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Christmas VC Games Revealed

December 21, 2006, 11:03 am EST
Total comments: 61

Finally, SNES games...and good ones, too! Plus: Super Mario Bros. (NES), Toe Jam & Earl (GEN), and more.

North Pole News: Special Christmas Treat on the Way for Wii

This year Santa is getting some competition from another jolly guy with a

big belly and a red cap. We're talking about video game icon Mario™, of

course. As a special holiday surprise for Wii™ owners from Nintendo, the

original Super Mario Bros. ™ game for the Nintendo Entertainment System®

will appear in the Wii Shop Channel and be downloadable for 500 Wii Points.

Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points to

download the game. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at

retail outlets.

The classic game will make Christmas morning extra special, just as it did

more than two decades ago. Super Mario Bros. reigns as perhaps the best-known

and most-played game on any video game system in history. More than 40.2

million copies of the game found their way into homes worldwide. In addition

to Super Mario Bros., other top-notch offerings available on Dec. 25 include:

  • Street Fighter® II: The World Warrior (Super NES®, 1-2 players,

    800 Wii Points): This game revolutionized the fighting-game genre with

    characters that had unique fighting skills, speed, special moves and

    unique endings.

  • Super Castlevania® IV (Super NES, 1 player, 800 Wii Points): Simon

    Belmont uses his trusty whip to fight the powers of evil on his way to

    Dracula's Castle.

  • Toe Jam & Earl™ (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points): Two

    fun-loving aliens crash on Earth and must find 10 pieces of their

    spaceship so they can get back home to Planet Funkotron.

  • R-TYPE® (TurboGrafx16, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points): This is a

    completely faithful port - right down to the character details - of the

    famous shooting-game masterpiece.

Games available on Jan. 1 include:

  • Baseball (NES, 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points): Play nine innings of

    fierce sandlot competition with classic NES graphics.

  • Urban Champion™ (NES, 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points): Don't let the

    big, bad bully of the neighborhood push you around! Players fight for

    the right to walk the street.

In just five weeks the library of classic games available through the Wii

Shop Channel has grown to 33 titles. Every Monday at 9 a.m. Pacific, Nintendo

adds more classic games to the channel.


RequiemDecember 21, 2006

Where's Sunset Riders? Where's Battletoads? Where's Contra?!

WindyManSteven Rodriguez, Staff AlumnusDecember 21, 2006

My Christmas will indeed be merry.

I am excite. Although I already own two or three versions of SMB, I have to get it on VC because anytime my friends see me playing Ristar or Gunstar Heroes, they have to ask: "Does it play Mario?"

Super Castlevania is MINE. I haven't played it since it first came out. I'm curious about both Toe Jam and R-Type, but I'll wait to get recommendations.

SFII is kinda tempting since I had it on SNES and loved it then, but I don't think I would have enough opponents willing to play it. It's not that great as a single-player game.

New Year's Day offerings -- blah, back to the norm for Nintendo. I hope Sega and Hudson come up with something better for that day.

Ian SaneDecember 21, 2006

I like how Reggie was all "we've got a surprise for Christmas" and the surprise is the option to BUY a game that should have been available a month ago anyway.

Still this will be a Monday where GOOD games on Nintendo systems will be coming out. Plus the first titles from Capcom and Konami. I don't really care about the other third parties. When it comes to 8 and 16-bit Nintendo consoles those two third parties are everything.

Too bad next Monday is back to the usual "lousy NES games no one wants".

None of the games released on Christmas suck though. All are worth buying unless you own them already. Though you may want to hold out for Street Fighter II Turbo.

ShyGuyDecember 21, 2006

Does SFII World Warrior allow you to play as Vega? Or is that only Turbo?

NWR_pap64Pedro Hernandez, Contributing WriterDecember 21, 2006

Is this even the Christmas surprise that Reggie mentioned?

Kinda disappointing, but hey, at least we are FINALLY getting the good Nintendo games face-icon-small-smile.gif .

TrueNerdDecember 21, 2006

I've never played Super Castlevania IV, how does it compare to the post-Symphony of the Night Castlevanias?

And a real present would have been if these games were available for a reduced rate, or even FREE on Christmas day as a thank you to the early adopters. I don't even think Nintendo would take a hit, all of these games will be heavily downloaded as long as the Virtual Console exists.

Regardless, it's nice to see a thoroughly solid lineup. I could easily see myself downloading all of these games.

