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March 30, 1999

Better Game List? Rumor

by Billy Berghammer - 8:35 pm EST
Source: Desmond Gaban

A rumored games list.

Desmond Gaban has updated his page with a new feature...a game list. You may want to see what he thinks is coming to the N2000. And so far...it is better than mine by a long shot. Hey Desmond...want to do my game list? Heh! E-mail me! This is what he's got so far...Makes you want to drool doesn't it?


March 29, 1999

More Monday Rumors Rumor

by Billy Berghammer - 7:40 pm EST
Source: Magic Box

N2000 spec rumors!

Monday's can be good and bad. This is good. Magic Box has some good rumors floating around Japan on the Specs of the N2000.

Rumor: Some info about the Nintendo 2001 (the next Nintendo console) are circulating in Japan, the new system is said to use a custom 128-bit CPU running at 400 MHz, and... Read more...


by Billy Berghammer - 8:22 am EST
Source: FGN Online

The Arkansas legislature (figures) is considering an anti-games bill that could affect state arcades in a bad way.

Something to mull over your cheerios with. All I have to say is that this is the most disturbing thing in America that I have ever heard in my life, since people blaming murders on music. Thanks to FGN.

Arkansas State Legislature is considering a new bill outlawing the freedom to "knowingly... Read more...

March 28, 1999


by Billy Berghammer - 8:18 am EST
Source: OperationN2000

Nothing, Zilch.

Jeez...what a slow news weekend. There really hasn't been squat! I will be working a lot on the structure with this page. Besides obvious reasons (like...um...no news) I haven't had a whole lot of time lately to update. One news point...OperatioN2000 has been updated. Check it out :).


March 25, 1999

Dreamcast First Impressions

by Billy Berghammer - 6:38 pm EST

So what did Billy really think?

Well I am sure you have seen a quite a bit of Dreamcast coverage, but I finally had a chance to play with a Dreamcast first hand. So was I impressed? Sort of. It's funny. I remember the first time I played Mario 64 at a Blockbuster a while before the N64 was released. I just about soiled myself.... Read more...

March 24, 1999

Busy Fellahs

by Billy Berghammer - 11:00 pm EST
Source: OperatioN2000

Who's confirmed already for N2000 development?

The fine men over at OperatioN2000 have been rather busy. Seems to be a complete update. Also check out their Forum. Very nice! Also, Desmond has some sweet info about developers...

Confirmed Developers



Iguana Studios

Retro Studios

Factor 5


Looking Glass Studios


March 22, 1999

Interesting Sh** Rumor

by Billy Berghammer - 9:30 pm EST
Source: Gaban.com

Rumors, rumors, rumors...

Rumors. With this system there seems to be a lot of them. But this one is one of the better ones that I have heard as of yet. Desmond Gaban (former N64hq'er) has a site that lists a great rumor from a supposed friend of a friend of a....well you know. Factor 5 ring a bell at all?


Miyamoto Speaks again...

by Billy Berghammer - 9:10 pm EST
Source: IGN64

Second party news!

Ya ask for news...well here it is. IGN actually has two N2000 stories today. Not only do we learn that Koby Bryant's creators Left Field will be official second party developers for Nintendo of America, but The big M speaks to IGN64 at the Game Developers Conference.

As with Nintendo 64, legendary...

Thursday will be a BIG day!

by Billy Berghammer - 9:40 am EST

Big I tells ya...BIG!

If you are a Star Wars fan! Lucas Arts will be releasing screen shots of their new Star Ware Episode 1 game for the N64 (tentatively called Pod Racer). Plus they will be talking about the upcoming games to be released across the consoles. Could something be said about the N2000? We can only hope. The N64 game is supposed to hit store shelves in late May or early June.


I want the WHOLE speech

by Billy Berghammer - 9:35 am EST
Source: Nintendo

Yeah baby. Shiggy speaks!

Okay, okay! Nintendo put up the "official" transcript of Miyamoto's Keynote Speech up on their site. Thanks FGN.


