I missed out on signing up for the Smash Bros. Tournament by a half hour, so I decided to try some of the games they had that the public could play, as well as meet some of the celebrities. Checking out the old school games was a real blast. Seeing as I’m the resident old fart here at Planet GameCube, I had played all of these original games a long, long time ago (but MAME sure works great!). Watching some of the experts play their respective games, or checking out video’s of recorded high scores was a lot of fun. Plus they were selling the actual units, as well as these sweet PC Mame Home Arcade units.
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Respect the old School!
| The Sweet PC MAME Arcade units
God bless wood paneling!
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Unknown, Dwayne Richard, Billy Mitchell, and me
| Dwayne Richard and Billy Mitchell at work
Racking up another high score!
“So what do you guys think of the new stuff coming out?”
They looked at me like I just kicked their dog or something. I decided it was time to move on. I mean, I embrace the classics and everything because I grew up with them, but some people really embrace the classics. To each their own I guess! Not that I’m bashin’ the classics but…there’s something to be said about expanding your horizons. Hey, even I played a PS2 today (and waited 15 minutes for the b—ch to load)! I played some Star Wars Starfighter and SSX while I was waiting for the Mario Kart Tournament. Unfortunately, it just made me want SSX Tricky and Rogue 2 on GameCube more.