid Samus Returns, Splatoon 2 and more!...

by Perry Burkum and Casey Gibson - June 29, 2017

RADIO FREE NINTENDO: Episode 527: E3 2017 - Mario's Mindgate Conspiracy

Nintendo had their Digital Event, RFN reacted, the team at the show called in with impressions, and Mario was pulling all the strings....

by Michael Cole, Casey Gibson, James Jones, Aaron Kaluszka, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, Jonathan Metts, and Carmine Red - June 13, 2017


Metroid: Samus Returns Box Art

Genre Action
Developer MercurySteam Entertainment

Worldwide Releases

na: Metroid: Samus Returns
Release Sep 15, 2017
RatingEveryone 10+
jpn: Metroid: Samus Returns
Release Sep 15, 2017
RatingAll Ages
eu: Metroid: Samus Returns
Release Sep 15, 2017
aus: Metroid: Samus Returns
Release Sep 16, 2017
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