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Wii U Japan Announcement Coming Soon

by James Charlton - August 29, 2012, 7:28 am EDT
Total comments: 12 Source: https://twitter.com/Nintendo/status/24080173432530..., Twitter

We don't know exactly when or what it will be, but it's coming sooner than you think.

Satoru Iwata sent out several tweets after the Nintendo Direct live stream in Japan had finished today, mostly involving links to videos and websites about the games he'd just been talking about. However, there was a final message that read as follows: 

Iwata: "Nintendo will have a conference in Sept. (announcing Wii U details), however details of Wii U in Japan will be announced in advance, and it will be done in a way other than the conference" 

That gives us a window of anytime between now and September 12 for a potential Japan Wii U blowout! As with today's Nintendo Direct, be sure to keep checking Nintendo World Report for all the Japan news translated for your convenience!


CericAugust 29, 2012

Jealous of the Queen.  Iwata will find his own Secret Agent. Leap out of a helicopter with a WiiU which he will then plug into a system that will light up one large building (Mainscreen) and one medium sized Building (Gamepad).  Then proceed to play a 80's rock medley of WiiU information while posing with fruit.  After the screen will be kept and Iwata will challenge all comers.

geoAugust 29, 2012

I hope it doesnt take away any thunder from the US conference.

house3136August 29, 2012

Nintendo could announce every game lined up through 2013 tomorrow. The only problem is I still won’t be able to see, touch, own, or play Wii U until November. Although, I will admit coming to NWR for substantial, newly released game news, is like opening a present: “What’s it gonna be?”

CericAugust 29, 2012

Quote from: house3136

I still won’t be able to see, touch, own, or play Wii U until November.

There's a problem right there that Nintendo (or just NoA) Doesn't seem to want to address.

God I can't wait for that Wii U Experience thing for Club Nintendo members to make it to the Bay Area...

My guess is that it's going to be a special event for gamers in Japan. Nintendo did something similar in January of 2011 called Nintendo World that showcased the 3DS. With that and with the Wii U, they tout that seeing is believing and I honestly think it is in their best interest to get this thing out for the Japanese public to try out. I bet it'll happen sometime after TGS (which is September 20-23). They'll probably announce the Japanese release information around the same time as the US and also the news of this event.

famicomplicatedJames Charlton, Associate Editor (Japan)August 30, 2012

Quote from: The_Dan_x

My guess is that it's going to be a special event for gamers in Japan. Nintendo did something similar in January of 2011 called Nintendo World that showcased the 3DS. With that and with the Wii U, they tout that seeing is believing and I honestly think it is in their best interest to get this thing out for the Japanese public to try out. I bet it'll happen sometime after TGS (which is September 20-23). They'll probably announce the Japanese release information around the same time as the US and also the news of this event.

Well that's what me and you WANT to happen Danny, whether it will is another thing entirely!  :P:

PicoliSeptember 11, 2012

Unless they pull out a Nintendo Direct out of the blue today or tomorrow, I'm not seeing this as coming before the September 13 event in North America.  Perhaps a translation error?  I'm still quite a ways off from being fluent in Japanese, but it almost seems that the original tweet where it says that Ninty will announce the Wii U stuff "in advance" could actually mean something along the lines of: "I'm just gonna tell you in advance, it won't be done via a conference." 

TJ SpykeSeptember 11, 2012

Quote from: Picoli

Unless they pull out a Nintendo Direct out of the blue today or tomorrow,

That's how they usually do it, they announce them maybe 1 day in advance (sometimes less than 1 day).

famicomplicatedJames Charlton, Associate Editor (Japan)September 11, 2012

Quote from: Picoli

Unless they pull out a Nintendo Direct out of the blue today or tomorrow, I'm not seeing this as coming before the September 13 event in North America.  Perhaps a translation error?  I'm still quite a ways off from being fluent in Japanese, but it almost seems that the original tweet where it says that Ninty will announce the Wii U stuff "in advance" could actually mean something along the lines of: "I'm just gonna tell you in advance, it won't be done via a conference." 

Listen to Famicast 15-2, we clear it up pretty well :)

PicoliSeptember 11, 2012

Quote from: famicomplicated

Listen to Famicast 15-2, we clear it up pretty well :)

Listened. Sounds like I was on the right track! My sensei would be so proud. :D

famicomplicatedJames Charlton, Associate Editor (Japan)September 12, 2012

Quote from: Picoli

Quote from: famicomplicated

Listen to Famicast 15-2, we clear it up pretty well :)

Listened. Sounds like I was on the right track! My sensei would be so proud. :D

Nice! Now of we know when the event will be, woot!

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