We got rarity, a fighter, and Culture Brain.
Nintendo has dropped a trio of retro games into the SNES Switch Online library this evening. The new additions:
- Super Ninja Boy (1993) is the second game in the Ninja Boy series developed by Culture Brain, an action RPG that has both action and turn-based combat sequences.
- Fatal Fury 2 (1994) is the second game in the SNK fighting series originally released on Neo Geo platforms. The game adds five new playable characters to the classic trio of Terry and Andy Bogard and Joe Higashi. The arcade version of Fatal Fury 2 is also available on Switch, launching into the Arcade Archives in June 2017.
- Sutte Hakkun (1997 - SFC) is a Nintendo published action puzzle game that also received a release on the Sattelaview. It was one of the first project by indieszero, and in a 2018 feature Neal Ronaghan described Sutte Hakkun with "seems heavily inspired by Lode Runner".