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Metroid Prime Record Set

by Jonathan Metts - May 3, 2003, 10:08 am EDT
Total comments: 10 Source: Twin Galaxies

Retro Studios' masterpiece has been completed in only 1 hour, 46 minutes.

Twin Galaxies, the organization responsible for recording and maintaining world records in gaming, has announced their newest world record holder. Henru Wang from Berkeley, California has beaten Metroid Prime in just 1 hour and 46 minutes.

Wang accomplished this feat through a combination of speedy movement, strategic use of the Morph Ball and bombs for transportation, and knowledge of which upgrades can be skipped or obtained out of order. He plans to continue improving his time, but the current milestone is enough to earn his place in the record books.

Hit the link above for an interview with Wang and more information about the record-setting run.


rpgloverMay 04, 2003

thats damn fast

Darc RequiemMay 04, 2003

I just don't see how its possible, but its official. That guys damned good....thats all I'l say.

Darc Requiem

3_MaSteRPIeCEMay 04, 2003

that is too crazy.

enigma487May 04, 2003

i'm usually more about getting everything than doing it quick....

ThorMay 04, 2003

That is an awesome effort.

I assume that it is with the NTSC version. I wonder how much slower/faster he would go with the PAL version which has been "tweaked". Enemys/bosses have been made more difficult, as well as upgrades harder to achieve. Not by a substancial amount but could be enough.

Solr_FlareMay 04, 2003

Hey all, just thought I'd supply some more information. I'm one of the group of people over from gamefaqs that helped with sequence breaking some of this stuff and who was mentioned in part of the interview. Calfoolio(aka Henru Wang) is just amazing and a master at speed running the game. Basically he built his techniques off of the sequence breaking discoveries that a bunch of us pieced together over the last few months.

As for the version, yes it was done on the NTSC version but basedon the info we have recieved from PAL players we estimate maybe a 5 to 10 minute difference at most between the two versions of the games. If you are going for an any percent run like Cal's was, you can break and the added obsitcals won't affect you much at all..mainly its just added boss strength that will slowly add on to your time. But yeah, PAL times at best will be about 5 to 10 minutes longer than NTSC version times.

But the records aren't quite done yet heh. We estimate that on the NTSC version, with a perfect run, we can get a speed run down to 1 hour 35 minutes or so, also we have another member of our group, Kip, who is working on a 1 hour 59 minute 100% completion run(Cal's was any percent completion). Also, its probably not really all that important, but we have at least one 24% hard mode completion fully recorded from begining to end as well.

If you guys want more info, we have a site set up that contains just about all our sequence breaking knowledge for Metroid Prime. Its not a speed run oriented site, just minimal completion and/or getting stuff early...but most of the techniques described in there are critical to getting high speed times. The site is currently being updated to all the most current info so a few of the links may not be up and functional at the moment, but its a great read and pretty much contains 5 months of dedicated work by us fanatics face-icon-small-smile.gif If speed runs aren't your thing, you may at least want to try a 24% hard mode run...its about as hard as you can imagine to do face-icon-small-smile.gif

Anyway...the site is here:


Keep an eye out though...that world record will probably be topped by one of us(likely Wang again heh) in the not too distant future.

RizeDavid Trammell, Staff AlumnusMay 04, 2003

I used to try and beat Super Metroid as fast as possible. I know I got my time to below 2 hours, but maybe even lower than that. Maybe 1 hour, my memory is a bit fuzzy. If you remember that beating Super Metroid in one hour is basically a physical impossibilty, then it probably is.

There were a lot of cool short cuts in that game though!

pingsmothMay 05, 2003

My record for a Metroid game is on Super Metroid. I beat it without ever getting the high-jump boots. :-)

RizeDavid Trammell, Staff AlumnusMay 05, 2003

Yeah, but can you beat it without getting the varia (you can get the gravity suit still)?

pingsmothMay 06, 2003

Hmmm...now there's one for the books. No, I haven't beaten it without the Varia suit. Is it possible? Tell ya what...I'll accept your challenge, if you accept mine!

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