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Must See Miyamoto TV

by Billy Berghammer - April 14, 2003, 8:55 am EDT
Total comments: 37

A new documentary about video games premiers this Wednesday night on The Learning Channel. Did I mention that Shigeru Miyamoto will be featured?

Gameheadz Premieres on TLC on Wednesday 16th April at 10pm ET/PT

TLC presents a new documentary that tells the story of the early pioneers of the world's fastest growing entertainment industry. It's a tale of visionaries, brilliant inventors and genius hippie renegades - the story of Computer Games.

It all began with the unveiling of PONG in a local Californian tavern in 1972. Atari's founder Nolan Bushnell and Pong's creator Al Alcorn tell the story of how they created the games industry with a bunch of spare parts and an old wooden crate.

Gameheadz includes never-before-seen footage from "A Day at Atari" - a mock documentary made by Atari employees in the late seventies.

Activision founder and star designer, David Crane, explains what went wrong at Atari and how it led to the entire industry collapsing in 1983.

Ralph Baer, creator of the Odyssey system, sets the record straight on who really invented video games.

In the early Nineteen-Eighties, British teenagers revolutionised the computer games industry with games they designed at home on cheap computers - computers bought by parents to help with their homework.

Oliver Twins, Philip and Andrew, tell the story of how they sold their first game at the age of thirteen and went on to become millionaires. Their collaboration with the teenage Darling Brothers helped build one of the world's most powerful and acclaimed game publishers, Codemasters.

Nintendo filled the void left by the collapse of Atari and the American computer games industry.

Thanks to the work of its creative genius, Shigeru Miyamoto, the company became synonymous with computer games and its mascot, Mario became more famous than Mickey Mouse.

Gameheadz explains the Miyamoto phenomenon, tracing his inspirations back to a magical childhood spent exploring the Japanese countryside. Miyamoto tells the story of how an amazing series of twists of fate led to him being asked to design his first game - Donkey Kong.

A highlight for game fans in particular is Miyamoto performing the theme tune to Super Mario Bros. on his guitar.

And Miyamoto reveals how he came up with the magic formula for Zelda - the game critics said at the time was doomed to failure, but has since been acclaimed as the greatest series of computer games ever made.

Nintendo's dominance of the games industry was assured when it scooped the world rights to Russian puzzler Tetris - the most addictive game of all time.

Henk Rogers tells the story of how he travelled to Moscow in the dying months of communism, befriended the games creator Alexey Pajitnov and won the rights to Tetris against strong competition from Hungarian publisher Robert Stein and the wishes of the KGB.

Alexey Pajitnov reveals how he came up with the game that has driven a generation of children and adults alike to the brink of insanity. And this program gives viewers a rare glimpse of his original version of the game in action on a Soviet Electronica 60 computer.


KimchiApril 14, 2003

Awesome.. I must not miss that. **Writes a bunch of notes to himself.**

RobageejamminApril 14, 2003

Shiggy on the gee-tar?!!? MUST SEE!

reyontoyenyApril 14, 2003

I am so watching it. Finding documentaries on videogames on tv is very rare. The most I get are very superficial news reports intended for adults who have no clue what videogames are. I say it's about time people cover and document videogames to the level of tv and cinema on television. I don't have G4, so I can't watch that channel. I can't wait to see Shiggy on guitar, too.

GamefreakApril 14, 2003

Guitar?...I've only seen him play banjo...Maybe they couldn't tell the difference?...
Let's seen 10:00 Wednesday....That better be night...

ToolvanaApril 14, 2003

Holy crap.
/me sets vcr to record two days in advance just in case

Ninja XApril 14, 2003

Times like this make me wish I had cable...

CloudSpekkApril 14, 2003

I don't even know if I get this channel. face-icon-small-sad.gif

NintendoApril 15, 2003

Is anyone able to capture this in a nice .mpg file?

I can host it for everyone to download on 1 or 2 ftp's.

Grey NinjaApril 15, 2003

Sorry, I have no way of recording or digitizing my cable.... Maybe someone else can.


Originally posted by: Kimchi
Awesome.. I must not miss that. **Writes a bunch of notes to himself.**

Yeah, I wrote it on a post it note and stuck it to my TV. face-icon-small-smile.gif

OrangeLazarusApril 15, 2003

I'll try to capture this on my comp. I'm not an expert doing this but i'll do my best. What size file would you want it to be for it to be hosted on your ftp?

Uncle Rich AiAiApril 15, 2003

I beg anyone to capture Miyamoto performing the theme tune to Super Mario Bros. on his guitar.

I beg you, please...

KimchiApril 15, 2003

I wonder if Kondo taught him or he figured it out by ear... To tell the truth, I don't know as much as I'd like about Shiggy; I didn't even know he played guitar or banjo or whatever.

BloodworthDaniel Bloodworth, Staff AlumnusApril 15, 2003

He plays both by the way.

ThePermApril 15, 2003

he plays anything with strings probably...well maybe not the violin...but hes talented ...you never know...he used to be in a blugrass band...or does that still as a hobby.

KimchiApril 15, 2003

I wonder if the crazy banjo part in that race / rainbow level / etc. music in Super Mario 64 was Shiggy's idea...

Kondo: Here's the music for the rainbow ride level...
Miyamoto: Ah, very nice.. but it needs more crazy banjo in it.
Kondo: OK, got it.

ThePermApril 16, 2003

anyone on the east coast seen it?
how was it?

"Sky"April 16, 2003

I just saw it. Pretty well done and I came out of it with more knowledge such as the creator of Tetris, Ralph Baer, Codemasters, and the creation of Activision.
My video game knowledge expands face-icon-small-happy.gif

Does anyone know if there will there be a continuation of this?

