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Super Monkey Ball Guide!

The Advanced Extra Levels

by the NWR Staff - June 1, 2002, 7:47 pm EDT

Tricks, tips and challenges for the Advanced Extra levels.

Note: To unlock the Advanced Extra levels, you must beat all thirty Advanced levels without losing a life. Use practice mode to brush up on the difficult levels (15, 17, 30) before trying this. Also, master the warps from level six to ten, eighteen to twenty-five and twenty-five to twenty eight. I also suggest playing at least two Monkeys's at the same time to reduce the pressure a bit.

Advanced Extra 01

As far as I can tell, this level is exactly like Beginner Extra 01. In any case, the same strategy works just as well here. Treat the platforms as one long angled platform and you can zip right across.

Challenge: Get all of the bananas and beat the level.

Advanced Extra 02

This is like Beginner Extra 02 but with a meaner goal. This time move to the left of the platform and turn around. Watch the goal and get close to it. Ata bout 22 seconds the front face of the goal should be turning towards you. Make a run for it.

Advanced Extra 03

Move forward and take the first right turn. Speed along this path and jump the gap at the end. Now you must turn right. Get to the end of this path and turn completely around. Roll down this as fast as you can to jump the gap at the end. After you make it over this gap, just roll forward and follow the path until you reach the goal.

Challenge: I don't think it's possible, but try to beat the level without jumping any gaps.

Advanced Extra 04

This is apparently exactly like Beginner Extra 03. Try to keep a non-reflective part of the level in your view at all times to keep from being dazzled by the pretty reflection. This level isn't all that hard once you get used to the reflection. The multiplayer version has no reflection making it very easy.

Challenge: Get all of the bananas and beat the level.

Advanced Extra 05

The brutal version of Advanced 30. Fortunately, the principle is basically the same. Turn right and watch as a bridge immediately forms to the second bumper. Roll over this bridge as quickly as possible running right past the second bumper to jump over the gap and pick up the banana. Continue forward because there should be three more platforms perfectly lined up. Whenever you come to a stop, wait on that platform until you have an opportunity to move to the outer ring. Once there, watch the giant flipping ring-of-doom. You have to stay on the inner edge of the ring you're walking on. Get to one of the ring-of-doom's hinges. You're going to have to cross to the outer ring now. Just make sure you cross on the side of the ring that is coming up towards you... and be quick. Once you're on the outer ring, there's only a short trip to the goal.

Challenge: Get all the bananas (you can use a different strategy than the one on Advanced 30 since there's sixty seconds this time).


Congratulations on unlocking and beating the Advanced Extra levels! You have taken a significant step towards becoming a hardcore Monkey Ball fanatic. By now the only things left for you should be the Advanced Extra levels and Master mode. Good luck.

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