I'm thinking Silicon Knights, Retro Studios, and Platinum Games all have some big announcements.
- Eternal Darkness 2, made by Silicon Knights, coming to Wii U in 2013
- New F-Zero from ndCube, coming in late 2012/early 2013
- Pikmin 3 Wii U gets lots of love
- New Super Mario Bros 2 and New Super Mario Bros Mii, the latter of which will see some sort of facelift, will be linked in some fashion and highlighted at the same time
- Two Wii U controllers compatible with the system
- The fifth Layton game won't be mentioned during any press conference, but it will be playable on the show floor
- Pokémon Black and White 2 will be playable on the show floor
- So will Fire Emblem Awakening
- Pandora's Tower will be a Mario Party 9-type mention. It'll be listed on the press site, but Nintendo won't make a big deal out of it
- Zelda Wii U being made by Retro Studios
- Star Fox Wii U being made by Platinum Games
- Luigi's Mansion 2 3DS for a fall release
- Animal Crossing 3DS for a fall release
- Paper Mario 3DS for a December 2012/January 2013 release
- GameCube Virtual Console at Wii U launch
- Centralized accounts using Club Nintendo
- Mii-focused games for Wii U featuring a focus on online connections instead of StreetPasses
- Wii U Fit teased/shown; out in 2013
- WarioWare Wii U for early 2013 release
- NST working on a Wii U eShop launch title
- Good-Feel working on a Yoshi 3DS game
- Square Enix teases new Chrono Trigger on 3DS
- Dragon Quest X on Wii/Wii U shown
- A character reveal for the new Smash Bros.