JonLeungDecember 21, 2006


Originally posted by: ShyGuy
Does SFII World Warrior allow you to play as Vega? Or is that only Turbo?

SF II (:The World Warrior) had the Grand Masters, but you couldn't play them. (Well, you could with an external cheat device, but their graphics had screwed up palettes.)
SF II Turbo let you properly play as Vega, as well as the other Grand Masters, Balrog, Sagat, and M. Bison.
Super SF II let you play as all the characters, as well as four new ones, Cammy, Dee Jay, T. Hawk, and Fei-Long.

I'm not even going to get into all of the SF II games, but those are the Super NES ones. There was also a port of Street Fighter Alpha 2 later on, but that's part of the Alpha series and not the II series.

I was waiting for Super Mario Bros.! I haven't downloaded anything yet despite having 2000 Wii Points since day one because my brother wanted the first game to be an important one, and I agree with him. I really want a Super NES game too (I mean, geez, I have two unopened Classic Controllers), but I'm guessing that Super Mario World may be a while yet. I'm tempted to get SF II now (it's 2-player simultaneous so I could open both of my Classic Controllers!) but it would be a waste of money if SF II Turbo and/or Super SF II come at some point.

Would be nice if Nintendo could get some MAME-like emulators and get the arcade versions of the arcade games. :P

EntroperDecember 21, 2006

This at least shows that we're going to get some nice games, although we may have to wait a while to get a lot of them.

You know what they need, is the Game Genie.

I'm pretty sure SF2 doesn't include the boss characters as playable. SF2 Turbo does, and Super Street Fighter 2 obviously.

ShreddersDojoDecember 21, 2006

As someone who saw the character first in that nintendo series with Kevin the Game Master, how are the Castlevania games? If I like Mega Man, will I like these games?
Never played one before..

darknight06December 21, 2006

Super Castlevania IV is mine, no question. This also means picking up a classic controller.

Ian SaneDecember 21, 2006

"I've never played Super Castlevania IV, how does it compare to the post-Symphony of the Night Castlevanias?"

It's a different type of game. Back then, with the exception of Castlevania II, all Castlevania games were side-scrolling action games. It's hard to describe exactly what they're like since they kind of set the template that a lot of side-scrolling action games followed so in a way they might seem generic. There's no thinking involved. They're just pure reflex games and they're usually pretty hard. Lots of platforming, dodging enemies, and killing things with your whip.

One way to desribe it might be the modern Castlevanias but harder and split into straightforward levels with no exploration.

I say with VC games try before you buy but that's not exactly legal.

KDR_11kDecember 21, 2006

Where's Contra?!

Coming out on the 31st in Europe AFAIK. Well, Super Probotector, not the first.

I like how Reggie was all "we've got a surprise for Christmas" and the surprise is the option to BUY a game that should have been available a month ago anyway.

What, you expected a surprise to involve FREE stuff?

My SF Anniversary Edition manual says Vega, Balrog, M.Bison and Sagat were introduced in Champion Edition, not Turbo.

Champion Edition was only released in the Arcades and on Genesis. The first SNES game with the playable bosses was Turbo, which is superior to CE.

But like many of you, I played with M. Bison in the original SFII for SNES thanks to my old Game Genie. I also made up my own codes for that game, starting with a GREAT code that let you use special moves in the air. From there, I came up with a teleportation code and another that let you keep doing a special move by repeatedly tapping the final button for its input sequence. So to get really fast Hadoken, you would press: Down, Down-Right, Right, B B B B B B etc.

AcefonduDecember 21, 2006

I can finally stop complaining about VC. Thank goodness.

JonLeungDecember 21, 2006


Originally posted by: KDR_11k
My SF Anniversary Edition manual says Vega, Balrog, M.Bison and Sagat were introduced in Champion Edition, not Turbo.

As Jonnyboy117 said, if we're only talking about Super NES games, then the first one with the "Grand Masters" is Turbo. If you want to talk about all of the Street Fighter IIs, there's also Super Street Fighter II Turbo, which is like Super Street Fighter II but also has super moves and Akuma and some other minor stuff, too. There's also Street Fighter II: Grand Master Challenge (Japanese arcade, I think) and the GBA game Street Fighter II Turbo Revival. The whole Street Fighter franchise is potentially confusing, what with various versions of the many games (How about some Super Street Puzzle/Gem Fighter Alpha EX Turbo Revival 4X' MAX Upper (And A Little Higher) Plus Alpha (and Omega) Vs. SNK Champion Edition: Clash of SVC Chaotic World Warriors & New Challengers Hyper Fighting Vs. Marvel Super Heroes Minimix Cardfighters Clash DS in the Grand Master Challenge Zero: Third Strike & Impact Fighting All-Stars?), and II is easily the biggest offender. But, hey, people still play it.

