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December 14, 2001

Japan Experience Quasi-Review

by Jonathan Metts - 8:58 pm EST

Not sure if you should buy PGC's new video CD set? Jonny cuts through the hype to give you a straight answer.

As you may know, we just started selling a 2-CD video documentary that Billy and (MailMan) Mike Hrusecky made of Billy’s experience in Japan…Spaceworld, Akihabara, NCL Invasion, and of course, the Japanese GameCube Launch. Some of us staff have had the video for a few days, and I thought it would... Read more...

November 2, 2001

Lastability: A Dissertation.

by Jonathan Metts - 9:05 am EST

Just how important is lasting/replay value to the gaming experience? What is it about some games that keeps us playing them for years to come? Jonny tackles these questions in his latest editorial.

Ya know, when I think back to the days of playing NES and SNES every single day, I can’t ever remember complaining that a game was too short, or that it didn’t have any replay value. Sure, I was younger then and more easily amused, and of course I didn’t have the years of experience and immense (ha) gaming skill that I do now, but something was still different in the games.


October 22, 2001

Cars, Collisions & Commercials

by Jonathan Metts - 8:36 pm EDT

Jonny and pals go to the EA Sports 500, watch fast cars, eat much junk food, film an Xbox commercial, and just generally create trouble.

I’ll be the first to tell you that I’m no follower of NASCAR racing, and much less an expert on it, but I did have quite an enjoyable adventure at the very first EA Sports 500. I expected the day to be something like my journalism experiences at E3 and the Cube Clubs, despite the obviously different environment. What I got was something totally different, yet memorable in its own way.


May 25, 2001

The Power of Absence

by Jonathan Metts - 7:53 pm EDT

What's up with Nintendo not showing Mario at E3? Where were Zelda and Pokemon? Jonny Metts offers an answer that you probably weren't expecting.

Regardless of who you think “won” E3 2001, Nintendo’s presence has garnered a lot more discussion than either of its competitors. I wish I could settle the whole thing right now by saying that Nintendo’s booth was far more crowded and popular and noisy and cramped and all kinds of other good... Read more...

April 17, 2001


by Jonathan Metts - 10:22 pm EDT

Jonathan Metts takes an in-depth look at that burning, mysterious question: Why do we play videogames?

It's funny, but despite the huge investment of time and money, I'm not really sure why I play videogames. Is it for fun? Well I do have fun playing most games, but I'm not sure if that's the reason or just a fortunate side-effect. Is it an escape from reality? Hmmm...now that seems more likely. Is... Read more...

February 7, 2001

Still Kickin'

by Jonathan Metts - 7:49 am EST

Do you actually think the N64 is dead? Since when?!? Jon reminds everyone that one of their favorite systems should still be working great and still merits playing.

We gaming journalists are a wily lot, and in celebration of our infinite cleverness we have designed our own mini-vocabulary of buzzwords and catch phrases. In what other sector will you find such liberal use of words like “decidedly” or phrases like “a mixed bag”? I must admit, it’s fun... Read more...

November 29, 2000

Step Back and Think

by Jonathan Metts - 3:39 pm EST
Discuss in talkback!

Jon takes a look at the logics behind the Eternal Darkness and Dino Planet GameCube rumours...

Lately a lot of talk has been going around regarding the future of a few key N64 titles. Some people seem to think that Eternal Darkness, Dinosaur Planet, and maybe even Conker's Bad Fur Day are destined to shift from N64 development over to the GameCube launch. Fair enough; I can see why they might... Read more...

November 10, 2000

Hasta La Vista, FMV!

by Jonathan Metts - 3:45 pm EST

With all of the Shiny New Game Consoles coming out, will there still be a need for Pre-rendered movie scenes? Jon says "NO!" and here's his explanation why...

Say goodbye to full-motion video, better known as FMV to gamers, in the next generation of videogame systems. It had its time in the limelight, and some people would say it was a major creative force in the 32-bit era. Nearly all gaming FMV was recorded footage of very high-quality computer-generated... Read more...

October 16, 2000

Smaller is Better

by Jonathan Metts - 7:52 am EDT

Jonathan Metts takes a look at Nintendo's decision to not go with standard DVD media

Since Nintendo's revelation at Spaceworld that the GameCube (or N-Cube as I prefer to call it) would use miniature DVDs instead of standard ones, the company has caught a lot of flak from the press. Many are already predicting the system's failure, because in their eyes, Nintendo has not made enough... Read more...

September 13, 2000

Jon's Spaceworld Impressions

by Jonathan Metts - 3:59 pm EDT

Remember how we were all told "Wait until Spaceworld"? Did Jon think it worth the wait? Find out by reading his editorial!

I remember snooping around E3 this year, trying to dig up ANY info on "Dolphin" that I could get my hands on. It seemed like everywhere I looked, I ran into a brick wall, and on that wall were the words "Wait until Spaceworld!" Ugh. Spaceworld seemed so far away! So, to say that I was eagerly anticipating... Read more...

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