Getting a GameCube on Black Friday? PREPOSTEROUS!
Before I start off, I just want to say that my story is nothing fantastical. I didn't attend any midnight releases, I didn't pre-order the system, and I didn't partake in any special event where fights started and both clothing and dignity were lost. However, the reason I want to tell this story is because I find it amusing how it got connected to the Wii launch, and especially what some of the former NWR members had to say about it.
If you guys recall, the members of one of the podcasts (can't remember which) made the controversial statement that the Wii would be so underwhelming in terms of sales that on the morning after launch you would be able to go to a Walmart, grab one off the shelf and go home. Of course, history dictated otherwise, as the Wii would become so successful that for YEARS stores would be receiving them in extremely limited quantities. Now, this was a statement I mocked for years before I eventually joined the staff, and it was mainly because of how their comments were similar to when I got my GameCube.
It was Black Friday, 2001. I had gone shopping with my mother, my sister, and her family. We stopped at a Walmart to see what they had. Now, I was saving money to get my own system, but I never expected to pick it up right away, so I went to check my bank account, and it turned out that I had enough money to buy both a system and a game. I went to the electronics department, to the video game aisle, grabbed a GameCube off the shelf, grabed Luigi's Mansion and a memory card in the process, and paid for everything.
Note that this was on a BLACK FRIDAY, so the store was packed to the bone with bargain hunters and mad shoppers, so the fact that I was able to just grab a system and a game without any hassle says something. The statement the podcast crew made was right: the launch of the Nintendo system was so unspectacular that one would be able to find it at a store easily. Except they talked about the wrong system at the wrong time period!
It's for that reason alone that I enjoy this story so much. Pardon if my passive-aggressiveness regarding the Wii statement seems too much (I've long since stopped being bitter about it), but I find it amazing how things tend to work out. But I did have fun buying it, regardless of how UN-spectacular it was. I still remember going to my room, all decked out in holiday decorations, and spending hours playing Luigi's Mansion and thinking how out of place it felt playing a horror-themed game on the holidays.