Some changes are being made to Planet Trivia and Radio Trivia, so all you die-hard fans should listen up.
For almost four years now, Planet Trivia has been the place to be on Friday Nights to test your Nintendo knowledge from the NES to the GameCube, and everything inbetween. However, with the growth of Planet GameCube, it's been getting harder and harder for the staff to organize and put on the show in our chatroom every week, with the increasing workload that everyone associated with the site needs to endure to bring you all the gaming news, previews, reviews and features you've come to expect from PGC.
Because of this, there will be a schedule change for both types of Trivia here at Planet GameCube. Starting next week with Radio Trivia, there will be only one Trivia game played per week, alternating between Radio Trivia and regular Planet Trivia, instead of both every week. We're doing this to lighten up our workload so we can keep the site in tip-top shape, but still give you your weekly Trivia fix.
Also, for unrelated reasons, tonight's Planet Trivia has been cancelled.
We know these changes will make Trivia better all around, so stick with us for all your Trivia needs, and we'll see you next week for another glorious round of Radio Trivia!