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Banjo Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge

by Ben Kosmina - April 14, 2002, 7:45 am EDT

Banjo Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge has got it all - Bears! Birds! Mecha Witches! Time Travel! Alternate Realities! Sounds like an episode of Days of Our Lives.

Banjo and Kazooie are back in their third outing - one not ending in 'ie'! And not only that, but this time Banjo and his breegull buddy are portable too. Grunty's Revenge is also different in that rather than being a true sequel, it's the story of an alternate reality (or more simply, a 'What If...?' story). What if Grunty was eventually rescued by Klungo rather than her scheming sisters? What if she was put in a robot body rather than a walking skeleton? Oooh, the possibilities.

So once again, Banjo and Kazooie need to defeat Grunty for a second time. This time she's hatched a scheme where she travels back in time to stop her first defeat (thereby preventing herself from decomposing under a rock).

The game itself is an overhead adventure, similar to Conker's Pocket Tales. However, Rare has pointed out that the character models being used are the ones used from the Nintendo 64. Pretty impressive, eh? It also feautres references to the previous two games, including old moves that were learned and the return of everyone's favourite masked midget, Mumbo Jumbo.

Does this mean, perhaps, that we'll also see an Ice Key and Mystery Eggs again? With a GameCube link up to the eventual Banjo-Whateverie? Ha ha - maybe I shouldn't have said that.

Hopefully a playable version will be available at E3 to get a closer look at how Grunty's Revenge is shaping up. From the screens seen so far, though, it looks to be as much fun as Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie were.

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Genre Action
Developer Rare

Worldwide Releases

na: Banjo Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge
Release Sep 10, 2003
eu: Banjo Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge
Release Oct 24, 2003
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