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Call of Duty: Black Ops II Coming to Wii U

by Danny Bivens - June 12, 2012, 1:24 pm EDT
Total comments: 15 Source: http://www.allgamesbeta.com/2012/06/nintendo-gamer..., All Games Beta

Wii U owners will get to shoot each other with the next iteration of Call of Duty.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is headed to the Wii U, AllGamesBeta reports. The findings come from a recent article in in the UK publication Nintendo Gamer. Gameplay details and Wii U GamePad functionality were not detailed but are expected to be revealed in the magazine's next issue.

Activision’s CEO Erik Hirshberg commented on the possibility of a Wii U version during E3: “We take our time to get our ducks in a row before pulling any trigger. We don’t have announcement today but we will be supporting Wii U.” Afterward, he went on to discuss how the second screen functionality for Call of Duty Elite was being developed for smartphone and tablet functionality.

The studio head of Treyarch, Mark Lamia, mentioned how the Wii U Pro controller would be “really good for first-person shooter games,” and how he has thought about the possiblities of the features and functionality developers could get out of the additional screen. “I absolutely have given it consideration and thought. We’re game developers and it’s a new piece of hardware and technology, so we’re always thinking about that stuff.” 


ToraJune 12, 2012

Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice! 

Good Work Nintendo!  Got a killer app for your launch. 

LOZmanJune 12, 2012

It certainly is great that we will be getting Black Ops 2, but I just hope that it will be made the definitive version. Hopefully the Wii U will make online play easy and fast to do. Not saying that I am necessarily excited for the game, but think of how many people the Wii U could attract if we have the best version of a CoD game!

geoJune 12, 2012

While i'm not getting it, anything that increases third party support is a plus for me. 

Chocobo_RiderJune 12, 2012

News from the Future:

"More interesting 3rd party title not coming to Wii U due to lower BlOps2 sales compared to PS3/60"

In other words, I'm very excited to see third parties making an effort.  They just have to COMMIT this time! Follow through!

Robknoxious1June 12, 2012

Now now NinTemple fearless leader  :cool;  hope for the best!  ;D

Chocobo_RiderJune 12, 2012

Quote from: Robknoxious1

Now now NinTemple fearless leader  :cool;  hope for the best!  ;D

You are correct, of course.

I bought all of the CoDs that came out on the Wii, so I hope that continues well for the Wii U too.

Uncle_OptimusJune 12, 2012

This is quite the show of support if true, but are we sure about this one? It would seem to be a title that Nintendo. Would trumpet for sure in their E3 sizzle reel ...but I hear no trumpets from their side.
We just had the Tomb Raider fiasco, I am unfamiliar with British gaming pubs, how reliable is Nintendo Gamer? Also,(less importantly, but just curious) how did they secure the exclusive reveal of this game over Nintendo Power :p

ALL of the news coming out about Wii U after E3 is baffling. Not just this. I have no idea why they didn't talk about this OR stuff that was discussed in the Kotaku Reggie interview.

The Kotaku Reggie interview was at E3, though. So it's not like that news is coming out after E3, it's coming out of E3.

CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterJune 13, 2012

So can someone tell me the difference between Black Ops and the numbered games that everyone goes nuts about?

There hasn't been a proper numbered game since Call of Duty 4. The main difference between Modern Warfare and Black Ops is who makes them; Modern Warfare is made by the remnants of Infinity Ward, while Black Ops is done by Treyarch.

Chozo GhostJune 14, 2012

Technically Black Ops 2 would be COD 9, but they don't formally number the COD games anymore. But they might do it again in the future. If they do, it would kinda be like the Windows operating system where Windows 3.11 was the last numbered version and then there was a lot of other stuff in between, but then a few years ago Microsoft released Windows 7 and got the numbering system back on track. Its not impossible Activision might do that with the COD franchise again.

I think that would probably happen if they were to reboot the series or send it back to the world war 2 era. If the popularity of the series starts to plateau they might consider doing that.

The main difference between the two is, ironically, the story.  Modern Warfare follows a modern-day struggle against Russian terrorists, while Black Ops is set during the Cold War (and has some characters that carry over from Call of Duty: World at War, which is set during World War II).

Chozo GhostJune 15, 2012

Quote from: NWR_Lindy

The main difference between the two is, ironically, the story.  Modern Warfare follows a modern-day struggle against Russian terrorists, while Black Ops is set during the Cold War (and has some characters that carry over from Call of Duty: World at War, which is set during World War II).

If you watched the Black Ops II trailer it shows that the game is set in the year 2025 and shows robots and things like that you'll be facing, so even though the original Black Ops might have been set in the 1960s, the sequel has jumped so far into the future that its actually more modern than modern warfare.

I personally don't like that direction its going. I don't think they've spent enough time in the Cold War era... they only did one game there in passing, and now they're jumping ahead 60 years? With the robots and all the futuristic stuff going on this will be the most un-COD COD game ever made. It will be more like Halo or Killzone than COD.

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