Super Castlevania IV is one of my favorites. I'm definitely going to download it. It has some really cool bosses and Mode 7 effects. It's like the old Castlevanias though - strictly arcade, with no RPG-style elements. It's not a Super Metroid clone.

Super Castlevania IV and Super Mario Bros. are mine.

TJ SpykeDecember 21, 2006

With R-Type being 800 points, I hope this means it has the entire game (the TG16 version was originally released in 2 parts, so the first one only had 4 levels).

I will probably get SMB, it will be the first NES game I get on the VC.

Smash_BrotherDecember 21, 2006


Originally posted by: pap64
Is this even the Christmas surprise that Reggie mentioned?

Kinda disappointing

Kinda? Try crushingly disappointing.

I think we were all hoping for a Reggie Mii... face-icon-small-frown.gif

TJ SpykeDecember 21, 2006

They never said we would get any games for free (I hope people didn't believe that BS rumor of us getting 3 games for free since ALL Virtual Console games are listed at 0 points until they are available). IF we get a Christmas surprise, we won't find out until CHRISTMAS.

NWR_pap64Pedro Hernandez, Contributing WriterDecember 21, 2006


Originally posted by: Smash_Brother

Originally posted by: pap64
Is this even the Christmas surprise that Reggie mentioned?

Kinda disappointing

Kinda? Try crushingly disappointing.

I think we were all hoping for a Reggie Mii... face-icon-small-frown.gif

Well, I think I did told you I wasn't expecting something out there, hence why I said "kinda".

And "we" is too much people...

NemoDecember 21, 2006

I figured the Christmas Season suprise was getting the Opera Browser for free.

CalibanDecember 21, 2006

Ok, this is cool, SMB get, SC4 get, I'm going to wait for SF2 Turbo, and R-Type hmmm I don't know.

TJ SpykeDecember 21, 2006


Originally posted by: Nemo
I figured the Christmas Season suprise was getting the Opera Browser for free.

If so, then we've known about the surprise for months, they announced quite awhile ago that the browser would be free until June.

Spak-SpangDecember 21, 2006

This is amazing.

I want from this list:

Street Fighter 2,
Super Mario Bros,
Toe Jam and Earl,
Super Castlevania, (which I like better than the RPG Castlevania stuff)

Personally I understand wanting the Best Street Fighter 2. But I also think it is important to have the original as it is a classic that helped launch the fighting game craze.

I think after this the next Street Fighter they release should be Super Street Fighter 2 (the final Street Fighter 2)

Ian SaneDecember 21, 2006

"I think after this the next Street Fighter they release should be Super Street Fighter 2 (the final Street Fighter 2)"

So they skip what most fans consider the best version? What are you some kind of... business man? face-icon-small-wink.gif

Street Fighter II Turbo more or less contains the original Street Fighter II. It has both Turbo (or Hyper, I don't remember) mode which has all the new changes and Champion Edition which is pretty much Street Fighter II only you can play as the bosses and both players can pick the same character. At least that's how I remember it.

Anyway, hold out for Turbo unless you're some big game historian who has to own what is pretty much an obsolete title.

TJ SpykeDecember 21, 2006

I thought Super Street Fighter II was the best one.

I will get SMB for sure, maybe SC IV. I might get TJ&E later on, not sure about R-Type (maybe after I get bored with SSS).

Now where is Super Mario World or River City Ransom?

MANTI5December 21, 2006

Turbo is better than Super and many consider Super Turbo to be better than both. This may be why Super Turbo is still played in tournaments.

Luigi DudeDecember 21, 2006

Yeah, Super Street Fighter II Turbo is the only one worth buying. Since it combines everything from all the other version of II.

Of course I get the feeling that version wont come out for a few years, since there starting with the first one right now. It'll probobly be a year from now they'll go to Turbo, then another year Super, and then after another year Super Turbo. So we're going to be waiting for awhile.

