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Today's Blech.

by Billy Berghammer - March 7, 1999, 10:00 am EST

The first official comments from me relating to the site. It's the freakin' announcement of the century. Historical? Mmmmm...eh...not really.

~Building new site today. No shit eh? Decided to dust off MSFP98 and give it a spin with my free webspace. Looking for the stories I gathered for beginning of FAQ. Not much to work with yet. Looking for Graphics.

~Playing Castlevania 64 a lot today. Finally got thru the maze. I like the game a lot. There are some serious control flaws, and camera problems. But over all it is a pretty good game. I'm also thinking about trying to complete Banjo today too. Maybe throw in Zelda for the SNES. I'm Sick and I don't feel like doing anything :) .

~Added counter and FAQ, new graphics (oooh), and messed with the design a lot. For now I am happy with what I have gathered so far. Day 1 of the UN2KHQ. Lots and lots of work to do still. But as my boy Firecheif said...it's a start.

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