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Episode 912: Mi-AI-moto Has Gone Rogue, All Tables Are In Danger

by James Jones, Greg Leahy, Jon Lindemann, and Guillaume Veillette - February 2, 2025, 7:53 pm EST
Total comments: 2

Contact the Braintal team; we got a corker for them.

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This week SEGA has a business idea for you: business ideas (00:00:00). Imagine waking up and saying "What would SEGA think of this problem?"

We asked for your "investor questions," which is a polite way of saying we asked you to make fun of the investor briefings. We got more content than we had time for. What we did get to: can we literally kill physical games (00:20:50), can we deflate the Japanese economy (00:29:15), why don't we [Nintendo] have an MOMRPG (00:46:12), AI and Google trying valiantly to summarize AI (00:55:11), Swixbox (01:13:55), bringing back Miitomo as a blockchain scam (01:25:29) and flooding the eShop for maximum income (01:38:36). Y'all are demented.

After a break, we roll into some New Business. Guillaume is playing 3DS launch game Ridge Racer 3D (01:50:07), which is nicely timed to the release of Ridge Racer 64 on NSO. He is also upgrading his Xbox for reasons unknown even to us (02:07:14). Jon is trapped in No Man's Sky and its endless new content (02:15:38). Greg has DKC: Returns (02:27:41) and we also talk about the new SNES expansion game Sutte Hakkun.

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This episode was edited by Guillaume Veillette. The "Men of Leisure" theme song was produced exclusively for Radio Free Nintendo by Perry Burkum. Hear more at Perry's SoundCloud. The Radio Free Nintendo logo was produced by Connor Strickland. See what he's up to at his website.

This episode's ending music is "Happy Birthday" from Gimmick!. It was requested by K-S-O. All rights reserved by SUNCORPORATION.


pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterFebruary 02, 2025

I regret nothing.

LemonadeFebruary 02, 2025

Great to hear Gimmick music at the end of this episode. I think it is the best music that was ever made for NES/Famicom.
I have the soundtrack CD that Iam8bit released a few years ago.

I also have the physical copy of the re release on Switch. Its cool to have because famicom cartridges of the game are extremely expensive. The only issue is, I think the game is not actually very good, partly because of its difficulty.

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