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What the hell is going on?

by Billy Berghammer - April 15, 2002, 7:55 am EDT

Yes, we know the server is slow. But WHY? The answers you seek are inside...

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I've gotten about 500 e-mails asking why the server has been slow for the past couple of days.

We're currently moving servers, as well as doing a lot of work on the backend of Planet GameCube. Images might not work or be missing, pages might not work, and the site will also be slow.

Due to some serious server cost increases, we have a cap on our bandwidth, and we've needed to start the process to move servers. We should be back to normal in a day or two....

The truth is, we could use your help. Our server costs for the past couple months have increased 200%. We're gearing up for E3 2002, and could use a little help from our readers. If you can, stop by our donations page and help feed the server. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support and your patience through this transition.

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