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Episode 404 - Perry Not Found

by Perry Burkum, Alex Culafi, and Casey Gibson - June 6, 2024, 7:27 pm EDT
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We're down a Jerruh for his birthday, but the remaining non birthday boys take up the mantle and Paper Mario TTYD, Dark Souls III, and Mortal Kombat 1 are on the menu!

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We’re getting to that time of year again where random hosts are forgetting that they have an obligation to record on Tuesdays, so is anyone really surprised Perry bailed to be with his loving family on his 58th birthday? So Rude#

Just kiddin’, but it is true that Perry is not here so it’s left to Casey and Alex to pick up the slack and do a pretty chill episode. On the docket this week: Paper Mario TTYD remake, Dark Souls III, Mortal Kombat 1, fast food faux pas(x2), fatherhood, and more! Also there’s a Nintendie Direct probably coming up eventually soon, yeah? We’re probably going to try to have a friend or two on next week to do some not-E3 predictions.

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