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RFN at E3 2012: Day Zero (Nintendo Direct Reactions)

by Patrick Barnett, Andrew Brown, Michael Cole, J.P. Corbran, Jonathan Metts, Neal Ronaghan, Jared Rosenberg, and Guillaume Veillette - June 3, 2012, 6:13 pm EDT
Total comments: 21

The NWR crew lock themselves in a hot hotel room to watch and discuss Nintendo's pre-E3 video

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Most of the NWR crew on site at E3 2012 gathered to watch and discuss Nintendo's Wii U hardware-related Nintendo Direct online conference. They go over the messaging of the event, the improved Wii U GamePad, the Wii U Pro controller, the black Wii U, the Miiverse, and more!

This podcast was edited Guillaume Veillette.


AVJune 03, 2012

WOW so soon!! I'm still trying to catch up on other e3 preview podcasts i have ( listening to famicast now)

It's a whole different experience to do one of these with everyone else in the same room.

You're supposed to put your pants on when you do it live.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJune 03, 2012

Someone should set up a live web stream in this hotel room so those of us who weren't invited can pretend like we're there. :D

All you would have seen on the livestream is us laughing at how terrible the zombie game segment was and Jonny Metts making obscene jokes about the way Iwata used his hands.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJune 03, 2012

Right now, we're watching Iron Chef America.  So, yeah, your show is better.

SonofMrPeanutJune 03, 2012

Perhaps the grandpa in the promo was the creepy Medium voicemail guy.  :P:

As for constant video coverage of the room, I'm not sure I'd want to see everything.

We need to see if Jared can rig up some sort of insanolord-cam, so you can all see the entire show from my perspective. Just think of how many times you'd get to see the Pikmin 3 demo.

CericJune 03, 2012

Quote from: NWR_insanolord

We need to see if Jared can rig up some sort of insanolord-cam, so you can all see the entire show from my perspective. Just think of how many times you'd get to see the Pikmin 3 demo.

Now did you play the Urinal game in Funhouse?  We will be watching.
I sort of wish I knew where the thread that had the Glasses game posted is.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJune 03, 2012

Quote from: NWR_insanolord

We need to see if Jared can rig up some sort of insanolord-cam, so you can all see the entire show from my perspective. Just think of how many times you'd get to see the Pikmin 3 demo.


Android Phone + UStream App + Unlimited Data Plan (or convention center WiFi, I suppose) + a few spare batteries.


CericJune 03, 2012

Quote from: UncleBob

Quote from: NWR_insanolord

We need to see if Jared can rig up some sort of insanolord-cam, so you can all see the entire show from my perspective. Just think of how many times you'd get to see the Pikmin 3 demo.


Android Phone + UStream App + Unlimited Data Plan (or convention center WiFi, I suppose) + a few spare batteries.


They hate you more than me and I used 2.3GB last month.

A live video feed of the NWR E3 Team? Sounds creepy... sorta like that "Bob's Game" PR Stunt...

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJune 03, 2012

I was just going with the same plan that some of the Occupy protesters had.  It worked out well.  One guy I was following was donated a "UStream Live Pack" - consisted of an HD camcorder and a backpack that had six cell modems (2 Verizon, 2 AT&T and 2 Sprint) along with some kind of mega battery.

And that wasn't even E3.

SorenJune 03, 2012

Great job as always guys. I can't wait to skip work while furiously refreshing NWR and my iTunes feed all week long. Much appreciated!

ROiDSJune 04, 2012

Great one, guys! Will you be doing other RFN podcasts every single day of this week's E3?

LOL "put the DS away".

Sounding like a stern father.  Love it.

We'll try, ROiDS, we'll try.

ShyGuyJune 04, 2012

Where is day one, I want day one.

Actually, we realized that today was day zero, since the show doesn't really start until tomorrow. Also, we just finished recording a show about 20 minutes ago, so expect that later tonight.

ROiDSJune 04, 2012

Quote from: Pandareus

We'll try, ROiDS, we'll try.

Alright, just triple checking. :P: It's just awesome hearing you guys' thoughts on these stuff going on at E3.

ShyGuyJune 04, 2012

If James Jones was there, I'd have my new podcast!

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