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20 Weeks without a Wii VC release in Europe and Australia

by Daan Koopman - October 29, 2011, 3:13 pm EDT
Total comments: 1

The curtain seems to have fallen on the Wii's most trusted service.

Thursday marked a very saddening record for Wii Virtual Console fans all across Europe and Australia. PAL players received their last classic game on June 10, Super Adventure Island II (SNES) by Hudson, which came just around the launch of the Nintendo eShop.

Since then, NoE and NCL have shown no intention to continue support for the service, having now left the library in the same state for 20 weeks. Before this point, Nintendo was very consistent in its releases. Every two weeks they delivered games such as Final Fantasy III, Bomberman Hero and Chrono Trigger.

But now it seems the curtains have fallen and all is lost for Wii's Virtual Console. Still, we hope that Nintendo will announce this themselves when the time comes.


SilverQuilavaOctober 30, 2011

Maybe it's just that Nintendo is preparing themselves for the Wii U virtual console service. When the Wii U comes out, they'll probably just merge everything from the Wii VC (like DsiWare and eshop on the Dsi and 3DS) and just go where they left off from there on out, releasing content on the Wii that's capable of emulation. With the addition of maybe Gamecube and Dreamcast VC (for example) and "Wii U Ware"(or whatever), the future Wii U service will probably shape up to be better than the Wii Shop Channel ever was. As long as Nintendo plays their cards right.

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