IceColdDecember 21, 2006


I was waiting for Super Mario Bros.! I haven't downloaded anything yet despite having 2000 Wii Points since day one because my brother wanted the first game to be an important one, and I agree with him
Me too! Well, I don't have a Wii yet, but that will definitely be my first download.. When Galaxy comes out, assuming SMB 2, 3 and SMW are out, I'm totally going to go through all of the Mario platformers in order.. and on one console.

segagamer12December 21, 2006

To reply to the poster who asked about Toe Jam and Earl. This game is really hard to describe. But its COOL.

Basically you have 2 aliens who crash land on earth, and have to explore different levels trying to find all your space ship parts and put it back together, the ship looks like a ghetto blaster with wings its hilarious.

The game is purley Hip-Hop/Funk themed (more funk references than anything but clearly Hip-Hop influenced as well)

You run aorund and dodge the earthlings, which are greatly exagerated which makes sense as you play the game from an aliens perspective the humans need to look alien.

The level design is friggin awesome. Its difficult to get used to at first, but once you figure things out its fun as hell.

You have to locate the elevator on each level to take you to the next area. You go up in elevetors but you can also fall down if you fall off the edges of the screans or fall down holes.

This provides extra challenege as if you fall too far you have to replay levels to get back to where you belong. The elvels are hard to describe so i reccomend checking some site sfor screan shots. You also collect presents which give you powerups and other cool stuff.

TJ and E is one of the BEST series Sega ever made and it is sad they effed it up so much on Xbox because that doesn no justice to the original.

Also it is coop all the way and split screen if your on seperate areas or single screen if you are together.

my opinion maybe dont matter much but ask anyone who has played it and they will say its one friggin awesome game. I personally think 2 is better but thats cuz I got it with My genny and played it first so theres nastalgia mixed in with it being a different type of game.

The grafix kinda suck though but its hilarious art style makes up for it.

I say that IF you can afford to get this game along with the others you really want DO IT.

Seriously this is one of the BEST games on the Genesis (not grfx but fun wise)

So anywyas I HIGHLEY recomend this game. Plese someone else who has played it defend the game. Its the shiznit fo sheezy

I want ALL those X-mas games! ... except Street Fighter... well... okay, maybe that too then.

~Carmine "Cai" M. Red

DjunknownDecember 21, 2006

Yeah TJ&E bring back a few pleasant memories. Its a shame it was almost lost to history until now...


Of course I get the feeling that version wont come out for a few years, since there starting with the first one right now. It'll probobly be a year from now they'll go to Turbo, then another year Super, and then after another year Super Turbo. So we're going to be waiting for awhile.

Super Street Fighter II Turbo I believe only had one home port on the....3D0! I highly Nintendo is going to get 3D0 games on the VC anytime soon.

The Genesis version of Super Street Fighter II had a 'hidden' turbo option (just go to the title screen press right on the arcade mode and have at thee), but no Akuma. Now if MS wanted to 1up Nintendo (accidental play-on phrase intended), they'd release good arcade ports (Though they managed to botch up SFII Turbo...)

The VC is starting to come into its own slowly but surely. So we shouldn't any complaints about post-launch drought.

nitsu niflheimDecember 21, 2006


Originally posted by: Ian Sane
I like how Reggie was all "we've got a surprise for Christmas" and the surprise is the option to BUY a game that should have been available a month ago anyway.

Still this will be a Monday where GOOD games on Nintendo systems will be coming out. Plus the first titles from Capcom and Konami. I don't really care about the other third parties. When it comes to 8 and 16-bit Nintendo consoles those two third parties are everything.

Too bad next Monday is back to the usual "lousy NES games no one wants".

None of the games released on Christmas suck though. All are worth buying unless you own them already. Though you may want to hold out for Street Fighter II Turbo.

You are a very bitter person. Nothing makes you happy.

SgtShiversBenDecember 21, 2006

Super Street Fighter II Turbo came out on the SNES and the Genesis , so they can still port it .

TJ SpykeDecember 21, 2006

Also, it's 3DO (not 3D0).

MajoraDecember 21, 2006


Originally posted by: nitsu niflheim

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
I like how Reggie was all "we've got a surprise for Christmas" and the surprise is the option to BUY a game that should have been available a month ago anyway.

Still this will be a Monday where GOOD games on Nintendo systems will be coming out. Plus the first titles from Capcom and Konami. I don't really care about the other third parties. When it comes to 8 and 16-bit Nintendo consoles those two third parties are everything.

