Louie, I promise I'll be home soon man! Find out where the hell I am, and when I'll be coming home. There's just something I can't leave with out!
As I write this, I am avoiding a torrential downpour outside. Luckily I found a pretty sweet (and cheap) Internet cafe so I’m pounding out a quick update or two. I’ve received numerous e-mails and questions on my whereabouts, and when I am returning home. I think most of you have figured out why I haven’t returned.
Yes, I am staying in Japan until the GameCube launch. I am planning on camping out for about 16-24 hours in Akihabara coving the Japanese launch of the Nintendo GameCube. Sure, I could have come home early, and ordered my GameCube from an import store and probably gotten it around the same time. But after Hong offered me a place to stay for nearly nothing, I decided to stay until launch.
Back when I was working for the N64HQ I remember seeing pictures of the Japanese N64 launch. There were people lined up and camped out all over the place. If you are going to be somewhere for the launch of a system, Akihabara is the place to be. It’s basically tradition here. I just can’t believe I’ll be a part of it, as well as get to cover the event almost live for Planet GameCube.
Starting next week Friday I’ll have updates from the front of the line, what it’s like and how I’m going about scoring my GameCube. I’ve probably said the phrase, "I never thought _____________ would happen with or because of Planet" about a million times...but I think this experience pretty much tops it all. Getting my GameCube in Akihabara at launch.... The concept still gives me goose bumps. If it wasn’t for the outstanding staff of PlanetN2000 and Planet GameCube, as well as the support of our families, friends, and of course the readers, this wouldn’t have been possible. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
The GameCube launch is a mere 8 days away. I’m proud to represent Planet GameCube in Akihabara for launch, as well as get to share the experience with you the readers. It’s been a long road, but the wait is almost over.