Magic Box seemingly uncovered more playable characters in Super Smash Bros. Melee but something's fishy. Read on for the de-bunking!
In addition to the news that Sonic and Joanna Dark will indeed be playable in Super Smash Bros. Melee on GameCube, there are several other interesting additions ...
Pit (Kid Icarus) is playable, as IGNCube had surmised before. Other old-school favorites are back as well, including the Battletoads. Newer characters look to be included as well, as MewTwo, SkullKid (from Zelda), Conker, and Banjo.
While it entirely possible that the screenshot at Magic Box has been doctored (note the missing picture for the Battletoads), with all of the already confirmed characters, there's little doubt that all of these favorites will be in playable come it's release.
Still no word yet on the hidden characters, as according to Magic Box, this list does NOT include hidden characters.
UPDATE: The pic is 100% fake & this is in no way based on official info. (See comments!)