My numbers 1, 2, and 3 game of the year are all Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.
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We made it to January, an exasperated celebration that seems to happen at the start of every year, which means it's time for Radio Free Nintendo to tell you what were the best games of 2017. For those that don't know, each member of Team RFN makes a personal list and we reveal them in a round-robin format. There's no "Official" RFN Game of 2017 but...well you'll see. This year we also solicited some Top 5 lists from RFN guests, just to add some spice to the proceedings.
After the break we catch up on what everyone played during the break with New Business. In the interests of time, Greg passed since he's been playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2, so Guillaume kicks off with two puzzle games for Switch: Mom Hid My Game! and Gorogoa. Mom Hid My Game! is a slapstick quest to find a child's confiscated video game system, whereas Gorogoa is an artist's vision for the same genre. Jon finished up Wolfenstein II, soon to come to Switch, and clearly enjoyed his time liberating America from Nazis. James wraps up New Business with quick thoughts on Gravity Rush 2 ("They somehow fixed nothing from Gravity Rush") and Battle Chef Brigade ("I miss Iron Chef").
No emails this week, but if you want to start our 2018 off right, you can send us your questions via the inbox.
This episode was edited by Guillaume Veillette. The "Men of Leisure" theme song was produced exclusively for Radio Free Nintendo by Perry Burkum. Hear more at Perry's SoundCloud. The Radio Free Nintendo logo was produced by Connor Strickland. See more of his work at his website.
This episode's ending music is selected by Greg: Opening, from Super Smash Bros. All rights reserved by Nintendo Co., Ltd.