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E3 2008 Staff Predictions

by James Charlton, Nick DiMola, James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, Jonathan Metts, Zachary Miller, Carmine Red, and Neal Ronaghan - July 12, 2008, 3:26 pm EDT

Nintendo World Report's staff offers up their expectations and hopes for this year's E3.

The past year has been an interesting one for Nintendo and its fans. The Wii has continued to dominate the world with its non-gamer friendly approach. The DS has also held its top position, selling in greater quantities than any other system on the market.

Last year Reggie Fils-Aime stunned the world with Wii Fit and the Wii Balance Board, the question on everyone's mind this year is, "What will Nintendo do next?" The staff members here at Nintendo World Report have formulated their expectations and hopes for this year's E3. Predictions are across the board, from reserved to "balls-out."

Tell us what you think of our predictions and offer up some of your own in the talkback thread.

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