March 21, 1999

It's all in the motion baby... Site News

by Billy Berghammer - 3:49 pm EST

It's wacky. Really. Wacky.

I've been screwing with the page all day. I've been having a lot of fun with this program called Microsoft Liquid Motion. Pretty cool if you ask me. So if the menu frame kind of sucks for a while, please bear with the changes. But let me know what you think. If it loads to slow or doesn't at all. I'd appreciate it :) And if you're a webmaster check this program out. Pretty slick if you don't want to learn java...


March 19, 1999

Just because I wanna bitch tonight

by Billy Berghammer - 8:54 pm EST
Source: IGN64

Bust-A-Move gets delayed, and I'm a little upset.

It's official. The only game I've been officially planning on buying for a while for my 64 has been delayed again. Bust-A-Move '99. You F*&%ing bastards. The game's been done for a while. The full (official) story is on IGN64.

Bust-A-Move '99 will no doubt go into the record books as the... Read more...

The Man Speaks

by Billy Berghammer - 8:48 pm EST
Source: IGN64

Shiggy speaks...people listen.

I would have loved to have been to the GDC! The big man Miyamoto was there, and had a few (keynote!) words to say. The whole speech is here at IGN64.com Hey man, I want more Zelda. I know Kween Zelda needs to be saved. Or was that Princess? Whatever...

Shall I begin making Zelda for our...

N2000 to launch with Samus?

by Billy Berghammer - 2:58 pm EST
Source: OperatioN2000's rumors

Justin's ranting again....look out!

Last night there was a story on IGN64 about Metroid 64 to be in the works, and the people were happy. Supposedly to be using the Zelda engine, and the people were very happy. But I hear today that the rumor is not true...for part of it. EAD supposedly has no N64 projects currently underway. So... Read more...

Spring Break Mario Style

by Billy Berghammer - 12:32 pm EST
Source: News Stream

Beers, Chicks, and Mario! What's wrong with that?

Now this would be cool. Getting painted kiwi color in commemoration of Game Boy Color. While on the beach during Spring Break! Florida sounds really nice right about now. Get your eyes and ears full in Real Audio. Thanks Newstream!


March 18, 1999

Experimenting Site News

by Billy Berghammer - 9:48 pm EST


Not a whole lot going on in news, so I've been playing with the graphics and other options. Any comments? Let me know. Anything look stupid? I haven't been able to look at any of this on any one elses puter...so if it blows...


March 17, 1999

Busy Guys!

by Billy Berghammer - 1:31 pm EST
Source: OperatioN2000

OpN has been rather busy!

Man, the new crew over at OperatioN2000 have sure been busy. A new update, even with mailbag! Reminds me of the good 'ol days of the N64HQ mailbag. Also even a good rumor about....Metroid?! Well a rumor is better than nothing!


Lucky Charms

by Billy Berghammer - 1:02 pm EST

I'm a Leprechaun!

Deeeelicious. Sure. Happy St. Patricks Day to yah. Green beer tastes like piss anyways. I'm only like 5% Irish or something. Slowly but surely I am getting my puter back up and running. Still think I need a vacation. :)


March 16, 1999

Format C;

by Billy Berghammer - 1:48 pm EST

Bad things happen to good computers.

Due to explained difficulties (Bill Gates can eat my Cat's shit) I had to reformat my hard drive on Sunday. I am not quite sure what the exact problem was, but I am doing my best to get everything back online by Wednesday. Fortunately I had everything backed up! Not that anything major happened anyways... Read more...

March 13, 1999

While you're waiting for your N2000

by Billy Berghammer - 9:22 am EST
Source: Mplayer

What to do, what to DO!?

You should scoot over to Mplayer and play Diakatana. Wow this shit is AMAZING. Unfortunately, only two levels, and no single player. All Deathmatch. I've only played it for about an hour, but I must say Mr. Romero, you and Ion Storm have put together a nice game so far. I can't wait until the... Read more...


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