We're still looking to sell out, but no one's buying.
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We overcome hotel wifi this week to bring you the finest conversation about the latest Switch releases. And to help out in Jon's absence, we bring in guest Syrenne McNulty. Kicking off New Business is Greg who discovers Rocket League for himself after hearing so much about it. Is the long-awaited Switch version worth the compromises made to make it work? Syrenne similarly weighs in on the tradeoffs necessary to make Doom, LA Noire and Skyrim portable. She's also got you covered if you want to hear about Snipperclips Plus, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon, and *sharp intake of air* Nintendo Presents New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star. Guillaume has impressions for RIVE, the new shooter from the makers of the criminally overlooked Toki Tori 2. Finally, James finds that the "Switch on an airplane" falls a bit short of what Nintendo's marketing promised us.
If Listener Mail this week has a theme, it's unconfortable thought experiments: what new horrors can we create by affixing "Wa" to our favorite characters? How low are we willing to go to sell out? Can we cook up better (read: worse) fictional titles than Glitter Metroid or Blatterhouse? And in a world where "Pyramid Head Bomber" is a thing, can we think up any ill-advised crossovers Konami hasn't already made reality?
Coming up, on December 2, it will be time for the 8th Annual NWR Telethon. RFN will be kicking off the show at noon, with our next RetroActive: La-Mulana for WiiWare. There was a poll. Things happened. Here we are. We hope you can join us. The talkback thread for the RetroActive is now open.
This episode was edited by Guillaume Veillette. The "Men of Leisure" theme song was produced exclusively for Radio Free Nintendo by Perry Burkum. Hear more at Perry's SoundCloud. The Radio Free Nintendo logo was produced by Connor Strickland. See more of his work at his website.
This episode's ending music is requested by MASB: Tearing up the Turnpike, from Contra III for SNES. All rights reserved by Konami.