GamefreakApril 16, 2003

I just saw it. Great stuff. I like the part about Zelda being the greatest game series of all time face-icon-small-happy.gif

I sure hope there's a continuation of this...

Oh, and Kondo didn't compose the Super Mario theme. Miyamoto did, with an electric keyboard. He plays guitar and loves music. Kondo came in a little bit later and composed all the rest, but Miyamoto is responsible for Mario tune..

Well done, "Leopard Productions" face-icon-small-wink.gif Never heard of em...

So, as we already knew, the games industry is already bigger than the movie industry...just two more to go before it becomes the biggest and baddest of all entertainment industries: Music and Home Video. How many years till #1?...(games industry is like 10 or 11 billion, home video is around 15 billion I believe, and music is like 30 billion dollars...movies are like 7 or 8 billion by the way, not sure about TV..).

Grey NinjaApril 16, 2003

OH CRAP! I missed it... face-icon-small-sad.gif I was playing Skies of Arcadia and completely forgot....

Did anyone make a recording of it? I can host 50MB of it in 10MB chunks if anyone wants to send it to me.

Grey NinjaApril 16, 2003

Phew.... I just checked TLC's schedule, and it seems that it's going to be on again at 1:00 AM ET, 11:00PM MST. I will make an even BIGGER effort to watch it this time around.

reyontoyenyApril 16, 2003

It was an interesting documentary overall. They didn't show too much of Miyamotot playing the guitar though. It was nice to see how Miyamoto's childhood adventures (he discovered a lake!) influenced Zelda.

Grey NinjaApril 16, 2003

I loved the show, and I will be watching again next week. It's rare indeed to see the story told objectively and truthfully.

KimchiApril 17, 2003

My two minor complaints:
1. They should have just subtitled Miyamoto, rather than dub him in a quiet voice with a factitious japanese accent.
2. They should have shown him playing guitar without dialogue over it.

It was awesome.

OrangeLazarusApril 17, 2003

I have captured the video in a 97.1 MB file. If someone wants to host it, e-mail me at donmattingly_23@hotmail.com.

mouse_clickerApril 17, 2003

Overall I thought it was pretty good (I was especially glad they paid due credit to Alexy Pajitnov for creating the best puzzle game ever). My only complaint? It only went up to the release of the Gameboy! They spent too much time talking about Codemasters and completely missed the whole SNES/Genesis Nintendo/Sega war, the N64/PSX war where Sony took over the industry, and the current generation.

At least they talked about Zelda's origins, though. face-icon-small-happy.gif

OrangeLazarusApril 17, 2003

I also caputed a video of the show about just Miyamoto and Nintendo and its about 22.2 MB. Again, if anyone wants to host just this, let me know.

reyontoyenyApril 17, 2003

Seeing this show only made me want to watch more videogame-releated programming on tv. All the suddenly, i feel like getting G4 all over again. (even though i heard that channel is superficial and is hosted by people who seem like they never played any games.)

ThePermApril 17, 2003

yes thats what i hear....thats what penny arcade said

NintendoApril 18, 2003

Thanks to OrangeLazarus everyone can now download the entire game program of Miyamoto on TV from my server here:
http://www.virtual-boy.org/Gameheadz_on_TLC.avi (99MB)
Although it didn't work for me (I keep getting a blurry view, anyone know why?), you will need the following codec to view the .avi file properly:
Both of the links are safe to download from, as I checked them with the latest updates from McAfee.
Enjoy the show face-icon-small-smile.gif

I watched the show...it was OK. It honestly didn't say anything I didn't know already. For those that enjoyed it, I'd suggest reading "Game Over: Press Start to Continue" by David Sheff. It's an amazing book that provides a very detailed chronicle of the history of video games up to about 1996. It includes everything that was in this show and a whole lot more.

The story of how Nintendo got Tetris is worth the price of the book alone.


BlkPaladinApril 20, 2003

Yes they seemed to have covered everything that I basically knew about Nintendo, they did fill in some minor details here and there. I think its a series of documentaries some one should check to see if a game heads in on TLC next week.

Grey NinjaApril 21, 2003

Nintendo, the link wouldn't work for me.... I assume that you have taken it off your server already? I would like a digital copy for my own personal archive... I guess I missed out.

And I really can't wait for this week's show. It didn't say anything that I hadn't already been aware of to some degree, but it is fascinating all the same. This show could really be a hit with gamers. I wonder if anyone has told Tycho and Gabe about it yet?

KulockApril 22, 2003

It felt like it was missing an hour, or that it was the start of a series (but I don't see it scheduled for the same time next week).

But what was there was good. They just really skipped some major things, and stopped quite early on. I'd love it if they were commissioned to do a full series of it by TLC, though.

Grey NinjaApril 22, 2003

You're right....

Here's the link to TLC's customer support.

Let's all hassle them to make more Gameheadz.

NintendoApril 22, 2003


Originally posted by: Grey Ninja
Nintendo, the link wouldn't work for me.... I assume that you have taken it off your server already? I would like a digital copy for my own personal archive... I guess I missed out.

It is still online. I think you'll have to use Download Accelerator (DAP) if you want to be able to download it.

roblablobJuly 26, 2003

hey nintendo, I can't seem to access that file. Have you taken it off the server or is it just me? If someone could give me a link to download it from I would be really grateful. I live in the UK so I can't watch it but from what you guys have been saying it sounds really good and I'd like to watch it.

Ocarina BlueJuly 27, 2003

I saw this program bieng advertised on Australian and New Zealand discovery channel. It's on the 23rd of August, 7:30PM NZT, which is 5:30 in most parts of Aussie, I think.

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