Too bad next Monday is back to the usual "lousy NES games no one wants".

None of the games released on Christmas suck though. All are worth buying unless you own them already. Though you may want to hold out for Street Fighter II Turbo.

You are a very bitter person. Nothing makes you happy.

Lol, yeah I noticed that nothing makes him happy. However, I may just be a stupid n00b, but I reckon his posts are great!!Always funny and very true, dispite usually being negative lol.

Super Mario Bros.! YAY!!

CericDecember 21, 2006

If this is Reggie's "Christmas Surprise."

It's made of PHAIL. I have yet to be impressed by how NoA has been handling things.

bigdingus04December 21, 2006

I had it on 3DO!

I barely remember that...I'm gonna go look for it now

ArbokDecember 21, 2006


Originally posted by: Ceric
If this is Reggie's "Christmas Surprise."

It's made of PHAIL. I have yet to be impressed by how NoA has been handling things.

Well he said it was something to do with leaving Connect24 on... but I wouldn't get my hopes up anyway

tonythekittyDecember 21, 2006

Battletodas would indeed be great, but its a RARE game and due to the microsoft owning rare thing we may never see that one.

BUT CASTLEVANIA IV!!!!! YEA!!! my heart is soaring. I cant wait to twirl my whip aimlessly for hours. Super mario should have been out on day 1, but thank goodness its here. Too bad they didnt break up the upgraded ones from super mario all stars and sell each one of those. R-type for TG-16 is another must have!!!! TG-16 games have really been excellent so far. *knock on wood* they will release splatterhouse , galaga 90, and maybe klax.

CericDecember 21, 2006

Ok actually let me rephrase. I only be impressed by VC games that the other regions weren't or haven't already gotten. (Like TMNT 1 and 2) Possibly something Christmas oriented... Shoot I settle for Nintendo sending a Christmas card to everyone connected with a picture of the main staff in Christmas get-up. Its more the point that this ain't anything special. Maybe if they were also a reduce price maybe then...

LouieturkeyDecember 21, 2006

Another thing worse about Ian is that he's complaining, yet he doesn't even have a Wii and doesn't plan on getting one until I believe SSBBrawl comes out. He just complains to complain even though his opinion shouldn't really matter until he actually gets a Wii. But he's still funny none-the-less. face-icon-small-smile.gif

SvevanEvan Burchfield, Staff AlumnusDecember 21, 2006

Let's save the Ian discussions for Ian-centric threads.

As for the VC lineup, I'm glad Nintendo pulled its head outta its rear end for one day, too bad they're going back to their old ways the following Monday. I will probably buy 3, if not 4 of these games.

KDR_11kDecember 22, 2006

Anyway, anyone grabbed TJ&E yet (or had it on the Megadrive) and willing to share an oppinion on it? The screenshots and description don't even make it clear what genre it is. 800 points are a bit much to plunk down on something I know that little about.

EDIT: Okay, it sounded like a good game on Wiki so I downloaded it. Kinda boring to play, slow and the music is the typical Megadrive music that tries to lull you into sleep. I'm in level 6 of the fixed world game now and still bored. The manual doesn't give any description of what's good or bad among the people and presents you encounter or what your "coolness" rank does. Those VC manuals really need to get more verbose, some of these old games are pretty unintuitive.

GalfordDecember 22, 2006

Here's a quick history lesson...

About Champion Edition SF2...
On the SNES it came as part of Hyper Fighting, you could play the CE version or Turbo version of SF2.

Both Genesis and SNES received a port of Super SF2. For years the only way to play Super Turbo was on the 3D0.
On one of the Street Fighter Collection disks for the PSX Capcom put on a version of Super Turbo.
Super Turbo comes as part Capcom Classics Collection 2 for the PS2.

I'm glad to see Nintendo is using the TG16 version of R-Type, which is one of the best home versions around.
PS- Did you know on the original TG16 release of R-Type that is was released as two seperate Hu cards?

Plus yay for SC4. Good job Nintendo....

CericDecember 22, 2006

Yep. This is more then Just PHAIL. This isn't special at all. I just realized that Christmas is a Monday... *grumble*

So in summary all NoA did for us was hold back games. Thanks a lot NoA, you Scrooge.

