When a wall just cannot contain all our personal failings.
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By the time you hear this, E3 2017 will have kicked off. Hopefully you'll be able to join us Tuesday evening for the RFN Live Show. We'll be streaming at NWR starting at 8 ET (5 PT, 12 GMT). You can join us in the new NWR Discord to ask questions and give us your thoughts. We'll have an article with all details up on Tuesday. For more details about ALL NWR's streaming plans check here.
Now for the show. James can't remember what he said about Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, so he covers it yet again. 30+ hours in, he's deeply invested and actually dares Nintendo to remake more Fire Emblem games. Guillaume bought Gem Apples in Team Kirby Crash Deluxe. Setting aside that shame, he explores The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, and finds it doesn't stand up to personal-favorite Link's Awakening. He concludes New Business regaling us with stories of Snipperclips as a non-native English speaker. Jon's predictions are already wrong; there is no Pokémon Stars for Switch, but that doesn't stop him from claiming that he's going to be vindicated. In the end, we review the entire Pokémon Direct before he transitions to talking about Forza Horizon 3 and related Millennial-focused music festivals. Greg reports from the last round of the ARMS Testpunch and - in his own words - returned to Metroid: Zero Mission for "no particular reason".
Listener Mail starts off with someone aiming to out-Gui at his own game, giving us a dark vision of Zelda's mobile game. Our second question asks if every Nintendo Account on your Switch will have to pay for online, or if one fee covers everyone. The final email asks about Nintendo's recent trend towards giving players control options. You can ask us about future online control options to bop AR Koroks by sending us an email.
This episode was edited by James Jones. The "Men of Leisure" theme song was produced exclusively for Radio Free Nintendo by Perry Burkum. Hear more at Bluffs Custom Music's SoundCloud. The Radio Free Nintendo logo was produced by Connor Strickland. See more of his work at his website.
This episode's ending music is Catenae Fortunae from Pandora's Tower. It was requested by Kira. All rights reserved by Nintendo Co. Ltd.