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Latest Famitsu Scores

by Bakudan Yoshinoya - September 17, 2002, 2:01 am EDT
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Famitsu reviews Disney’s Skateboarding for the GC and Super Mario Advance 3 for the GBA.

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In the latest issue of Famitsu, Super Mario Advance 3 was awarded a silver mark with the score of 31 (8,8,7,8). The other GBA game, Samurai Evolution (Enix), received a score of 28 (7,8,7,6). The only GC title reviewed, Disney Sport’s Skateboarding, received a 29 (7,7,7,8)

The scores are summarized below:

  • Super Mario Advance 3 (GBA, Nintendo): 8, 8, 7,8 (silver)

  • Samurai Evolution (GBA, Enix): 7,8,7,6

  • Disney Sport’s Skateboarding (GC, Konami): 7,7,7,8

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