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Game Boy Color Reaches New Fashion Heights

by Ben Kosmina - September 17, 2002, 3:45 am EDT
Discuss in talkback! Source: Syberpunk

Don't have any pockets to store your Game Boy? Stick them in your shoes and make a fashion statement!

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Ah, Japan. The land of the toilet-roll hat, chopsticks with their own fans and of course, Engrish (Shine Get!). And now Japan can chalk off another task on their list of things to do with their telescopic chalk holder, as they've invented the latest chic fashion: Game Boy Color SHOES AND BOOTS.

That's right, the humble Game Boy has been turned into something truly wearable - no more worrying with wrist straps that may snap. You just put on a pair of these and you'll never have to worry about leaving your system at home - you can pop the Game Boy out of the boots and they're still fully playable! Well, unless you went trudging about in mud, or decided to do some cross country running. But you'd probably sprain your ankle before damaging the Game Boy in a pair of these, anyway.

According to Syberpunk, these boots are all the rage with teens in Japan. Not for me though - I'm waiting for the Panasonic Q hat.

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