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Scooby-Doo! Nostalgia Contest Winners


by Neal Ronaghan - October 16, 2009, 8:09 am EDT

Check out the contest winner's entries!

Scooby-Doo! and the Reunion Robbery



"Like I can't wait to get to the Doo Family Reunion," said Shaggy.

"Reah!" yelped Scooby.

The gang were driving down the road when they saw a car broken down off to the side.

"Hey those people need help," said Fred. He pulled the car over behind the car. "C'mon gang. Let's go help them."

There standing beside the car were the Three Stooges. "How do you forget to put gas in the car?" asked Moe.

"Well I probably didn't hear you say anything because my ears hurt with you yelling all the time," said Curly.

"Hey here comes somebody to help," said Larry.

"Hello. Do you guys need any help?" asked Velma.

"Uh, yeah. Do you have any gas?'' asked Moe.

"Well, we just ate at Big Ben's Barbecue if that's what you mean," said Shaggy.

"Hey guys, do you know who that is?" asked Daphne. "It's the Three Stooges."

"How have you guys been," asked Shaggy. "We haven't, like, seen you since we ran into the Ghost of the Red Baron."

"Red Raren? Rulp!" Scooby said.

"Hey, we're going to Scooby's Family Reunion. Would you like to go," asked Velma.

"Sure. We'd love to go to the Reunion," said Larry

The gang drove to Doo Manor where the Family Reunion was being held. Everyone in the doo family was there: Dada Doo, Momsy Doo, Yabba Doo, Scooby Dee, Scooby Dum, Ruby Doo, Dooby Doo, Dixie Doo, Skippy Doo, Howdy Doo, Whoopsy Doo, Horton Doo, and Scrappy Doo.

"Look everyone, it's Uncle Scooby?" screamed Scrappy.

"I don't have an Uncle Scooby," said Scooby Dum.

"Nah, Dum old buddy, that's cousin Scooby," said Dooby.

"They're just in time for the Hex Girls concert," said Dada.

"Shhhhhhh!" said Momsy.

"What about the Hex Girls?" asked Skippy and Howdy.

"Well, we were going to surprise you guys with a concert," said Momsy.

"Gee, we haven't seen the Hex Girls since that vampire started haunting their music video," said Daphne.

When Thorn, Dusk, and Luna got there Fred, Velma, Daphne, Shaggy, Scooby, Scrappy Doo, Dada Doo, Momsy Doo, Yabba Doo, Scooby Dee, Scooby Dum, Ruby Doo, Dooby Doo, Dixie Doo, Skippy Doo, Howdy Doo, Whoopsy Doo, Horton Doo, and the Three Stooges watched the Hex Girls concert.

"I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you!"

After the concert everyone went back to there rooms to go to bed. Then, there was a scream coming from Momsy and Dada's room. "Someone's stolen the Family Jewels!" screamed Momsy.

Everyone piled into the living room for a meeting. There were so many people, some of the dogs had to sit on the floor.

"Okay, everyone is under house arrest. Everyone in this room is a suspect." said Velma.

"Not my Uncle Scooby. He wouldn't steal from his own parents," said Scrappy.

"Re he he he" laughed Scooby

"So, Momsy, where were the jewels?" asked Fred.

"In a hidden safe, behind the family portrait, in my bedroom," said Momsy.

The gang looked at the portrait in Momsy and Dada's room. There was someone else in the picture that was unfarmiliar.

"Who's this?" asked Daphne.

"That's Great Grandpa Doo. He passed on years ago." said Momsy.

Velma wrote down evey suspect on a piece of paper: Momsy, Dada, Scrappy, Whoopsy, Dooby, Dixie, Skippy, Howdy, Yabba, Ruby, Scooby Dee, Scooby Dum, Horton, Larry, Moe, Curley, Thorn, Dusk, and Luna.

Then the gang looked in the bathroom there was something written on the mirror: "Get out of Doo Manor or Suffer my Curse. -Great Grandpa Doo." There was a paw print beside the note.

"That paw print looks pretty real," Shaggy said.

"Reah," said Scooby shaking.

Velma marked off all of the humans on the list of suspects. "It appears our mastermind's a dog," said Velma.

"Well, I don't believe a Doo would steal from you guys," said Daphne.

The gang and Momsy went back downstairs to the living room. "Okay, the Hex Girls and the Three Stooges can return back to their room," said Fred.

"And as for the rest of you," Velma said. "One of you have stolen something very valuable."

"But we don't even know where the jewels were," Yabba said.

"But I do!" said a voice. The ghost of Great Granpa Doo was standing on top of the stair case. He ran down the stairs and grabbed Momsy Doo out of her chair and ran toward the old Doo Saw Mill. "Rom!" called Scooby.

Fred, Daphne, Shaggy, Velma, and Scooby ran toward the barn. Momsy Doo was nowhere in sight. Then there was a scream from the other room. Momsy Doo was chained to a log that was heading right for a saw. "Help!!!!" she called.

Scooby grabbed a hand saw and started sawing, but it didn't work. So he went and got a two-person saw but the person on the other end was Great Grandpa Doo! Scooby turned the saw and its side and started shaking it up and down. Great Grandpa Doo shook away.

"Scoobert! Make like a beaver!" screamed Momsy.

Scooby bit into the wood like a beaver and split the piece of wood in half. Then the ghost came back. Scooby, Momsy, and the gang ran into another room and ducked behind a pile of wood.

"I think he's gone," said Fred.

"Oh no! We lost Daphne," Shaggy said.

"No you didn't. I'm in here," said Daphne. She lifted up a hidden door in a hollow log.

"Wow! A hidden passage in a hollow log," said Shaggy.

"That's not all I found," Daphne said. "Look at these." She lifted up a handful of jewels.

"It's the family jewels!" screamed Momsy.

"You can drop the charade now Momsy," Velma said.

"Ruh?" yelped Scooby.

"Momsy wanted to make sure that this Family Reunion was a mystery reunion. She even used the same kind of trap that the Snow Ghost used on me years ago," said Velma.

"That's impossible! She was kidnapped by the ghost in the living room," said Daphne.

"She had a little help," said Velma. "Isn't that right, Dada?"

"You got me," he said.

"But how did you know?" asked Momsy.

"I first suspected you when you told me where the jewels were. Only two people knew where they were: Dada and Momsy," said Velma.

"Yeah, and like, Dada wasn't in the room when Momsy was kidnapped," said Shaggy.

"And the jewels?" asked Larry.

"In a hollowed out log," said Daphne.

"I just wanted to give you guys a thrilling reunion," said Momsy.

"And I guess I would have gotten away with it, too" Dada and Momsy said laughing. "if it weren't for....."

"Those meddling kids," said the Hex Girls.

"Yeah like they've never heard that," said Scooby Dee and Dixie.

"Scooby Dooby Doo!" howled Scooby.

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