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by Steven Rodriguez - February 26, 2008, 10:54 pm EST
Total comments: 8

Turn your Wii wand into a wind waker.

Frontier Development's Wii Ware launch title, LostWinds, is promising to "put the power of the wind in the palm of your hand" with a platform game that has an extra twist.

Players have control of two separate entities while playing the game. The first is Toku, a young boy who is charged with saving the world from an evil curse. By himself, Toku can run and jump in a fashion not unlike other characters in a standard platforming game, using the Nunchuk to move around.

What makes LostWinds different is the other part of duo, Enril. Enril is a wind spirit, or more specifically, the Wii Remote pointer. By using it to draw lines on the screen, you will create wind currents that can help Toku perform movements that would otherwise be impossible for him to do on his own.

For example, in a short video clip seen during the Game Developers Conference, the Wii Remote pointer cursor created patterns, like waves and loop-de-loops, in which Toku "rode" along like a water park slide or roller coaster. Screenshots demonstrate that upward arcs and long streaks across the screen can aid in jumping higher and farther. Another example showed the Wii Remote pointer encircle an enemy, trapping him within a "bubble" of wind currents. A final Wii Remote pointer motion drew a single line of wind from the inside of the bubble, outward, at which time the enemy inside was blown away to a harmless location off the screen.

Frontier says that the interaction between Toku (standard platforming skills with regular controls) and the wind-creating Enril (wind current manipulation with the Wii Remote pointer) will create its fair share of puzzles, some of which will likely be unique to the two-input method the game looks to employ.

LostWinds will be one of the first games available to download from Wii Ware when the service launches in May. Price and storage space requirements have not yet been announced.

Want to see (kinda) a video clip of LostWinds in action (barely)? Head on over to the Nintendo World Report Forums for (literally) a little something extra on LostWinds.


This looked awesome in the clip they showed. I'm anticipating its release!

ShyGuyFebruary 27, 2008

There's a clip, as in video clip?

PaleMike Gamin, Contributing EditorFebruary 27, 2008

Kai was at GDC, I'm not sure if it made it online anywhere that I've seen yet.

Somebody doesn't read NWR forums!

PaleMike Gamin, Contributing EditorFebruary 27, 2008

Hah, well why is it hidden away in the forums! =P

darknight06February 27, 2008

Why oh why does the new forums have to garble up the text on the Wii Browser?  On topic, I'm getting this too.

On another note, if Wii Ware gets more inventive titles like this on a more regular basis, going to a game store for anything other than essentials is going to get even more rare than it already is for me right now.

nickmitchFebruary 27, 2008

*Points out awesome coincidence in article*

kraken613February 27, 2008

Ill be getting this as soon as it comes on WiiWare!

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Genre Adventure
Developer Frontier Developments Ltd.
Players1 - 2

Worldwide Releases

na: LostWinds
Release May 12, 2008
PublisherFrontier Developments Ltd.
jpn: LostWinds
Release Dec 24, 2008
PublisherSquare Enix
RatingAll Ages
eu: LostWinds
Release May 20, 2008
PublisherFrontier Developments Ltd.
aus: LostWinds
Release May 20, 2008
PublisherFrontier Developments Ltd.
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