KDR_11kDecember 22, 2006

Ha, we got our VC update today. But the only game out of those listed we got was Toe Jam and Earl, the rest was stuff like Soccer, Tennis, that TG16 famicom wars clone and Donkey Kong Jr..

KDR_11kDecember 22, 2006

After some more playing TJ&E doesn't seem boring anymore, gets quite fun later on when you have more enemies chasing you so you actually need to use your presents to escape (which often calls for improvisation as you rarely have just what you need and there's no standard weapon). I just wish the manual was more verbose and told you about the stuff you encounter. I learned more from a shoret description on Wikipedia than the entire manual.

NWR_pap64Pedro Hernandez, Contributing WriterDecember 22, 2006

I think you all should hit yourselves in the guts for even EXPECTING something significant on Christmas...Seriously, I told SB back when the news about Reggie's "surprise" was mentioned that it could be something small or not worthwhile. Companies, even Nintendo, have the tendency to hype up even the stupidest of things and when its revealed the fans will be disappointed.

Sorry for saying this, but part of your disappointment is caused by your own hopes. Hopefully you should learn from this and not expecting ANYTHING when a company announces something major coming.

TJ SpykeDecember 22, 2006

This isn't the surprise Reggie was talking about. Reggie said the surprise had to do with WiiConnect24, not the Virtual Console. I do agree though that people shouldn't have assumed we would get a free game (especially one that Nintendo knows would sell a ***ton of copies).

TJ SpykeDecember 22, 2006

Can anybody tell me if SC IV is any good? The only Castlevania game i've played was Circle of the Moon, and I didn't like it.

KDR_11kDecember 23, 2006

Doesn't have much in common with COTM, SC4 is a completely linear game with levels you move through, beat the boss of and proceed to the next.

MarioDecember 23, 2006

Ceric, STFU, we don't even have Super Mario Bros available here and I really want it.

RizeDavid Trammell, Staff AlumnusDecember 23, 2006


Originally posted by: Luigi Dude
Yeah, Super Street Fighter II Turbo is the only one worth buying. Since it combines everything from all the other version of II.

Of course I get the feeling that version wont come out for a few years, since there starting with the first one right now. It'll probobly be a year from now they'll go to Turbo, then another year Super, and then after another year Super Turbo. So we're going to be waiting for awhile.

Why didn't they release the best version first and skip the other ones? That's just wrong. Although they area bit cluttered with all those extra characters. I think the original game was more well balanced.

I wonder how the TG-16 emulator works. The TG-16 used CD's for some games. If they really use the CD (say for music or video) then it would be too big to download. Unless they can somehow compress the music/video to mp3/mpeg etc. and have the emulator cope with that.

And are they willing to newly translate games that were once Japan only? In other words I really want Castlevania: Rondo of Blood.

IceColdDecember 23, 2006

On another note, will Nintendo ever reveal their Virtual Console sales? I'd expect Super Mario Bros to sell through the roof, of course, but I'd be interested in seeing sales for, say, Bonk..

ArtimusDecember 23, 2006


Originally posted by: IceCold
On another note, will Nintendo ever reveal their Virtual Console sales? I'd expect Super Mario Bros to sell through the roof, of course, but I'd be interested in seeing sales for, say, Bonk..

I suspect we'll be getting a "millionth game!" sold thing when it happens.

TJ SpykeDecember 23, 2006

We might hear something general (like SMB is over 50K), but I doubt we will get specific numbers (like Sonic has been bought 65,567 times).

darknight06December 24, 2006

"It'll probobly be a year from now they'll go to Turbo, then another year Super, and then after another year Super Turbo. So we're going to be waiting for awhile."

I'm willing to bet SF2WW on the VC is a test to see if there's any demand for it from the userbase.
Besides, beyond SSF2 SNES they would have to emulate the arcade game for SSF2T since other than the rushed GBA port, no Nintendo console ever got the game. At that point Capcom might as well release Hyper Street Fighter 2 for the Wii.

Luigi DudeDecember 24, 2006

Wait, I thought Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo was released on the SNES? Well I guess Turbo is the only one worth getting on the Virtual Console then.

Of course that does bring up the point, will the Virtual Console emulate arcades in the future.

darknight06December 24, 2006

I don't see why it couldn't. Afterall, if I'm correct VC games each come with a specific emulator. At least it's the only way I can explain Sonic 1 being 1MB as a standalone ROM and the VC Sonic 1 being 3MB other than a few custom graphics.

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