Will this new game fit you? If you want fun and exercise, it just might.
Wii Fit U might secretly be the game with the coolest use of the Wii U Game Pad at E3 2012.
Hosedown was the first game I played, and it was based around lunging forward on the Balance Board to spray water at various Miis and the occasional mud monster. It was fast-paced and fun, as you had to quickly lunge forward to fire water, and then retreat to refill your hose. The GamePad was used to direct your water, as you looked at the screen to look at the environment and move the hose. This was a great example of a Wii Fit activity, as it worked you out, and kept you engaged.
Next up was Trampoline Target, which involved placing the GamePad on the ground in front of the Balance Board. You would squat up and down in rhythm to aim to bounce as high as you possibly could on the trampoline. Additionally, on your descent, you had to use the GamePad on the floor to tweak your weight to guide your fall so you would land on the trampoline. Like Hosedown, this was a great stealthy way to keep you active while making a game out of it.
I moved on to Core Luge, where you didn't use the GamePad. Instead, you had to sit your butt on the Balance Board and luge down a winding path. You can game this easily, by keeping your feet and hands planted on the ground, and then shifting your weight to speed up and turn down the trail. Or you could man up, and do it the way it is supposed to be played by keeping your feet off the ground, leaning back, and gripping the Balance Board for dear life. As I played this on the third day of E3, this was nearly impossible for tired body, but damn it, I tried. This is a fantastic exercise for your abs and it is fun. Once again, an ideal Wii Fit activity.
Rowing Crew was the next game I played. While Aaron used it with a chair and the GamePad, I played it with just the Balance Board and the Wii Remote. I sat on the Balance Board and hold the Wii Remote on its side. I had to rhymically twist the Wii Remote to row while leaning back and forth. You worked together with a team of Miis, and it was very comical to see them get angry with you when you messed up.
I closed off the demo with Dessert Course, which is probably the most game-like experience in the game. It also reminded me of the balance games in past Wii Fits. You hold the GamePad up like a platter and stand on the Balance Board. You then have to walk in place on the Balance Board while keeping the GamePad steady to keep the dessert on then platter so you can deliver it to various customers. It gets more challenging as you have to deliver multiple items and round items that roll off easily.
Wii Fit U is coming out around the Wii U's launch, and if the whole package is as good as these five games, the game will be amazing.