Warren Spector is more than pleased with Epic Mickey.
In an interview with MCV, Warren Spector expressed his thoughts regarding the development of the game. He first commented about creating games towards a family audience, reciting the Disney and Pixar ideals of creating family films. "Adults and kids love Toy Story, Ratatouille and Up", explained Spector to MVC. "That’s something games rarely manage: that appeal to both adults and children simultaneously."
When further asked about the title, Spector told MCV that he was more than pleased with the end result, exclaiming at the end that "This is the best-looking Wii game ever. I think graphically it hits a bar that the best Disney stuff has to hit. I think that will appeal to people."
Regarding handling an icon like Mickey Mouse, Spector explains that the development team had to consult Disney several times to see if their interpretation of the character did the company justice. He deemed it as being "creative responsibility".
When concluding the interview, MCV asked Spector about Epic Mickey's player choices and how it affects the outcome of the game. He mentions that while the choices in the game aren't the same as in Deus Ex, the idea of choice and their consequences is something that they have been experimenting with for 20 years. "It's accumulated wisdom," he mentions.