The Planet GameCube Louie Awards 2005
December 30, 2005
The best and the worst are exposed in our Fifth Annual Awards.
What's With Those Specs?
December 14, 2005
The PGC staff discusses the rumored Revolution specs floating around.
Nintendo Funhouse Radio
December 6, 2005
Listen to hundreds of hot video game tracks over the Internet!
Karaoke Revolution Party Interview
November 21, 2005
Learn all about the first Konami-published music game for GameCube, Karaoke Revolution Party, from the game's creators at Harmonix Music. Plus, their comments on how the Revolution controller might change music games forever!
Metroid Mismatch Contest Winners
November 20, 2005
Check out our three winners!
Nintendo World Report Supporters Page
November 15, 2005
We've compiled the list of almost all the people that have supported Planet GameCube/Nintendo World Report through out the years. And it grows daily!
The Incredible Interview
November 12, 2005
Learn all about The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer from the game's developers.
Tony Hawk's American Sk8land
November 9, 2005
Karthik Bala and Dan Wallace from Vicarious Vision discuss American Sk8land's features, their brisk development schedule, late-night collaboration with Nintendo, and Mr. T.
(no title)
November 8, 2005
By popular demand I address more questions about Nintendo WiFi Connection, online content, routers, and ad-hoc connections.
(no title)
November 7, 2005
TYP answers your Mario Kart DS and WiFi questions, including which tracks are online and missing chat features. Apparently no one cares about Super Mario Strikers.
The Fall Out Boy Interview
October 26, 2005
PGC catches up with Fall Out Boy on the Nintendo Fusion Tour and picks their brains for thoughts on music, touring, and Nintendo.
Dream Game
Dream Game Revolution Contest Winner
October 16, 2005
Out of enough submissions to make your head spin, this was the best.
Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector Interview
October 11, 2005
Morikazu Sano of Buffalo Technology discusses the Nintendo-branded Wi-Fi access point.
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Interview
October 4, 2005
Rich Amtower, Tim O'Leary, and Alan Averill from NOA's very own Treehouse take the time to discuss the upcoming release of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.
PGC Annnounces Dream Game Revolution Contest!
September 30, 2005
UPDATE: The contest has now ended.
(no title)
September 16, 2005
Ask and ye shall receive, I guess. I received TONS of letters about the Revolution controller after my prodding earlier today, so here's a giant-sized mailbag exclusively about that particular subject!
Revolution Controller Nonsense
September 15, 2005
On the heels of Nintendo's Revolution controller unveiling, PGC is proud to bring you the greatest, timeliest, funniest, stupidest Blah Blah Blah ever.
(no title)
September 14, 2005
Here's one last mailbag before the deluge of questions about Iwata's speech at TGS.
(no title)
September 12, 2005
Today's mailbag covers some topics. You know, Nintendo stuff.
(no title)
September 10, 2005
Today's mailbag ownz0rs topics like the Game Boy Micro, adventure games on DS, Brain Training, import warranties, and the true meaning of "Nintendo".
New Releases
Switch Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind Dec 10
Switch Taito Milestones 3 Dec 10
Switch Tri Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Oddysey Dec 10
Switch I Am An Air Traffic Controller Airport Hero: Centrair Dec 11
Switch Rascal's Escape Dec 11
Switch Azura's Crystals Dec 12
Switch Cowboys vs Zombies Dec 12
Switch Dot Piece Puzzle Dec 12
Switch EggConsole Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II PC-8801mkIISR Dec 12
Switch Hidden Cats In Santa's Realm Dec 12