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January 14, 2016

How I Got Sucked Out of Amiibo WiiU3DS

by Bryan Rose - 3:27 pm EST
Total comments: 8

Too much, too soon.

One year ago I wrote an article here on NWR about how I got sucked into the crazy, fast paced world of Amiibo. Somehow I managed to talk myself into collecting Amiibo even though I didn’t really feel like it at the start. The promise of some of my favorite Nintendo characters in toy form proved... Read more...

July 17, 2015

Iwata’s Influence on the Pokémon Series is Profound

by Bryan Rose - 2:03 pm EDT
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Satoru Iwata’s contributions to the Pokémon series is bigger than you’d think

With Satoru Iwata’s passing on July 11, a huge outpouring of emotion was felt in the Nintendo community. When I heard the news, it was particularly disheartening. To see someone, anyone pass away at such a young age is very sad. But at the same time, while people mourned his loss, many of his contributions... Read more...

July 14, 2015

Beating The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the First Time WiiU

by Bryan Rose - 3:21 pm EDT
Total comments: 11

Bryan talks about what made him give Ocarina of Time another try.

I had never beaten a Zelda game before until recently when I struck Ganon’s tail one last time and beat the 1998 Nintendo 64 classic The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

There are certain game series that I’ve just never gotten into, for whatever reason. Zelda is one of them. I’ve played... Read more...

June 17, 2015

What's Up With the 3DS Version of Mega Man Legacy Collection?

by Bryan Rose - 1:11 am EDT
Total comments: 2

Bryan wonders what changes, if any, we'll see with the 3DS version of the blue bomber's first six adventures.

When Mega Man Legacy Collection was announced a few weeks ago, it was somewhat of a disappointment for me. I had wanted something something new in the Mega Man series for a while now, and although a remastered collection sounds nice, that wasn’t what I had in mind for a new entry in the Mega Man... Read more...

June 4, 2015

Splatoon's Accessibility is Its Greatest Asset WiiU

by Bryan Rose - 2:57 pm EDT
Total comments: 8

Bryan's view on shooters just might have been changed thanks to Splatoon's simplicity and straightforwardness.

When Splatoon was announced at E3 last year, I shrugged, unimpressed. It looked like a fun game with an awesome visual style best for those who enjoy the shooter genre, but I thought to myself at the time that it would be something that I’d never play. It’s a shooter, after all. Games like Call... Read more...

May 11, 2015

Five Nintendo DS Games That Should Make a Virtual Console Appearance DS

by Bryan Rose - 12:28 pm EDT
Total comments: 12

The Nintendo DS library is ripe with games worth giving a second look to!

I’ve already talked about what five games I’d like to see most on the Nintendo 64 Wii U Virtual Console. But now I would like to take a look at the other new system that’s getting all the Virtual Console attention, the Nintendo DS! It feels like only a few years ago I put my Nintendo DS Lite... Read more...

April 28, 2015

Putting Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.’s Sped-Up Enemy Turns Through Its Paces 3DS

by Neal Ronaghan and Bryan Rose - 9:20 pm EDT
Total comments: 4

Our original reviewer takes a look at Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.’s new update.

The new update that makes enemy turns faster in Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. has been available for a while and since then, our original reviewer Bryan Rose has gone back to the game to see if his opinion has changed at all. Also see below for the thoughts of Neal Ronaghan, someone who didn’t touch the game until post-update.


April 17, 2015

Five N64 Games That Should Make a Virtual Console Appearance

by Bryan Rose - 3:31 pm EDT
Total comments: 32

Wouldn't you like to give these five games another try?

Nintendo 64 games have finally arrived on the Wii U Virtual Console! Sure, I could have played the many N64 games that were released on the Wii Virtual Console, but then I’d be missing out on cool features like Resume Points. The modern Wii U Virtual Console experience is much more preferred these... Read more...

December 30, 2014

How I Got Sucked into Amiibos

by Bryan Rose - 4:38 pm EST
Total comments: 8

It's all about supply and demand.

I had zero interest in Amiibo from the start, I swear.

I didn’t want to get sucked into the world of Amiibo, but somehow I did. When I first saw them at E3 2014, I didn’t have much interest. I could understand why Nintendo went in that direction, though. After all, the Skylanders toys have... Read more...

May 20, 2014

Speculating E3 2014

by Bryan Rose - 2:39 pm EDT
Total comments: 28

Just what will Nintendo show at the big event? Here's some good 'ol speculation.

Nintendo’s E3 presentation will be bright and early on June 10th. Like last year, Nintendo has opted to do a presentation via the Internet as opposed to a press conference in Los Angeles. This has disappointed some people, including myself, but this isn’t what this article is about. I’m ready to do some speculation. With less than a month to go, lets get down to the nitty-gritty.

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