Pickings are slim, but still, some quality games are on the way.
April is traditionally one of the slower release times of the year in video games. It comes right after the end of the fiscal year in March, which means that companies usually try to push games out before April so the sales show up in the prior year's earnings (explains why we had like 10 games in a week period at the end of March!). Unlike the idiom about March coming in like a lion and out like a lamb, it's more like the month goes out like a lion and April is the lamb in the world of video games. Still, let's check out what games are on the way. Note: All dates are North American.

Toki Tori 2
Platform: Wii U eShop
Publisher/Developer: Two Tribes
Release Date: April 4
Toki Tori 2 is out now on the Wii U eShop, and from our review, it looks like it turned out pretty great. If you like devious puzzles in an oddly calming atmosphere, then Toki Tori 2 might be right in your wheelhouse. Plus, you want to help that little bird, don't you? I know I do!

Dillon's Rolling Western: The Last Ranger
Platform: 3DS eShop
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Vanpool
Release Date: April 11
While I might be a little on the harsher side of Dillon's first adventure, a lot of people dug it. They all dug it so much that a sequel is coming out a little more than a year after the first game. The big hook of the second game appears to be that three new characters will be joining the fun, including the lizard gunman Gallo, the powerful bear Boone, and the squid assassin Nomad. Last Ranger also adds a train that has to be protected during the stages and a fun StreetPass feature where you can share hints with other players. And damn, I loved the world and character design in the original, so like a sap, I'll probably check this game out, too, even though I hated the first game. This is why I can't have nice things, guys.

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
Platform: 3DS (Retail/Download)
Publisher/Developer: Atlus
Release Date: April 16
Atlus continues their attempt for 3DS RPG domination with this remake of Soul Hackers, a never-before-released-in-North-America game from 1997 that was on the Saturn and PlayStation. Soul Hackers is more of that first-person dungeon-crawling goodness most of the Shin Megami Tensei series is known for. Check out our preview for more details, including a really awesome StreetPass feature where you level up a demon by StreetPassing.

Injustice: Gods Among Us
Platform: Wii U
Publisher: Warner Bros.
Developer: NetherRealm
Release Date: April 16
It has been a while since a fighting game from the guys who made Mortal Kombat has hit a Nintendo platform, but this DC Comics fighter appears to differentiate itself from the Mortal Kombat tropes. Battles are only one round, and each hero has four moves (low, medium, high, and a signature move). The roster is deep, with more than 20 characters, and the story, if you haven't heard, is bonkers crazy with Superman killing people and The Joker taking over cities. The Wii U version might not be getting DLC, but even still, this game looks like it might turn out to be amazing.

LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins
Platform: 3DS
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: TT Fusion
Release Date: April 21
While a Superman 64-like fog might have descended upon LEGO City on the 3DS, The Chase Begins still looks like it will be a fun side-story to the great Wii U version. The story tells how Chase McCain got his start and captured Rex Fury, all of which is referenced in the other LEGO City Undercover game. Check out our impressions from PAX East 2013 for some more details.