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Shrek-io Kart

by Max Lake - July 13, 2001, 12:41 am EDT
Source: FGN Online

The animated ogre that’s belching up big box office success & starred in a red hot GBC title is now racing to the Game Boy Advance in his own kart-title from TDK Mediactive.

Shrek is an animated movie that has a hysterical take on fairy tales & has many filmgoers and movie critics alike raving. A Game Boy Color based on Shrek by TDK Mediactive, Shrek Fairy Tale Freakdown has already sold really well, so it comes as no big surprise to learn TDK is cooking up a GBA title. The game will be a kart racer& will feature characters such as Shrek, Princess Fiona, Lord Farquaad and Donkey. Currently, the game is unnamed and is scheduled for release in spring 2002.

Quoth TDK:

"The new Game Boy Advance title will be a great addition to an already impressive line from TDK," said Brad Globe, head of DreamWorks Consumer Products. "We're pleased to have a top-selling Game Boy Color title in Shrek Fairy Tale Freakdown and are looking forward to continuing the Shrek franchise."

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