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Episode 892: The Sound of One Hand Mario-ing

by James Jones and Guillaume Veillette - September 15, 2024, 7:59 pm EDT
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This is a sad and lonely episode.

Greg: Gone. Jon: Missing. James: Present. Guillaume: Impersonating everyone else.

Did we plan for a two-man show? Absolutely not. Is it what we would have wanted? Nope. Did it happen? Only you can decide if that was Greg "ahoy-hoy"-ing or if Guillaume is a great impersonator.

We're very New Business today. We decided to alternate due to (hand waving). James kicks the show off with Mario Run (00:06:18). It is...a respectable effort. It's also not very fun. Guillaume continues to control the roaring 1980s with Yakuza 0 (00:37:52). James teaches the controversy in the alarmingly improbable Emio - The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club (00:56:45). Guillaume closes us out with the relaxing vibes of Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid (01:29:14).

This episode was edited by Guillaume Veillette . The "Men of Leisure" theme song was produced exclusively for Radio Free Nintendo by Perry Burkum. Hear more at Perry's SoundCloud. The Radio Free Nintendo logo was produced by Connor Strickland. See what he's up to at his website.

This episode's ending music is "Get Over The Barrier! silent devotion" from The Legend of Heroes: Zero No Kiseki Super Arrange Version . It was composed by Falcom Sound Team jdk It was selected by James. All rights reserved by Falcom.

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