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Persona 5 Tactica, Persona 3 Remake Revealed Inadvertently, Possibly Switch Bound?

by Donald Theriault - June 8, 2023, 6:50 pm EDT
Total comments: 1 Source: Atlus

The videos are Xbox branded, but Switch did get the announcements a couple of weeks later.

A couple of intended announcements for Sunday were inadvertently dropped early, and one or both may be Switch-bound.

Since-deleted Instragram posts on Atlus's Western page showed an announcement of a "Persona 5 Tactica" with a release date of November 17, and a "Persona 3 Reload" for early 2024. Persona 3 has been rumored to be receiving a remake, and domains for a "P3R" and "P5T" were recently spotted as referring to a 404 page (suggesting impending updates).

The trailer for Reload was also uploaded, with Xbox branding, suggesting the game would be formally announced during Microsoft's summer showcase on Sunday. A similar announcement was made for the modern Persona trilogy - 3 Portable, 4 Golden, and 5 Royal - last year at the Microsoft show, with a Nintendo Partner Showcase two weeks verifying the RPGs would come to the Switch as well.


LemonadeJune 08, 2023

Tactica looks like a typo of Tactics

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