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PGC E3 2002 DVD Staff Impressions

Justin Nation's Impressions

by the NWR Staff - June 29, 2002, 5:58 am EDT

So what does someone who has never attended E3 (and probably never will) think of it?

Having seen all of our previous outings (last year's E3 tapes and the SpaceWorld CDs) the first thing I would like to note is that production values have continued to come a long way in making this DVD. If PGC’s future projects can all look this good or somehow even better I’ll be very much looking forward to the experience.

Since quite a bit has already been covered I’ll try to primarily note what I haven’t seen yet or would like to add to. Starting with the press conference I was really impressed by the amount of planning that was obvious in making the picture-in-picture stuff come off so nicely. Much moreso than in any case before this press conference footage looked like the product of careful planning, attention to detail, and an awareness of a big picture for the best possible final product. The expressions Miyamoto has while playing his games were also a high point for me. Seeing the joy in the face of one of the industries greatest designers as he partakes of his carefully crafted creations is something to behold.

Moving on to the footage of the games themselves it was great to see the direct feed footage (granted, most of which I’ve already seen) big and beautiful on my big screen rather than in some tiny window compressed to be sent to me over the Internet. While, oddly, in places some of the direct footage seemed a tad jumpy the overall quality more than made up for just about anything. Mario looks magnificent, Link and his new adventure look incredibly intriguing, and Samus Aran looks dead sexy in a game that appears to be a thorough visual feast. Oddly enough, while the colors were more muted and not everything was quite as pretty the footage PGC’s video crew managed to pull off of screens people were playing on was nothing short of remarkable. Having tried to grab video off of a monitor before I can very much attest that the quality of video they got was a sign of preparation, you don’t just point and shoot to get it all that clean.

As you may have guessed, I was pleasantly surprised by just about everything in the DVD… but I left out one key element: PGC flava! While any other companies product may have settled for all of the above, the whacked out nutjobs so well represented in PGC’s ranks (starting with our fearless leader and his English-challenged feline) couldn’t possibly let something out the door without making their mark in various ways. Some of the comments and goodies included in the footage here and there are absolutely priceless. I busted out laughing multiple times, caught off guard by little things here and there that often said it all and sometimes went the extra mile for extra flavor. Even if Louie weren’t on the cover nobody could watch this DVD without knowing where it came from… and to me that’s the icing on the cake.

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