Jon amiibo watch is officially on.
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This week Guillaume kicks the show off with a look at dungeon crawler/dating sim Boyfriend Dungeon. We have a literally "man who's only played Persona" moment, and he concludes he's about to fall off the game. Greg has a 12 year old's fever dream: Cruis'n Blast. It's a racing game with UFOs and dinosaurs. It's like Excite Truck but without all the restraint. Jon proves James right (yet again) by breaking his one week old vow to buy no more amiibo. This time he has the Monster Hunter Rise set, which listeners will remember, he already had preordered and then cancelled. James closes out New Business by closing out Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars. Stay tuned for the inevitable sequel.
After a break, we dive into Listener Mail. This week we: argue over what "indie" means, figure out what game we bought the most times, and create SP versions of N64 games for the Switch Online Expansion Pack. You can create our SP version by sending an email.
This episode was edited by Guillaume Veillette. The "Men of Leisure" theme song was produced exclusively for Radio Free Nintendo by Perry Burkum. Hear more at Perry's SoundCloud. The Radio Free Nintendo logo was produced by Connor Strickland. See more of his work at his website.
This episode's ending music is DungeonX, a remix of the Dungeon theme from The Legend of Zelda. Remixed and requested by PPko. All rights reserved by Nintendo Co., Ltd.