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September 13, 2000

Jon's Spaceworld Impressions

by Jonathan Metts - 3:59 pm EDT

Remember how we were all told "Wait until Spaceworld"? Did Jon think it worth the wait? Find out by reading his editorial!

I remember snooping around E3 this year, trying to dig up ANY info on "Dolphin" that I could get my hands on. It seemed like everywhere I looked, I ran into a brick wall, and on that wall were the words "Wait until Spaceworld!" Ugh. Spaceworld seemed so far away! So, to say that I was eagerly anticipating... Read more...

Ed's Spaceworld Impressions

by Ed Shih - 3:54 pm EDT

Take a look at Ed's impressions of the GameCube unveiling!

Okay, it's been almost 3 weeks since the big night on the GameCube unveiling. Spaceworld 2000 has come and gone and it's about time I officially weighed in on the subject. So without further ado, here are the impressions of this Planet staffer.


I'm pretty impressed with the GameCube's...

Kosta's Spaceworld Impressions

by Kosta Andreadis - 3:49 pm EDT

Spaceworld may have come and gone, leaving Nintendo fans in a daze of empty pop bottles, nachos bags and damn impressive hardware. Now, Kosta shares his feeling on The Big Night.

Having access to the Internet through the days of August 24-27 was definitely the next best thing to being at SpaceWorld 2000. Without a doubt the impact of the Gamecube and GBA debut travelled the globe to the many Nintendo fans and purists whom have waited so very, very long for that first look.... Read more...

September 8, 2000

A Pessimistic Fan and Dolphin

by Jaymin Reed - 6:52 pm EDT

Jaymin rings in with his view on the GameCube unveiling.

It is none more than general wise sentiment for one living in constant, livid anticipation of an single event for so long as a period of a full one and another half years to accept, gracefully of course, that upon the climax of his/her waiting affair, they're likely not going to be in a state of mind (or body) that much lends its atmosphere to the general range of those experienced in their day-to-day (and waiting) lives.


September 7, 2000

MAXimum GameCube Impressions

by Max Lake - 7:00 pm EDT

Proof once more that our Fearless Leader is also the Master of Awful Puns.

"Wow." That pretty much sums up my reaction to what Nintendo showed off at Space World, I think many were anticipating a very minimal Game Cube presence at Space World; it was. Still, it was significant. I was really surprised as to what Nintendo showed off and what they didn't. Overall, (and I think... Read more...

September 5, 2000

My Belated Impressions

by Justin Nation - 10:00 pm EDT

After taking a moment to absorb everything slopped onto his plate at SpaceWorld, Justin Nation is ready to dig in while sharing it with everyone else...

OK, OK, OK... so I've been slacking. Sort of. It figures that on the very day the smack came down from Japan when GameCube was unveiled my wife ended up mashing her finger in the sliding door to the van, necessitating a trip to the hospital, stitches, and me generally taking over care of the baby.... Read more...

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