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Staff Sez: What Game Do You Want Nintendo to Give Us Next?

by Josh Max - February 21, 2014, 12:17 pm EST
Total comments: 14

After Pokémon Bank and Sub Wars, what else could you want?

With the Oscars soon upon us and the spring flowers starting to bloom, it's the dawn of a new day. A day where I've asked the NWR staff another question. This week's question was "After releasing Pokémon Bank, Sub Wars and offering Four Swords for free, what game do you want Nintendo give us next?" Check out their answers!

What game do you want next? Let us know in the comments!

Side note: Because I love the Oscars I will be giving everyone Oscar-winning movie nicknames this week. Just so everyone is aware.

Mike "The Hurt Locker" Sklens

Wand of Gamelon on virtual console.

Neal "The Artist" Ronaghan

StarTropics 3

Zachary "Slumdog Millionaire" Miller

That version of Rondo of Blood that only came out in North America. Dracula X, maybe?

J.P. "The King's Speech" Corbran

Super Mario Bros. 3, dammit!

Bryan "The Departed" Rose

Pokemon Snap 2. The Wii U game pad can be used as a camera, like how the camera worked in the recent Wind Waker remake.The idea of capturing pictures of 700+ Pokemon is a bit daunting, but it would probably be tons of fun!

Jeffrey "No Country for Old Men" Trewin

An authorized and completed version of Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes.

James "Crash" Dawson

A Nintendo-themed pinball game where we get a few tables for free and have the opportunity to pay for more.

Andy "Titanic" Goergen

A game that plays like Elite Beat Agents but features Nintendo music (songs from Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc).

Guillaume "Gladiator" Veillette

It's about time North Americans got their free copy of Donkey Kong on NES with the cement factory level hacked back in, or Super Mario Bros. DX

Becky "Argo" Hollada

Fire Emblem 6. Complete BS that we don't have every Fire Emblem game in English yet, but I want the sequel to Blazing Sword first.


KhushrenadaFebruary 21, 2014

Treize "Amadeus" Khushrenada

If you like the Oscars so much, why didn't you post in my Oscar thread? And what was wrong with movie titles past 1997? Some of those could have made for some great nicknames.

If you want a game pic though, I'll say Last Window: The Secret of Cape West. It is the sequel to Hotel Dusk and never released in N/A. With DS games coming to Wii U, here's a great way to drum up interest in that new VC offering and it can be released in perhaps a more cost-friendly market.

KITT 10KFebruary 21, 2014

I'd love to see a more content filled version of Steel Diver for both Wii U and the 3DS. With more subs, (most DEFINITELY) more missions, weapon types, and mission types. It'd also be cool to have special subs appear like Red October from the movie "The Hunt For Red October", the U.S.S. Stingray from "Down Periscope", and maybe SeaQuest from the show "SeaQuest DSV". Also not for getting online play too.

Fatty The HuttFebruary 21, 2014

I can't believe you managed to pick almost every shitty Best Picture winner. You only forgot a couple like How Green Was My Valley and Ordinary People. Well done.

Disco StuFebruary 21, 2014


Guillaume "Gladiator" Veillette
It's about time North Americans got their free copy of Donkey Kong on NES with the cement factory level hacked back in, or Super Mario Bros. DX

Uhh, didn't this already happen?  I have Donkey Kong: Original Edition on my 3DS that I got through Club Nintendo back in 2012, I think.

But yes, I want Super Mario Bros. DX so badly.

Leo13February 21, 2014

Advance Wars 3D
Donkey Kong Country 1, 2, & 3 on VC
Star Fox 64 on VC

But mostly Advance Wars 3D

NWR_JoshJosh Max, Associate EditorFebruary 21, 2014

In defense of my nicknames this week, I was starting from the most recent ones! I'll make my way back eventually!

AdrockFebruary 21, 2014

Virtual Boy Wario Land remade in full color on 3DS.

Ian SaneFebruary 21, 2014

The subject says "What game do you want Nintendo give us next?" and yet most of the answers are incredibly subdued suggestions like VC releases, localizations and remakes.  Did I miss some detail where it has to be an eShop game?

I'm thinking big.  I want Nintendo's next title to be a completely new IP that pleasantly surprises me, where the first trailer fills me with such wonder that it sells me on a Wii U purchase right then and there.  I can't be specific because the whole idea is that it's new and exciting and not some rehashing of the past.  The last time I had that sort of reaction from a Nintendo reveal was Pikmin 1 over ten years ago!

Quote from: NWR_Josh

In defense of my nicknames this week, I was starting from the most recent ones! I'll make my way back eventually!

I am requesting The Godfather Part II for future editions.  :cool;

Mop it upFebruary 21, 2014

Quote from: Adrock

Virtual Boy Wario Land remade in full color on 3DS.

This. Wouldn't mind seeing Mario Clash either, maybe the Tetris game too.

KhushrenadaFebruary 21, 2014

Quote from: Fatty_The_Hutt

I can't believe you managed to pick almost every shitty Best Picture winner. You only forgot a couple like How Green Was My Valley and Ordinary People. Well done.

To quote myself (the highest authority on these forums) from my Oscar thread:


But everyone has their own taste and opinion so what they might get right or wrong is entirely subjective. For instance, I prefer Ordinary People over Raging Bull and am glad it won Best Picture as I regard it a better film, and yet, that view would be in the minority for many people.

And of the movies that have won Best Picture, I feel Ordinary People is more watchable than a lot of them and I would rank it higher than a quite a few of that group. As it stands, there are only 2 Best Picture winners I have yet to see. The Greatest Show on Earth (considered one of the worst choices ever) and Out of Africa which is why I'm quite confident in stating so and jumping to its defense. I would like to see those 2 last films and wrap up that bit of movie knowledge for myself before this years Oscars. Yay my life.

Donald "On The Waterfront" Theriault sez:

A release date for Bayonetta that comes before the 4th quarter of this year.

the asylumFebruary 22, 2014

Either new F-Zero, new Star Fox, or new Custom Robo.

...even though I know that I'm better off waiting for new Shenmue

SarailFebruary 23, 2014

What Neal said. A million times over, even. #MikeJonesForSmash!

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