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Kutaragi Claims X-Box DOA?

by Justin Nation - May 24, 2001, 4:53 am EDT
Source: c|net

It appears the post-E3 war of words has officially begun and in the opening volley Nintendo escapes unscathed... UPDATE

While not dealing specifically with GameCube it always pays to keep an eye on what the competition is doing. In this case, Sony's president Ken Kutaragi has taken an almost Yamauchi-ish approach in slamming down the newest kid on the block, Microsoft.

But apparently it isn't only Sony's illustrious president that had bad things to say about the X-Box. Even more fuel is thrown onto the fire with the following statement:

The Xbox's 16 games "were just extensions of PC games," Shunji Yamashina, a games analyst at Societe Generale, told the FT. "Nobody needs to buy an Xbox."


IE Magazine has posted a similar story, but added that Mr. Kutaragi found the GCN impressive, and expects Nintendo be much more successful that Microsoft, thanks to brand name and price.

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