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Metroid Prime 4 To Go Beyond In 2025

by Donald Theriault - June 18, 2024, 10:46 am EDT
Total comments: 1 Source: Nintendo Direct

Yes folks, we got proof of life.

Metroid Prime 4 is going to go even farther beyond.

The final announcement was the first gameplay reveal for Metroid Prime 4, now subtitled "Beyond" and announced for a 2025 release. This is the first appearance of the game since development was rebooted in January 2019 and handed over to Retro Studios, after only being previously shown as a "4" logo at E3 2017 ahead of the announcement of Metroid: Samus Returns for 3DS at Treehouse Live.


M.K.UltraYesterday at 11:43 am

This has to be a dual release on Switch and successor right?

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