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Deadly Premonition 2 Can Be Outperformed by Super FX Games

by John Rairdin - July 11, 2020, 10:02 am EDT
Total comments: 3

The saddest of benchmarks.


mereelJuly 11, 2020

Nice one John. Funny video. I remember playing Star Fox as a young 13yo and being blown away by the polygonal gameplay. The low framerate didn’t even bother me at the time, as I really didn’t have much to compare it with on consoles in the early 90’s.
But I’m glad that the gaming community in general has made it abundantly clear to developers that poorly optimized games (even ports from more powerful consoles) are not acceptable and must be patched/fixed to run at a consistent baseline 30fps. The Switch even gets a fair amount of 60fps ports albeit sometimes via a “Performance Mode.” Still, this trend is a good thing for games in general.

WanderleiJuly 11, 2020

Still easily one of the best games I have ever played.

John, you have a great sense of humor. This, and the Xenoblade grass video.

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